Stickman Adventure, Part 28: Attack!

in drawing •  7 years ago 

Our virtual hero chooses the wooden object and attacks the enemy with it. It does significant damage! The enemy does not seem angry, per se. Just...disappointed in you.

What would you have our hero do next?

Stay Cozy!

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Hehehe now that's awkward

Why didnt the enemy get angry? Why did he only feel disappointed? ...if I were hero, I would strike yet again with the wooden object to see how the enemy reacts yet again.

Haha may be he needed those wooden dildos he forgot in the cave, they would hv worked better


U aint supposed to read my every comment :/

hahahaha..... sure sure...

Maybe he needs to use his own object now :p

Haha ! I think the creature can't be harmed so easily so he should attack him again or just run away if he himself don't want to get harmed.

Well our hero should get a bigger gun and deal more damge, maybe then the enemy will notice

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If the enemy is disappointed in our hero now, because they are surprised about his fighting skills He starts talking to them and shows them all what he has including his 📱with flashlight. Tries to tell the he is not there to harm anyone.

Lets put it away and heal the guy, so they can become best friends.
Now he knows you have the power of the wooden object and has some respect.



He was just jealous

Haters gonna hate!



Hahaha! Hmmm, since it's an enemy, then it might be disappointed that our hero is no challenge. Now would be a good time to run!

I think maybe the enemy secretly enjoys being assaulted with that particular wooden object.

He is disappointed in our hero, so the hero should offer him a drink, then try to heal the damage he did, maybe ask him after which way to go.

The enemy doesn't seem angry because he knows he can regenerate quickly and was expecting that our hero had found his fatal weakness.
Our hero when he notices that the enemy is dissapointed, starts getting confused on what to do and runs away to a safer distance to observe the enemy.

Im disappointed when i get hit with a wooden object just once too. So I get it. Perhaps another item? Since there is no candy and flowers to compensate for the lacking performance...maybe a key to his heart? <3

Our hero does have a soul, and feels bad. He selects "heal"

The guy is frustrated. Why don't we give him a hug?
Maybe he is that type of shy and very good guy who likes just to sit at home and play games. And doesn't like violence. That's why he is disappointed because he was testing you to become his friend. We still have a chance though.
What is heal option do? Do we have magic powers? :D

Well, that didn't quite work. Might be best to run away, it's kind of awkward hitting someone in the face with a dildo and them not getting mad. Either that or splash him in the face with the contents of the jug to make it even more awkward. Maybe then he'll just leave of his own volition.

That's pretty awkward. He's not angry even after he has been attacked. He must hit him again and again till he's dead.

I doubt disappointment was the reaction expected.. more like fear or joy.. 😄Oh well kick him and throw the wooden object at him I say! That’ll teach him!

Maybe he was expecting something bigger 😂😂

the enemy doesnt get angry

Even the enemy is in love with our Hero :p

may be enemy is a pevert :p

if i were the hero, i would beat the pulp out of the enemy with the wooden object coz it's a game man i can do anything :p anything can happen

Maybe he is trying to help he is not our enemy, if he was he would have attacked after being attacked.

After getting beaten if the object is not angry then our hero should try to fix it.Thank's for the post.


He should apologize in a way.creature eventually is kind and could be helpful.Shame on us

It's the enemy's turn, he breathes heavily and heals himself

Heal the wooden object!

"The enemy does not seem angry"

For this concept we would have needed an enemy to our hero.

Already part 28 nicely done you ..And this art just little bit funny...Keep it up.dear .

The hero should try to heal the "enemy" to see if maybe it isn't as hostile as we think it is.

running fast

Seeing the masked creature getting hurt and moreover disappointed over our heroes attack means he didn't want to get in a fight. Now the hero should take care of the creature and also treat him with his powers because our hero is hero for friends and pain in the ass for enemies... Thats how it should be.

Sit back & relax ,Don't make things too complicated. till enemy makes any move

Our hero has got more than that.
Fight him. We want blood.

Many adventure work do implementation virtual life

Because of disappointed in, our hero become so numb, become so tired... (Sounds like Linkin Park song lyric),😂,

I think he should eat everything whatever comes in his way.

enemy was expecting a decent blow !
i think it is time to save some respect ,kill him

When playing street fighter your opponent doesn't show any emotion, when playing mortal kombat your players don't show emotion. It could just be the way that the light is reflecting off the screen or the view from the particular angle of the guy's skull cap. It's the skull guy's turn now so we'll see if he retaliates and take it from there. It's not like there was an option to communicate...

Damn, not even mad? Just disappointed? I would have preferred a more graphic attack with that...item...than just throwing it. I wouldn't put the burden of drawing that on you though.

Oh man. This is a rough way to ask for a bathroom. Maybe fart and run away?