Stickman Adventure, Part 49: Crates

in drawing •  7 years ago 

Our hero puts the drive belt and wrench into his inventory, then opens the crates. Wooden mystery objects tumble out. At once a surprise, and unsurprising. Perhaps they are manufactured here? Or this is someone's emergency stash. At any rate they won't be of much use fixing the machinery.

What would you have our hero do next?

Stay Cozy!

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like wooden dildos?


What would you have our hero do next?

our hero should show us what to do with them

download (6).jpg

hahaha ! i wonder why someone is creating so much wooden dildo.

The hero cracked open the crates just as i thought he would. Well at-least he found something in them. He can actually use the wooden objects as firewood.

our hero sure has some explaining to do..

what are those things doing in HIS inventory?

how come he was surprised and later usurprised?


our hero is surely a bad ni**a


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Perhaps this machine feeds on wooden mystery objects. With the wrench 🔧 and driving belt he should be able to fix the machine. I he doesn’t, his mission in this building is over. He should move on.

Hahhaha... At last he found where they are manufactured, well he should take one of these, maybe the machine is in the mood.

Our hero should take out a sample and try it out or repackage them well and possibly place a hidden camera to know what and why those plenty stash.

Hero make them your cigars

Pick up a few of those and move out, they might aid in some way, know what I mean.
Anyways gotta admire your painting this time. This one is perfect.

Wooden mystery objects tumble out.

like are those objects what i'm thinking they are?


They look like dildos... Find some girls who will dance on them..

hahahaha are these boxes full of those wooden dildos?
So it seems we found the source...
As you said no use at all...probably.but just to be sure take 2-3 of them with you and keep searching little fella

Someone's emergency stash haha?

You're an evil genius! I know your dark secret now!

Do you know how advertisement shows people something quite often? At first, it looks weird but after a while, people start to adapt and think that it's pretty normal.

You have a sex shop in a real life! And you find customers this way for your magical weapons of love.

Our hero looks for bags to haul every single mystery object out of that building!

Jesus, Alex... Oh crap, I fken knew it! Of course, there would be wooden dicks, what else...))
I'm still like super intrigued, just why, whyyy do they need so many!?

Stay Cozy!

with Dildos? huhh?

What would you have our hero do next?

please he should teach us what to do with what he's found.. hahahahahahah

A truly wonderful adventure.

Those are shake weights? ohh wait that is a box of tooth brushes

Jesus. These people love their wooden dicks. Maybe give in and use one of them to loosen up his poop flow?

If these are dildos? :p
he should give them to ladies of the town for free as a free help service :p

the reaction of our hero is worth watching

A truly wonderful adventure
You are a wonderful person

He might sure need a couple of them later.

He leaves his own (wooden) dick in there since he understands it's not a rarity. And he starts exploring again

He should take one of these.
You never know, they might have some work