RE: First Job Interview

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First Job Interview

in drawing •  7 years ago 

Ooooh, she is so pretty!! :D I love her hair haha ★

OOF, this just reminds me of job hunting anxiety though hahaha
It's weird though, I actually get less anxiety from the interview than I do with filling out the forms lrjaklfjslkjfkldsjklsdj

I'm just paranoid I'm gonna mess it up somehow, I still don't totally understand all the rules about what you should/shouldn't put on it lrjekajfsklj

Feels like it should be really straightforward though oeL So maybe I'm just dumb LMAO

But anyway, I really like your picture :D The dress is so pretty~ I'd wear something like that, even if it's "old school" haha xD

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Yessss, job hunting anxiety. I feel your pain ashi! The forms don't really scare me though, I'm more anxious about answering their questions because I'm bad at promoting myself lol.

When you said you would wear this dress, you should totally do it, I think you would look real pretty. In my head right now, ashi dresses like a punk XDDDD. Ahaha, gomen ne.

Thank you :D.