What´s your biggest dream? What would you do to make it a reality?

in dream •  6 years ago 

We all have dreams.

Even you, it doesn´t matter how much you try to deny it. I know you have dreams and goals. I´m talking to you, person who says life couldn´t get any better; I´m also speaking to you, Steemian who is already disappointed in life and doesn´t want to speak out their dreams in case life has another plan for you.

At one point in my life I had many dreams, crazy dreams if you may call them. Everybody around me told me I had to stop thinking like that or I wouldn´t achieve anything worthy and I would waste the best years of my life.

I listened to them

Around 13 years old, I stopped dreaming and I took the normal person path. I still had some crazy ideas and some times I would even write them down and plan them out even when I knew I wouldn´t develop them, just to see if they were achievable.

By the time I was 16 years old I was already part of the social system, thinking and doing as I was told, behaving as my peers expected me to and as they behaved. But I still had crazy ideas visiting my mind while I was in Morpheu´s realm. Not crazy crazy ideas, but at least groundbreaking ideas - according to my 16 yr old mind - and I even tried to develop one or two of them.

I was organizing massive parties at 17 and making a considerable profit out of it. One time I rented a bus so I, along other 50 17 year olds, could skip class and go drink to a popular spot in Mexico city called "Las trajineras" (Google it, its pretty cool). I even started my own social event photography business at 18 years old. It worked for a while, then I got into college and, despite my drive to get out of the social norm, my desire to fit in got in the way,

It took me 25 years to realize I had to do whatever it took to accomplish my dreams or I would always be living a simulation of what I´ve always wanted.

My dream? To travel the world.

But with no money of my own, no real experience traveling and zero support from my family it was a dream I could hardly accomplish without losing something(s) in the process.

I had to get rid of my pride, my fears, the social structure I had in my mind, the people inside my head teeling me what I wanted was not possible and my own view of the world.

I mean, it was an impossible task. I left home with 500 dollars and my life in my backpack, no means for supporting myself apart from one thing: a website I bought, a facebook page and a dream.

A dream to get paid to travel.

And I achieved it thanks to Steemit.

This is a very long story. I won´t tell you about accomplishing the dream. This post is to talk about dreams and what would you do to fulfill them,

So, I told you about my dream and what I did to accomplish it,.

Aren´t you going to tell me about yours and what you had to do / what would you do to see that dream come true?

I´ll tell you what, if at least 50 people share their dreams here in the comment section, I will share with you another dream I have and I am about to accomplish very soon.

How does that sound?



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My biggest dream is to be the first person in my family to get a Masters Degree, rAise my son outside of poverty like I lived. To buy my parents our own house one day. I will work day and night , I won’t fall


Well my dream is to make anyone that comes In contact with me a success even with the slightest of contact like just knowing/mentioning my name. Just like those that created steemit and bitcoin.

Well currently I'm on track, definitely on track. Most of the days I sleep by 1am knowing well that I'll have to get up by 6am latest to complete other tasks. Why I keep up with this routine is so I reacess myself, the ups and downs and where I need to improve on.

Dreams are the stepping stones for the actualization of great feats in life. We should all dare to dream.


My dream/dreams is to have a job but i don't want to engage in a company or to work under someone's command, therefore I'm looking to to be a freelancer but the problem is I'm still looking for a way to achieve that(any suggestions!) For now I'm trying to learn more about arts, specially drawing after improving my skills I'll be offering those skills in making logos, banners, backgrounds, portraits... Etc

I'm starting from people around here and i made a portrait for you IMG_20180603_202752.jpg

Also I've made a video if you want to check it on my blog!

It does not have to be a dream, a formal outline will define your ambition to succeed in your wanting of an ideal. Take it from a "used to have everything" to a "i have nothing, & I am OK" type person.

A fresh start would be to sell your things and or give to a good cause, this will take time because of your ego will get bruised when you find out that your loves are not loved financially. This will be a hard period in your quest for freeeeeeedom. It took me three years to get to the point of letting go with no financial gain. My spirit was cleansed.

On to the next milestone my grasshopper...to live on rubber, enclosed in a tin shell...with possibly no way to get rid of excrement that needs to be disposed off in our modern society. To say the least, getting used to the fact that cooking, eating, sh@tting, F@cking, all take place in the same place. If you are still with me, and like what I said thus far....

Seriously, I have pretty much looked into all forms of making money on the road and supporting my habit of seeing the globe. Do not take this the wrong way, starting on the bottom will make you a top.

I will follow your progress.20180603_121255.jpg

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Funnily enough I have a very similar dream to yours now, but as often is the case, it didn't start out this way. I want to travel the world and write for a living and have done for a while but the travel element of this dream only started about 2 years ago, before I found steemit and just after my last travelling trip which was to Mexico, Yucatan peninsula. It's strange the way dreams change and evolve, I always dreamed of being a writer, so much so that I went to university to study IW (imaginative writing) and was told over and over again that I was wasting my time by my grandfather.

Ha ha, I must be stubborn because I didn't listen and just did it anyway. After uni something happened that drove the creative spirit out of me, one of those life things that just punches your guts out of the back of your throat and leaves you gasping for air. I stopped writing and mulled around for ages in shity going-nowhere jobs before I started working for charities. Although I enjoyed it, mostly, the stress was intense and it was only when I discovered steemit after loosing my last job that I realized my ambition, to write and get paid for it. There is no way I'd be planning to set off around the world at over 35 years of age if it wasn't for the confidence in my writing and reigniting of my dreams that happened here. A little cheesy maybe,😉 but it has saved me from just accepting the stress and drudgery as inevitable and allowed me to stretch my hand out and grasp that insubstantial dream to make it reality.

Can't wait to here about your new dream Eric.

I have dreams, can travel around the world, so I have a lot of inspiration to write my latest book.
I also dreamed that one day my novel would be adapted into a movie.
and believe it or not, Steemit began to be an important step for my dream as a personal promotion of my work.

thank you for you who have shared your dream and thank you Steemian all who also have willing to share in comment below.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I've always been labeled as misfit, eccentric, queer, to name a few, because I want to be a painter. I've had good scholarship in college, but I couldn't even finish one semester. It became worse when I started drawing again in 2012. I stopped going to school all together. It was hard for my parents because they had big dreams for me, but I've always wanted to be an artist, a story-teller through sketches and color play.

Right now, the biggest dream is to attend an Atelier. A school that teaches the traditional techniques modeled after the 18th to 19th century master artists. It is a very expensive school, you see. I need at least $10,000 for a year including tuition fee, board and lodging, food, art materials, miscellaneous. And that it is like the cheapest I could find, not to mention that it is across the world. (Academy of Realist Art Boston)

My dream is to be a medic, I really want to help people, and I will start making my dream come true by entering the university next year, It's not gonna be easy but I will work hard to make my dream come true.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Es un acuerdo!

Comenzaré primero contándote (solo un poco) quien soy, aunque ciertamente es muy difícil de explicar.
Mi nombre es Gregory Ortiz, y soy Músico.
Desde pequeño mi familia me apoyó a estudiar música, siempre supe que era bueno, pero había otros con mas habilidades y destrezas que yo, pero tenía y puedo decir que aún tengo "la constancia"; si, desde chico siempre me empeñé por hacer todo lo humanamente posible por ser el mejor, ego? quizás!
Con el transcurrir del tiempo y por azares del destino (siempre el destino) comencé a estudiar en una Universidad Pedagógica (de esas que supuestamente te forman para ser docente), sin embargó algo pasó, tuve que dejar de estudiar y comenzar a trabajar, para mi fortuna era dando clases... Algo que "no había soñado" ni siquiera por estar estudiando para ello.
Y fue amor a primera vista, cuando llegué a ese primer salón de clases, teniendo un grupo de niños frente a mi, cuando entendí (en realidad) que esa era mi vocación, pero algo pasaba, yo estaba estudiando castellano, matemáticas, geografía, ciencias, historia y todo eso junto para dar clases a niños, mi carrera se llamaba Educación Integral, y yo sentía que eso estaba bien, pero como en mi Universidad estudiábamos 300 personas la misma carrera, lo vi algo normal, "uno mas del montón" y siempre (no se si por el ego) yo buscaba ser diferente.
Fue en ese instante donde mi sueño nació, para mi fue la combinación perfecta de mis dos amores... La pasión que sentía por la Música (como hobby) y la vocación de servicio que debe tener el Docente. Entonces me convertí en Docente de Música, ahí comenzó mi sueño: Formar a niños y jóvenes en la enseñanza de la música, lo hice de manera formal en Sistema de Orquestas Sinfónicas por alrededor de 10 años, hasta que nuevamente me sentí uno mas del montón, y decidí llegar mas allá.
Ya mi sueño tenía forma, ya lo comencé a ver mas de cerca, sentí y siento que el objetivo de mi vida (o por lo menos en esta etapa) consiste en dar clases de Música a niños y jóvenes de escasos recursos para alejarlos de las posibles tentaciones del mundo, de la sociedad y mas aún siendo estos chicos "de escasos recursos económicos" pueden estar mas propensos al ocio y la delincuencia.
Fue en ese momento que abrí una institución musical, sin recursos, sin aportes de la empresa privada o gobierno alguno, sin ayuda de nadie, pero con la convicción de querer hacer "algo bueno", en ese momento nación la Fundación Musical Kantoría, la cual tengo el honor de Presidir, en la cual atendemos de manera gratuita a niños y jóvenes de cualquier condición social, sin exclusión, pero haciendo especial énfasis en quienes no tienen dinero, entendiendo que vivo en un país en crisis y que estamos todos en condiciones difíciles, pero unos peor que otros.
Preguntarás... ¿Cómo hago para mantenerla?
Pues fácil, un grupo de alumnos, los mas avanzados que yo tenía (en ese Sistema de Orquestas del que te hablé, para el que trabajé por casi 10 años) se sumaron a mi iniciativa y ahora son docentes como parte del voluntariado en mi Fundación.
Ahora ya puedes deducir el por qué del nombre de mi usuario en Steemit @kantos, en honor a mi Fundación Kantoría.
¿Cuáles son mis expectativas con mi Fundación?
Primero que nada formar la generación de relevo dándoles las herramientas necesarias y la motivación para que sean ellos (mis alumnos actuales) los que continúen mi trabajo, mas adelante.
Sería perfecto para cumplir o lograr mi sueño en su totalidad el lograr tener una Sede (propia) donde ensayar, para no tener que pedir prestados espacios como casa comunales, iglesias y hasta bibliotecas para dar nuestras clases.
Hasta hace 83 días que comencé en @Steemit pensé que no podía lograrlo, pero siento y se que trabajando de manera árdua en esta plataforma y enseñando a mis alumnos mas avanzados a utilizarla correctamente podemos (algún día) a cumplir este sueño, que así como tú mencionaste que algunos de los tuyos eran difíciles de alcanzar, pues si, yo confío en mi, en mis habilidades, mis capacidades y en este sueño colectivo.
Pido disculpas por extenderme, pero lo consideré necesario para que conocieras de donde parte todo. Te animo a seguir tus sueños... Aunque te digan lo contrario. Que nada te limite!

En mi caso puedo decir a mi favor que: "Creo y siento que el conocimiento al igual que el afecto, es una de las cosas mas valiosas que existen ya que cuando las compartes, no te empobreces, sino por el contrario las multiplicas".
Mil Gracias por tu atención

My dream has being to help people see love from it's right perspective and I dream to own my Non Governmental Organization to help people in need.

How to achieve it has already started as my head thinks of several means to raise capital for this mega project in my mind. Learning forex as a means of incoming, I and a group of other young people started @steemminna to help the needy and poor in the society and would grow bigger very soon.

If I can help people become better then I have achieved my dreams.

Great dream you have @nomad-magnus, i also have a dream to travel around the world, be an independent lady and be a helping hand to others.

I would love to make a living writing game reviews and creating gaming content. This I hope one day would be expanded into traveling the world and going to different gaming conventions and conferences. Receiving free products to review. While still trying to maintain some ethics and morals without just selling out to the easy money.

I am using steemit as a stepping stone to make this a reality. While I might not be able to build the audience or the generation of income here it is allowing me to increase my skill sets, become more effective with my time and resources. It also gives me a portfolio of my own work in this field to try and get hired by certain companies if I can’t make it on my own solo one day.

We live in a world where going out and proving on your own you already have what is needed is the best method unless you have heavy connects to places to get your foot in the door. Just saying you want be something and getting some bland college degree whatever is not good enough. Even for entry level work you must already be the thing they want to promote you into one day.

I certainly think that everyone has dreams in life, things that I would like to do, goals that I would like to achieve. Some bigger, others smaller, some clearer, others a little confusing. I think that age has a lot to do with the choice of dreams. Sometimes living in peace is also a beautiful dream. Mine can travel a little more and know some places that I do not know, and it would be great to be able to live near the sea. I wish I could do it with my family.

My dream is to have a football team named steemit and recruit my players from the street and make the best team out of them

Deal.. will come back to this later :)

My dream is very simple, I just want to make my parents happy and I will do anything for it.

To be general, I just want a life where I would be able to help a community or an individual to the best of my capacity.

Mi sueño por ahora es llegar a ser grande en steemit y en cierto modo se parece un poco al tuyo porque quiero viajar y conocer varios países y culturas. Estoy trabajando en función de eso porque nada hacemos con solo tener sueños y no hacer nada por llevarlos a cabo. Se que el mio es un sueño que puedo hacerlo realidad, no es un sueño imposible y espero que mas temprano que tarde se me cumpla. Quien no tiene sueños en la vida vive sin motivación, los sueños nos motivan, nos dan el empuje que necesitamos para cumplirlos. Tu post es muy interesante y motivador a la vez porque uno se llena de energía cuando ve que alguien pudo cumplir sus sueños. Saludos @anomadsoul

Well my biggest dream is pretty similar with yours but that's not something new :)
To be more accurate, to travel the world and become a travel blogger of success, why not through steemit. I do have big hopes that this place can have a huge impact in everyone's life depending on what you are trying to achieve on here.. Currently I'm trying to promote my country as much as possible but one day, hopefully, with the money I will earn on here I will get the chance to promote the tourism from other countries too - but for now, I think it's a good start :)
It all depends on how motivated you are to do what you love to do..

My dream is to be a professional makeup artist one-day INSHA-ALLAH. I'm trying to learn more n more. I've also one of the dreams to travel the world but money is required. Well, something achieving in life we can do hard work.

It seems that the dreams of many here begin with freedom, freedom from that 9-5 bs. In some ways I'm living my dream, am I fully free? No, but I am today, and it's looking good for tomorrow too.

My dream is to life a wealthy life. I’m at trying to save and earn but many temptations distract me. I’m only trying to get better.

My dream is to life a wealthy life. I’m at trying to save and earn but many temptations distract me. I’m only trying to get better.

Ahora que lo mencionas, no estoy muy segura si he alcanzado algún sueño propio o más bien un conjunto de metas preestablecidas e inculcadas por el entorno social. Es como si cada "sueño", es lo que haría feliz a alguien más y me han hecho feliz porque los he creído míos y además porque disfruto la felicidad de los demás. También podría ser que mis sueños son convencionales y aburridos... tremendo lío he encontrado.

Si pienso en este momento algo que anhelo, es no tener una estructura que seguir, ser libre de tantas tareas y responsabilidades, y simplemente vivir relajada (creo que suena a un sueño de adolescentes). Pero a estas alturas y sin una fortuna en mi haber, eso sí que es un sueño, jajaja.


I dream to be that man, and that father!

Work in progress.

My dream is to be a world reknowned plant biotechnologist, established in Nigeria my home country. I want to help the less privileged achieve their dreams. I want to be a source of comfort and an agent of change in my country. I hope to achieve these dreams soon. I am done with my bachelors degree. I want to save enough funds to begin my masters degree next year. These are my dreams.

My dream is to get access to free electricity. I'm doing lots of research to make my dream come true

Hi @anomadsoul, may I embroider your image?

During the hobby contest I wrote about my passion. Creating beauty that would outlive me. That is definitely part of my dream. But just that is not enough. If I would try to describe my dream in few words it would be- I want to live my life without regrets and to achieve my goals. To become the best possible version of me. This likely sounds like a cliche. It most likely is one. But I want to continue to grow and improve myself. As an artist. Man. Human. I want to have incredible journey that would last my entire life. To reach as high as I can. Freedom, recognition, love, travels, adventures, friendships. To inspire others and to give them a few peaceful, relaxing moments. I want it all. Perhaps I am too greedy. Most people would probably be happy if they could achieve at least a few of these goals. But I want to have a Complete life.

As for what I am doing to achieve this... I have accepted that something like this can't be achieved overnight. That I will have great days, good days, shit days and everything in between. I believe that I am taking slow steps towards this dream. I am slipping along the way. But that is okay. As long as I am moving forward.

I want to own an advertising firm. I have great passion for advertising that I even studied Business Marketing in College. I also want to have 5 adopted children from different part of the continent. I've told many people about this and they felt I was being stupid.

my biggest dream is to be happy and find peace that surpasses all understanding :)

Love the post and the passion brother. I had and still do have a dream. I accomplished it to a degree but there is still much more I crave and desire.

Ever since I was a kid I’ve been favinated with movies and television. The art of seeing a story play out in front of ya. I always wanted to work in the industry and create something. A project that I can truly be proud of.

After working at Sony Pictures for a short while being piss boy, I ended up working on 2 feature films. I produced and was 1st Assistant Director on both. The latter one should be popping up on Amazon Prine in the coming weeks and while they aren’t the projects I dreamt of doing...it got me tons of experience and I worked with some fantastic people. Still so much more to do though.

So the current dream is having my crypto investments pay off enough to where I can leave my current job and focus 100% of my efforts on making my first dream a reality. That’s the plan!

Would love to hear your other one that you are about to make a reality. Thx for allowing me a platform to share.

Brother! In the life that I have had to sacrifice my dream ideas, I know it is important that we never give up but the daily occupations have been consuming me time, time is the most valuable thing we have and I would like to give you a small high to plan my things better.

I can tell you that one of my dreams has been to develop films that deal with unknown, interesting and impact issues for humanity with the aim of sending messages for reflection, transcending religion and beliefs, only transcending what we are as a species and understand us better as similar. This will seem a little trite but I think that if we all put a little bit of us, it is possible that life itself is our dream and I can be sure that in such a state of peace and coexistence, it can lead you to experience true happiness, just what enough so that you do not want to dream anything else. This is my dream.

Thanks for sharing your tough and half but very important phase of story. Literally speaking at the time of writing this comment i am sitting in the darkness in the corner of the room at 2:55 AM writing comments on different blogs, leaving my HR job 11 months back, alone life from school times, now my aim is to give my parents secure life and that's why i am doing Steemit for full time, i played athletics for 15 years and my dream is to run an Olympic race and to feel that essence while running, while thinking only it's giving that lively essence. Thanks for motivating through your post to share the dreams. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

My dream?

  • Have a free country again. I dream see Venezuela free of hungry, free of crime, free of corruption, no more people dying because there's no food or medicine... That's my biggest dream!

My dream is to travel the world, talking and listening.

I could say speaking, or I could call myself a counselor, but I don't want it to be all formal. I want to arrive in a place and people will be happy because I'd listen.

I already serve in such capacity to some, but I wish to see the world in all its diversity.

I have to make good money from a relatively stable source, so I can sustain myself. I also need to get trained.

My dream will come true.

Hey there, I wanted to join the world cup challenge, but I can't resteem the post... Can I still join?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

what a story of your dream and how you made it real.
well.. i have a dream to, wanna be a big man in steemit and help other, especially new steemian. i know how does it feel when the first time i join. Make some surprise to new user will be so amazing. i have had one, when fabien voted me 100%,woww it's really amazing. to make it real i will always do power up. i know it's not easy and some friends of mine said it is a mission impossible. It's ok to me. i'm just allright eventhough they said so. i gonna prove them, i could make it.
i will do that.

My dream is to create something truly important that leaves an indelible mark upon the ever-shifting sands of time. Since I was thirteen years old, I have been plagued by the thought of being nobody, my life fading into obscurity and my existence being pointless: that I might cease to exist, and die truly. Since then my life's one purpose has been to ensure that my legacy would never die, or at the least live on for a while. Even if I become like the fabled Ozymandias, a forgotten piece of rubble after two thousand years, I will have lived on past my own lifetime. That is my dream.

Y hablando de sueños, considero que debo cambiar varias cosas para lograr mi gran sueño: sueño con conseguir un sólo trabajo que me de los ingresos suficientes para vivir (actualmente tengo 3 trabajos y aún no es suficiente para cubrir los gastos más básicos), deseo poder despertarme tarde un fin de semana cualquiera, dormir alguna que otra tarde, deseo poder comprar a mis hijos la merienda que todo niño suena y ver sus caras embarradas pero con una gran sonrisa, sueño con poder tomar vacaciones e irme de viaje con mi familia y si no es mucho pedir salir de viaje con mis amigos, sueño con salir a bailar, con sentirme feliz mucho más tiempo que el que invierto en ocuparme de que comida podemos comprar, sueño con regalarle a mis seres queridos los que ellos sueñan tener, sueño con poder ayudar a quien lo necesite.
Creo que de esto se trata la vida, creo que éste es el verdadero significado de VIVIR, por eso sueño con lograr cada una de estas cosas, aún cuando no sé como lograrlo en medio de éste país.

Hello anomadsoul. I liked your writings, I would like to improve mine. Dreams, really it is a little difficult to think they are possible to be a reality. A week ago, I read un interesting post you wrote about a trip. I was pleased reading it, so I decided to prove my capacity for writing an experience of my own life. I invite you to visit my blog and look at it. I was only six when I lived that. Its title is something like: "Un viaje a traves del Estero" I have almost forgotten it. Please, I like writing. May you make some commentaries about it. I would appreciate this very much. Greetings. I enjoyed your post. Very good, as usual. Congratulations. -friend auralucy.

More than dreams I have projects I want to reach artistic level to leave a footprint in this world so fantastic that is art, I strive to the maximum to achieve and be someone recognized in Steem and the real world

I'm already working on my dream (and have been for a while now) of pumping out stories from my head universe. I'll do better when i can claw my way out of my catch22 XD

Think you're well on your way to 50 people :)


A dream to get paid to travel.
And I achieved it thanks to Steemit.

Probably the same as you. Well, not completely archived but still working on it. Eric, you are like a role model!

Ok. Deal.

One of my dreams is to be financially free so I could live in a quiet place full of peace. Steemit has made me discover that I can write quite well and apparently I already have a group of people who enjoy my works. So now I feel committed to continue doing it, to share the messages that come from the Plato's world of ideas. I also want to learn to draw so I can have another channel of expression.

Another though in my mind is to teach people how to achieve financial freedom because there is so many people in the third world countries living in poverty and I think Steemit can be a tool for them. This is something I already began and I hope to be an example to the people who wants to achieve this.

My dream was to travel .. I travelled thanks to my ex-job a lot .. now my dream is for my future kids; to see what I have seen, to experience true love, to live without fear and for us the parents to be able to give them confidence and protection. Greetings @anomadsoul !

You got a 40.89% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @anomadsoul!

The simplest and most prevalent of my dreams involve designing and making games.

However I have succumbed to lost hope - the dreams are shattered - and I languish with video-games addiction in an eternal spiral of decay.

Speaking of which... 'sigh' (Launch)...

My biggest dream in life is to do some thing big for the humanity. God love those people who love HIS mankind. What is better than get the love of your Creator.

My dream is to earn money from steemit to cover my studies and travel

My dream, in a nutshell, is to make enough money to build a few cabins ((2 or 3) which I would rent out to tourists here where I live. This would sustain me enough to live a comfortable life, all while having the entire day free to focus on personal projects as opposed to "work".

One project I would start is an animal rescue center for injured wild animals, and also for street dogs and cats, which I would get back in shape and put up for adoption. A parallel dream would also be to travel more, at least be able to travel to see my parents in Colombia whenever I feel like it. This unfortunately costs a lot of money, but hey, maybe one day Steem will help with that as well =)

although I think I know what this dream of yours is going to accomplish very soon, I will still tell you my dream. It hope my family, kids and everyone around me will always be healthy, strong and happy. I am very fortunate to be where I am and I don't think I want too much for myself except to continue travelling even with kids with me. oh and world peace (sound like a beauty pagent speech doesn't it haha)

I used to think dreams were just carrots the universe would dangle in front of us just to lead us where we need to go.

But the older I get the more I've come to see that our thoughts create our reality.

And that means with less distraction and more focus on that one thing, my words and actions begin to work together with those thoughts and turn me into a giant dream magnet.

What I mean is the right people come to me at the right time and place in ways I never expected. But as long as I keep moving forward they come.

Today I am working on my dream of building a community.

Yesterday I thought long and hard about this very subject and realized I was putting the cart waaaay before the horse.

So instead of reaching out for money and tires, earthbags, pipes, etc. I need a shovel.

So that's my dream today. To own my own shovel.

I want to learn how to dance like these people)))
But seriously, my dream is very banal .... I dream of a house in which I will live ...

One of the most important takeaways here is not giving up and remaining consistent. It's harder than it looks.

When I was younger, I dream to have my own house and car which until now being an adult still dreaming of the same. I hope it will fullfill soon.

Life itself is the biggest dream.. ;)