Stickman Adventure, Part 9: RUN

in drawing •  7 years ago  (edited)

You briefly attempt to charm the creature with a silly dance. Then offer it coins, then the wooden club as it ignores you and pulls the axe out of the ground. Sensing this would be a good time to abscond, you haul ass out of there with the creature in close pursuit.

You can dimly make out some sort of path to your left in the distance with a signpost. To your right, you can see the entrance to a cave. What would you have our hero do next?

Stay Cozy!

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I would go in the cave because he wouldn’t be able to see me and then run as soon as I have a chance

Ah, so the monster is a bad guy. I was hoping there was a chance there is hidden some goodness in him. I definately don’t recommend the cave, since the monster looks like a cavemen. Our hero should outrun the monster. Just run in circles until the monster draps and then attack him with the weiner.

Cave is a death sentence, lets head to the path

A more clearly defined choice system, probably the way to go. Follow the signpost, we're clearly no match for The Barge and we don't want to get trapped in a cave.
Nice art, I can really feel the action.

I want him to throw common sense to the wind and go in the damn cave.

Our hero, an excellent sprinter, enters the cave ahead of the giant while tying the string from the coin pouch to the skull and the "object." The skull is hidden under dust while the "object" is placed towards the top of the cave, creating a unique booby trap. Our hero now waits for the giant to enter.

Left seems like the obvious choice, but what if the signpost says something like "Danger ahead?"
The cave might have something our hero can use to his advantage, but it might also make a good deadend for getting hacked to death.
I would say left, but for consistency, I say our hero should continue making questionable decisions - into the cave!

It seems that there is not any other better way to escape from creature so he should go in the cave and start it's journey.

He thinks the creature should know the cave very well so he takes the path... And the signpost says...

he need to enter a nearby cave

Head to the cave. If he heads towards civilization they'll probably just help the giant kill him considering what he's wearing and what he's carrying.

Let's run to the signpost and further.
Axe should be pretty heavy so the creature will probably wear out his stamina after a while.

We can try to throw the wooden object as a dart right into the giant's eye!
And then keep running to the left.

Sounds like taking a left is the best course of action. The problem with the cave is our hero would be trapped. However, if the ceiling is low in the cave the giant would have a hard time using his ax as well as moving. I suppose I'd have to see the cave...

Oh, just not in that cave, that's too dangerous, it could be a dead end! So please keep running to the left! Run, hero, run!^^

I think the best thing for our hero to do is read the signpost before entering the cave he can easily come out later to find a path to also escape as the cave is not safe

I say head to the cave, it's dark and probably has a lot of good hiding places. Also, he can throw the dong as a distraction and the echo will confuse the "Barge" as he won't be able to tell which direction it originated. Then sneak out of the cave and run to the path for safety.

interfere not in the affairs of dragons.
for thou art crunchy and go well with ketchup
is there a dragon in the cave?

Haha love the expression on our main character on this one! I’d say try hit the monster with the sign post or throw the dildo at him(oops I meant the wooden club).

Run inside the cave and hide behind a rock. Then see if any other monsters are in the cave that could fight the other monster.

Our hero should go into the cave and hide nearby and when creature go more inside the cave to find him, then our hero should come out of the cave.

Hmmm. The next is, he going to rest or sleep in the cave and block with rock or build a home in the cave as home.

this writing is amazing and wonderful. i appreciate your post.. upvote and resteemit done

Stickman choose the path to and enters the cave to remove traces of the enemy!
the characters are stickman is great!!thanks

a very funny story, I just love it

Interesting writing is right for a matter thanks to the article

This is good story. I can't wait to watch it.

@alexbeyman wow nice very interesting post I concur with you.thanks for sharing

Running away is our hero's chance. He knew he cannot defeat the creature that is why he tried to use the axe to slay the creature but in vain because its heavy and was firmly lodged in the ground. He also knew that he can outrun the creature. So he choose to live today. I think he should run to the left and read the sign post. But if he knows how to make traps then he can use the cave but still the cave is dangerous especially if there is no exit to the other end and our Hero will be trap.

Ha ha ha ha! finally our hero scared and running. Well next time. But right now for saving hero from creature cave May not be safe for him it can be dead end.

Just keep running by the left. If not possible then fight..
Best of luck our Hero 👍👍👍

Path is the safest option as compared to cave. SO the Hero should run along the path to his left.

Cave would be the good option to enter as he can hide there and get some time for the next plan to execute.

Only running is the only way to get away from that creature and the creature can not run fast with that heavy axe.

i guess i am late still thanks fr sharing ..

Cave it is..

Run to the hills... Sorry, got distracted! The cave is where he should head to.

To the cave... GET INTO THE CAVE!!

The cave, maybe there might be nooks & corners where he can't come in after the hero

Hide in the cave for a while

Take the path! Fuck the cave; now isn't the time to poop in there