Drake Redman Case Files: The Elf

in drakeredman •  4 years ago 

Drake understood that arrogance, greed, and a certain disdainful prejudice were among his finest personality traits. It wasn’t every day that the red dragon encountered someone possessing such noble characteristics in equal measure to himself. The hatred had been instantaneous from the moment Lord sheep fucking EverWind had pranced into the spartan office Drake called home, thrown himself tastefully into the best chair and with a cavalier sniff propped his tiny little elves feet up onto Drake’s desk. Unconsciously Drake sucked at the chipped tooth he’d received a thousand years ago when he was much younger and had tried to crunch elven platemail instead of pealing it properly. It helped keep him from killing his new “client.”

 “Mr. Redman I presume?” The elf asked in a bored tone.

 “That’s what the door says.” Pointedly ignoring the elf, Drake finished pouring his coffee and fished in his breast pocket for a cigarette. Breaking off the filter, he breathed lightly on the tip before putting it to his lips. Sometimes it helped to remind the plebeians that this human form was simply a guise.

 Unfortunately Lord sheep fucker barely twitched an eyebrow. “Those will kill you.”

 “We all came down here to die Lord EverWind.”

 “So you know who I am.”

 “Of course. What do you want?”

 “What I want? No, no, what the Guild wants, Mr. Redman. It is a small project really, hardly worthy of a creature of your talent. Still, the Guild will pay handsomely for it. Quite a lot for such a trifle.”

 “What do you want?” Drake hated negotiations. He was bad at them and the frustration involved made him want to bite people.

 “Just some information, Mr. Redman. The location of a child.”

 Drake laughed, a hash metallic rasp. “Go ask Benny the Snitch. 10 coppers will get you damn near anything.”

 “Unfortunately Bendalton Kingsworthy will not do for this task Mr. Redman. This matter requires discretion;” Lord sheep fucker smiled in an oily manner that reminded Drake of greek fire. “The child is human.”

 Human? How did she get through the gate? The city would be up in arms if this became common knowledge. Discretion indeed. If she could get through then so could Drake, to fly again, to shed this mortal coil, to bask in warm sun instead of cowering in the oubliette of existence… Don’t be a fool, he scolded himself. One human was nothing to the Balance but a Wyrm would bring the whole house of cards crashing down. “How much?”

 “Twenty gold, plus expenses, half now half when you tell me where to find the girl.”

 “Retaining fee is 100 gold.”

 “For such a simple job? Surely you jest.”

 “Simple, yes. That’s why I’m only asking for the retaining fee. Discretion costs more however. This rumor could net 100 gold easy in the Council’s ears. Benny could pay double that himself. You’re asking for my professional discretion Lord EverWind. May I suggest that sometimes you get what you pay for.”

 The sour look that earned was pleasing but Drake worried that he had pushed too far. The information was useless without more specific details. Finally the elf broke and tossed 50 gold pieces onto the desk with a calculated familiarity.

“Agreed,” he said as he rose and strode to the door, obviously done with Drake. “50 now and 50 upon delivery, no expenses.”

 Drake waited three heartbeats before smashing his coffee mug against the closed door.
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