Here's some of the old entries in my dream journal. I've censored a lot because it'd either be too confusing or I just don't want to share it.
Dream Characters that I know:
Adriano: My cousin. Italian, has a tan, 16, skinny.
Andrew: My brother, 13, orange hair, freckles, glasses
Dream characters that reoccur
Emma: 16, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny, tall
October 16th, 2016
Dream 1: I was Dexter (from the show "Dexter") and I was in this black old car with body pieces in the trunk. I was 3rd person on some sort of highway going beside a lake and Rita (Dexter's wife in the season I'm at) called me and said "I'm sorry to get on your back, honey, please come home." I vaguely remember that I had a concussion and they were supposed to drive me. I thought to myself, and heard it in the way that the tv show does it, I thought "Rita will forgive me, I am her husband after all. Besides, I've got bigger fish to fry than a worried wife." I kept driving until I came to a bend, and eventually drove to this little house that was beside the ocean. I turned right, onto the grass towards the ocean and stopped beside a bench. I was now in 1sp person and I could control the weather, so I walked over to the side of the ocean and I made the weather a "3" on how bad it was. This still didn't stop anyone as it was only rain. I then bumped it up to a "6" and it was hailing, which was good enough for me. I unloaded the body parts out of my trunk and out 2 on opposite sides of the bench, and a few in the ground. There was 6 body parts, only 2 were in bags. I took two, and threw them into the ocean. I then went back and took 2 more and threw those into the ocean. With the last 2 one was still bleeding (it shouldn't have been bleeding because it's a severed limb) and one had "healed" so I found this odd, and almost sparked lucidity but didn't. I threw the remaining 2 into the ocean and figured "why change the weather to an "8". The 8 was acid rain and I cut back to Rita and she was burning and crying so i stopped it and it slowly faded back to nothing. Just then Harry (Dexter's foster father) popped up as a hallucination and said "Dexter, what if somebody finds those pieces, you dumped them so close to land that anybody could find them." and I just kept walking. I forgot about the car and went into the little house place and there were scientists in it. They had some tools that were hundreds of years old and I had a few tools that were 176 years old (I remember the exact number for some reason). I went to give it to them but then they turned on me and started poking me in the eye with porcupine needles. That was the end. This was definitely the most vivid dream I've had so far, and it was the coolest by far. It played out in a way that was like me watching a Dexter episode.
November 6th, 2016
Dream 1: There was this one guy but he had no emotion. He was like a robot. I remember I had a backstory with him, like we were in the army together. For some reason he wanted to kill my family but he invited me over to dinner. I accepted and went to the place. When we were there I sat down at a table and there was a rag. I used this rag to clean out my ears for some reason. Then my mom used hers to do the same and said "I know my ears are clean, but I can't say the same about Stanley's!". I then got really embarrassed and tried to hide the rag. I think I killed the guy that was trying to kill me.
Dream 2: I devised a plan to prank this kid called 'Josh'. I don't know him in real life but in the first part he was a hot girl. So, it was me and some other people and we devised to make him suuuuper confused in a dream then tell him it was a dream. So now we are in the dream and he walks onto a bus filled with pre-schoolers except he is a hot girl with her little self. She gets confused then I forget until it's time to tell him. This time he is a chunky guy and I say "You were dreaming, we pranked you!" and he responds "Wait, am I dreaming right now?" to which I respond "Yep!" and he takes off full speed. While he's running full speed he starts lifting off of the ground and eventually flying. While he's running I tell him to remember this dream and tell us when he wakes up. Now it's out of a dream and I can only hear, not see or feel. Josh says "If you're losing stability in a dream, just fly and it won't fade out."
November 23rd, 2016
Dream 1: I was in an airplane and I knew it was going to go down, but there was water. It plunged straight into the water and I had to go out through the window. I went onto the shore and found Mom. Then Andrew came up as a skeleton and reconstructed slowly. I then thought "Where is Adriano?" and I went to look for him. I then saw a bunch of bones trying to get together and I knew it was Adriano. Then someone took the skull and put it beside the stairs with something on top. That's as far as I remember.
December 11th, 2016
Dream 1: It started off with me walking around outside the school and I found Ross and we went to the bleachers. It then cuts to some big place where people were just walking around and I was walking along with Steven and I walked up and said "How ya doin, buddy?" We were then transported to some convenience store and we were walking around looking for a specific something that I can't remember. We walked along and I had a mirror that showed me the whole section and we walked into a chip section and it wasn't there so we kept walking. He questioned what I was doing and I told him that I could see the entire section with it and he said "ok".
Dream 2: LUCID ONE! It then cuts to a weird school-like place and I saw this tank thing and randomly sparked lucidity. I realized I was dreaming so I started punching the glass and saying "Haha, this isn't real!" I knew i wouldn't feel pain so I just decided to keep punching holes in the glass then trying to cut myself on them to see what it was like, but nothing actually happened. When I was done with that I started trying to convince my mom that it was a dream and she just ignored me. Then I started trying to summon a concave mirror in the tank-like thing for some reason and I closed my eyes then instantly opened them because I remembered that could make you wake up. I then turned away, pictured it, then turned back and it was there in the middle. Idk why, but I didn't remember to ground myself or anything. I then started walking around thinking of how real it felt and not to forget the dream. I then started to try to fly and levitated a bit, then I turned around and started flying out the doors but I then started fading and didn't know what to do and everything went black then for some reason Dwayne Johnson popped up and told me to let go, and I did.
December 25th, 2016
Dream 3: I was outside this place with a theatre and regular chairs, not theatre chairs. Ross was there and he pulled me in and said he was performing there soon. I figured "why not?" and sat down on the stage near the left middle side. Everyone got seated and Ross started singing something, then the mic cut out somehow and he started singing in a deep voice. He then went over the the left side of the stage and held his hand out for some girl's hand and after a while of sitting there awkwardly she gave it to him and he kissed it. The girl was disgusted and I thought about going over to her and talking to her, but decided against it. Pretty soon the show derailed (I can't remember how) and everyone left. Some woman came and said that Ross needed 3 people to vouch for him from the audience. I said "I will, I'm his friend" and then randomly two people appeared and said they would. The dream then fades.
December 30th, 2016
Dream 1: It was like this post apocalyptic place. I was running around with this Mac 10 gun and then I found a Tec 9 on the ground and started shooting people that were trying to kill me. I had a huge backstory in my mind already, but I didn't remember any of it. There was this camp I think, and I was a part of it until I left. Then I went to s few buildings and shot people. I was then walking n the street in third person and someone was talking in my head. I don't remember much, but I entered a mansion and there was Tec 9s everywhere. I explored the mansion and found a room with a bed (will be useful in further story) and then I just went back to the staircase that led up to the room with a bed and there was a dresser at the top. There was 2 Tec 9s on the dresser and I grabbed one without a clip and figured it would shoot without the clip because it was already pre loaded. I tried shooting it and it didn't work so I grabbed the one that did have a clip and went outside. I now had the Mac 10 in my right hand and the Tec 9 in my left hand. Outside, there was these people filming everywhere and I was being badass. I then somehow teleported to the other side of the road and there was this beautiful girl. She was pale, with black hair, and she kinda looked like a girl from my 8th grade class but older. I looked at her and we talked for a while, then we came to a cross. It was icy and she was having trouble standing up so I held her hand and we slid across the ice together, kinda dancing
January 1st, 2017
Dream 4: I went into this school building. I went to the cafeteria and sat down with this younger kid. We were talking then this scrawny kid comes and threatens the kid I was talking with. So, naturally, I grab the kid by his collar and tell him that if he messed with the kid I was talking to, I'd fuck him up so he ran away and told a teacher. The teacher comes over and the kid I was talking to tried to explain it, but couldn't so I explained it. I said "So, the kid said that he would beat my friend up if he didn't do (forgot), so I told him if he did I would fuck him up." she left us alone. Then, the kid I was talking to left and the scrawny kid and his friends came. They tried to intimidate me but I kept pushing them back because I wasnt having any of their shit. Some kids I knew came by and said "Lol, you're sitting with an 8-year-old" and I said "I don't know them, they're just annoying me." Then, it jumped to the lights going out in the cafeteria and I was still eating my food. I started walking to the door and there was this old teacher like mrs. Turner so I asked her what happened and I thought of saying "I was just sitting there eating my lunch then the lights went out" but then she gave me this weird ass look and I realized it wasn't mrs. Turner. I then started walking in the halls with a hoodie and some other hoodie on. I also had a bandanna around my mouth so I looked edgy as fuck. I was at the place with a small ramp near the French wing but I kept going. Then, it cut to me in this staircase place. I was on the 2nd part of this staircase, it was like the staircase at the science/tech wing. I took off my backpack and hoodies until I had no shirt on, then jumped up to this upper place with rails, jumped on the rails and did a few pull ups. I then sat on the rail and looked down and saw this midget black kid stealing my hoodie. I called him out and expected him to run, but he didn't. So, I jumped down onto the 2nd staircase going up to the 2nd floor and ran down to the 2nd part of the staircase. He jumped onto the rails and then jumped onto this thing above the rails and I followed. When I got up there he jumped down and ran away and I was about to follow then I looked down and saw the height I was at and thought that I was going to break my legs. I pussied out and then the dream faded.
January 5th, 2017
Dream 1: I was at school, and there was this nerd, a black guy, and 3 other people I don't remember. We all picked on the nerd until something happened and he became part of our group. We then somehow got ourselves on this ship and fucked their shit up and got off, but they saw our faces. We started walking when we got off of the ship, and we just bounced from place to place for weeks or months (that's what it felt like) until one day, we were walking down the side of the grass beside a lake big enough to fit a ship. I saw the ship we got off of in the water and I turned around to try and warn people and I said "TURN THE FUCK AROUND, DONT FACE THE WATER!!" but it was too late, and the ship people saw our faces so I told everyone to run as fast as they can towards this car which I sensed to be my car. It was a really nice preias that was dark blue, almost black. I went into the drivers seat then realized I couldn't drive, so I let the black guy drive and everyone loaded in except me and everyone was like "Shit." and I said to leave me but then someone said to get into the trunk and I popped it, keep in mind people are still going super speed at us, and the trunk was almost full but I jumped in and started closing it and he just zoomed off. To close it while we were moving I had to zip up a tent-like back. I kept getting so far but we would go over a bump and it would restart but I did it eventually while I was holding on so I wouldn't fall off. We went up this weird intersection thing and he turned right to try and juke but we got caught. When we were in jail I broke us out somehow and we went to the same place except I was driving and I went straight and just zoomed and the dream faded.
January 6th, 2017
Dream 1: I had this best friend that was a girl. We were in love and inseparable. One day we were walking along and this video started playing about a fat guy who won a trip to where we were for free for a year if he got up to 500 pounds. Suddenly we decided to go to a baseball game. We were sitting at the fence watching this game, then a gang came up and started messing with us so I told them to fuck off and they wanted to fight. We were suddenly at a cliff fighting the gang. We continued to fight and bobby was there and he tried to kill me. I threw him off the cliff and kept on fighting. We won, but something was wrong with my girlfriend. I walked her home and suddenly she started having a seizure because there was trapped souls inside of her. I knew that she was going to die slowly and painfully so I did the only thing I could which was bring her outside, hit her with s rock, and choke the souls out. She died from it, but faster and less painful than if I were to let her die. I then threw the body off of a cliff. I went home and cried myself to sleep. The next day they found the body and came to question me. They asked "Where is (her name)" and I said that I thought she was sleeping and they believed me and left me alone. I decided to tell my story on a youtube channel. I finished it then went on Facebook and told a different story with weird bold shit. Then, I got sick of lying, broke down, and told the whole story from the beginning to a police officer before the dream faded.
January 21st, 2017
Dream 1: I was a highly skilled hitman of sorts and I had a bunch of gadgets. My memory starts when I am underwater but I am positive there was some sort of story leading up to this. I was underwater with a gadget that sucked in and blew out water. I was outside this underwater building and I used my gadget to suck in a lot of water, then I went inside the building and released it and then went up for air. All of a sudden this girl busts in and says "FREEZE, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" and I froze. I heard two people coming and I told the police officer that we needed to run but she said no so I disobeyed her and ran into a side room while saying "I need a gun!" and she followed. There was dead people floating in the water with pistols around them and I grabbed one. I checked the clip and it was filled with little bullets but I figured it was good enough. I started putting it in the wrong way then flipped it around. It fit and I got it in just as the two guys came in. They had guns and we had guns. I pulled the trigger and nothing happened, and I cocked it, then I pulled it again and sparks came out. Then they shot at me and sparks came out of theirs, too. So I and them said simultaneously "It's time for an old fashioned fight!" and I pistol whipped the guy closest to me. We were transported to land and it was completely white with a staircase. I grabbed one and threw him down the staircase and he was out, so I grabbed the other and did the same and he was barely injured. I grabbed him again and dropped him on his head this time and it did a little more damage and then I did it again and he was down. That's the extent I remember my dream to.
January 27th, 2017
Dream 2: It was me, Adriano, Andrew, and some other guy. We were in this library like place sneaking in. We snuck in past the janitor and then it fades for a bit. I regain my memory inside of a mental hospital. Dr. House is there with us and he diagnoses Adriano with having a tape worm. I went to see Cuddy and she said that House was wrong but we believed he was right. So, we went back to the library and looked at the security cams. We saw something fall out at the hallway and in the room we broke into. We started to go inside of the library and I asked some girl if she saw a tapeworm. She didn't respond and we kept going because Adriano was going to die if we didn't get the papers. We found the white papers in a cross on the ground in the hallway and picked it up, now all we needed was the red paper in the room we broke into. We started to go there but the janitor was there so everyone else just ran away downstairs. I followed and started calling them pussies and told them that Adriano needed this or he was going to die. Just then, some autistic kid came down the stairs and I started going off about how he can do anything he wants and then my principle comes down after him. I'm now walking near the autistic kid and I wanted to kill him but I decided not to because principle came downstairs. I started explaining that Adriano would die if we didn't get the red paper but he wouldn't believe us because it was too ridiculous. I thought "Why didn't we go through the other stairs" and the dream fades.
February 9th, 2017
Dream 1: I was in a room with black walls, a black floor, and a black ceiling. Adriano was here with me, and the room was very hot. At one end of the room, there was a door, it had a small glass slot that you could see out of and it was metal. It was almost like an airlock door. Beside that door on either side was trapdoors that you could see through (also black) with lava underneath them. Me and adriano walked out into this hallway with glass on the sides so we could see the lava surrounding us, but there was also some blue in there and it was cold. For some reason, Adriano couldn't really deal with the heat but for some reason he could be in the room with the heat but not the cold. Me and adriano went back into the room and two girls came in. I don't remember what they looked like, but they were around 14-15. They went over to the trap doors, by now I was in the middle of the room, and they lifted them up and pulled a string out of it. All of a sudden, the room started crumbling and I remember being paralyzed with fear, and the next thing I knew, I was on a circular floaty raft thing riding on the lava. Some of it was splashing over, and some got in my mouth but it had turned into mud. I looked behind us, and there were empty life rafts coming down from a huge opening that was sort of a rectangle at the middle of the mountain that we were sliding on. I turned back and I saw that we were heading into a tree, and that there was land right ahead of us with a life raft just getting onto the land. I felt the raft start to fall and just as we were about to hit land I jumped off of the raft and grabbed onto the side of the tree. I could see a ditch with clear water at the bottom and my first impulse was to clean off all of the mud that had dried on my skin and clothes. All of a sudden, the water splashed up around me and I was disoriented because everything was moving so fast but I was cleaned. Then, I woke up.
February 12th, 2017
Dream 1 Title: The camp, the cave, and the murderer. (One of my favourites)
Dream 1: this dream lasted two days. On the first day, I was at a camp. I don't remember the specifics of the camp, but I was there with 3 of my cousins (Adriano, 15, Serena, 13, Dante, 13), my brother (Andrew, 13), and my aunt (Jen). There was also this other girl who had blonde hair. I don't remember much about this girl except for her hair. She was around my age (15) and the first day of camp went by pretty quickly. On the first day I went up to the blonde haired girl (Didn't get a name, let's call her Emma). I went up to Emma and we started talking. We talked for the entire day and just walked around the campsite. I don't remember what we talked about, but we enjoyed the company. It came the end of the day, and we were both at her van. Her van was black, had two seats in the front, then a storage area at the back. I said "Goodbye, see you tomorrow" and left to go sleep. I then went back to my cousins and we slept in their fan, which had 6 seats. The front seats could go back like a lawn chair, while the other seats couldn't. Adriano was in the driver's seat, Serena was in the passenger's seat, Andrew and Dante were in the two middle seats, and I decided that it was best to sleep on the floor outside of the van. Their van was also black, but it had 6 seats. We all eventually fell asleep, but in the middle of the night, I was woken up by Emma. She told me that she was in trouble and that I might not see her for a while, meanwhile I was too tired to comprehend what she was saying and just said "Okay, have fun." and rolled back over. On the morning of the second day, I remembered what Emma had said and just thought 'Shit, what the hell am I going to do now?'. I had a radio or some form of telepathy, and Andrew told me that I should go into a cave. I asked him why and he said "There's good stuff in there, bro!" and I decided I would go into a cave. While I was waking to the cave, Andrew said in my ear "If the host of the server gets disconnected, you can go and jump down the cave without taking any damage and go and pick up all of the papers without worrying about the mutants attacking you" and I completely understood what he said. He was talking about the game 'The Forest', which I had played with him a decent bit. What he said is actually true for the forest, though there is no cave with papers in it. When I got to the cave, I looked inside and it was like one of those caves from 'The Forest'. The cave had this soft blue light reflecting off of the walls, and everything was just breathtaking. I walked a little bit into the cave and started picking up these pieces of paper with words on them. As I followed further down the cave, I got a little bit scared and thought 'I might have to die, but I will redeem the experience from the papers and just respawn.", as you can probably tell I was in video game mode at this point. When I got decently far into the cave, my hands started to fill up with these papers so I turned around and started walking back out of the cave. As I was coming up to a bend right before the entrance, I heard someone, or something, moving outside of the cave, but I felt like it was right around the bend. I looked down and there was another two papers at my feet, so I tried to pick them up, but couldn't. I decided to redeem the 2 papers that would give me the least amount of experience and then just grab the papers below me. I ended up throwing the two papers with the least amount of experience, picking them back up, redeeming them, then picking up the other two papers. When I did this, I heard more sounds around the bend. I decided I would wait them out, but they kept going for a good 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes had passed, I had got agitated enough to not give a shit about what was out there and just charge around the corner. I started running, I went around the bend, and I came out into this passageway where there were little sections of the cave roof missing, but they were missing in squares. Two of the squares were filled up with a single rusty metal grate on each of them. I saw someone on the roof with a spear and a bow, but I didn't see who. I knew they could easily kill me, so I grabbed one of the rusty metal grates and said "Hello!?" and they turned around. It was Emma. She fired an arrow at me and I yelled "Hey, stop! It's me, Stanley! Stop, remember me?" and she fired two arrows into the sky and they bounced off of the other metal grate and said "Stanley, I'm so sorry, I can't be too careful because I'm on the run!" and I replied with "On the run? From who? What did you do?". She then jumped down into the cave with me through the square space that I had left in the ceiling from taking the metal grate, and she said "I am on the run from the police, they think I killed a man". I don't remember the rest of the dialogue, but I think I told her I would help her out. We then started walking back to base camp, where her van was, and there wasn't any dialogue until we got to bad camp. When we got there, Emma stood outside of her van waiting for me, my cousins, and Andrew to get ready to leave. I went over to Adriano's van, and Serena was in the passenger's seat again, Adriano was in the drivers, and Andrew and Dante were in the middle seats. Adriano got out of the van and said "Fuck, Stanley, these seats are disgusting." and Serena got out and went into the back of the van, giving me a glance at the seats. These seats were covered in sand, and I guess Adriano had thought that was disgusting. We then went over to our camp side and grabbed some rags and started washing the seats down. When we were finished, I told them to get in the van and went over to Emma's van. I told her we were ready to go and hopped in her passenger seat. Adriano drove his van over to us and said "Blonde chick, how do you know Stanley?" and Emma responded "We hung out all day yesterday" and hopped in the drivers seat. Then, I woke up.
February 18th, 2017
Dream 1: Lucid dream 1! I was in this room with another person and I became lucid all of a sudden. I said "I know I'm dreaming, but I don't feel like doing anything." and I kinda felt the dream fading away and knew I couldn't hold on much longer. Then, I woke up.
Dream 2: Lucid dream 2! I was jolted awake by my alarm, and slowly started falling back to sleep. I kept in mind that I was entering a dream, and soon I was hearing noises and a dream started to form. I saw the blackness, and then faded away.
Dream 3: The dream starts out in a trailer park with Adriano, Serena, Dante, and Andrew. We were inside the main house and I was changing in the corner. I was fully naked, and underneath a ping pong table, and I had to get up and go around the table to get my clothes. For some reason, nobody looked at my dick so I guess I lucked out. I finished getting dressed in black clothes, and all of a sudden, this bald guy comes in. He says "Hello, people, I am the owner here, and I saw that you guys were fucking up the rocks outside. Now, I don't appreciate this, so I am going to ask you to stop." and then he kept rambling on. I got sick of his speech, so I decided to try and leave. He was in front of the door, so I tried to go around him, and he put out his arms and I said "No? Okay." and backed up. Some time passed, and everyone was gone except me and Adriano. He kept giving the speech, and I know I never touched the rocks, so I was kinda pissed. I started to leave, and Adriano followed me, but the guy said "If you leave now, I'll ban you from this property!" and Adriano replied with "You can't, I own this property." and I thought 'Specifics, his father owns it.' but I stayed silent. Then, the guy said "Fine, then if you leave, I'll ban you from the entire park!" and I replied with "Haha, make me a profile and ban me, fuckwad. I don't give a shit, I will never even come back." and I got a little pissed. Then, the guy said "I wasn't talking to you, but I could ban you if you want" and I replied "Go for it, dickhead, I don't give a shit." and I started burning the grass and it turned into rainbows. I then left and started walking to the van that was outside, and Adriano followed me. I fell into a ditch and tried to get out, and Adriano said "Need a hand?" but I told him no and that I had it. I was somehow incredibly weak and couldn't make it up, and then the ditch started filling with mud and I grabbed onto the pipe mud was coming out if and thought 'Are they going to let me in the van now?' and the dream fades.
February 21st, 2017
Dream 1: The dream starts in this house. I have never been in this house before in real life, but in the dream, I could sense it was my house. It's a school day, and above everything, I had the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach because I didn't want to go to school. I called in sick and then went outside for a walk. While on the walk I came across a house with a little black girl outside playing. I paused for a moment, and decided to engage in conversation. I don't remember the dialogue, but she had a sarcastic attitude that reminded me of that girl in grade 8 that liked that one word for a body part that was odd. After a while, I ended up in my house and mom was there. She was bitching about how Andrew got a call from my school and he called her telling her that I wasn't there. So I asked her if she could drive me and she said no. I looked at my watch and it displayed 11:30, so I went outside. I went to where the little girl was and went into her house. She was in one of the side rooms and I walked in. Something was on her tv and she told me that I wasn't supposed to see it. Then, a tape started playing and it was snowing in the tape and me, Andrew, and my mother were sitting there. I could sense that this was a tape meant to help me, and that it was about dad. Then, I woke up.
February 24th, 2017
Dream 1 Title: Killing Satan
Dream 1: I can't pinpoint exactly when or where this dream starts, but I was hunting Satan. Yes, the big bad guy that wants to murder everyone, or whatever you believe. The thing was, we didn't know what Satan looked like, but we knew he morphed into a human. I say 'we' because I was hunting him with my Uncle Mark (Long hair, long bear, brown hair, mechanic and looks like one, 50 years old), and with my partner named 'Sam' who looked exactly like my brother (Red hair, freckles, short, 13). We had a prime suspect who looked like a lumberjack that we thought might be Satan. I was watching him in a car near this shop that I think I owned, and I was with Sam. For some reason, we decided to enter the shop to watch him more closely. We continued watching The Suspect (I'll call him that because I don't know his name) at a range that I hoped was far enough away so we would not attract any attention. Then, he spotted me and I walked up to him and got completely overwhelmed by this feeling of joy, and I kind of knew in the back of my mind that this guy was supposed to be my dad. I looked more closely at him and I saw that he looked exactly like my memory of my real dad (who unfortunately passed away), and I was just blown away by it and I almost became lucid. Then, I hugged him and almost started crying but then the scene skips. When my memory comes back, me and Sam were watching the shop late at night when it was closed. All of a sudden, The Suspect comes out of nowhere barreling towards the shop. He grabs some random girl (or so we thought) and runs away towards these motels on the top of a hill. Me and Sam run back to my Uncle's shop as fast as we could and I started looking for any weapons I could find while Sam explained the situation to my Uncle. I found 3 large steak knives so I gave one to my Uncle, and one to Sam and we made off towards the motel. We found the room that we thought they were in, and me and Sam jumped on top of it (My uncle kinda disappears at this point). Suddenly, the motel room turns into a giant orange peel and we are unphased by this(We were hunting Satan, after all). I started yelling into the motel at The Suspect, which prompted him and the girl to yell back "We are hunting Satan, too, in fact, it's your partner!". I turned around slowly and looked at Sam, thinking 'I've known you all my life, could this be fake?' but I gripped my knife and charged at Sam. I raised it over my head and went in to stab him, but missed and stabbed the orange peel motel instead. This caused it to start cracking enough so The Suspect and girl could see us. They were standing before some sort of portal, and they did something that made it explode. It killed them both instantly, and shattered Sam(Satan). I was now alone with my thoughts and I thought "Holy shit, what a plot twist!" and "That was really good,". Then I thought about how I should tell the others, and my alarm clock woke me up.
On a side note, this may have happened because I was watching the Rick and Morty episode 'Total Rickall' the night before, in which a bunch of alien parasites that can morph into humans and create false memories about them try to take over the world, but Rick goes and locks them in. Anyways, the dream may have been influenced a little bit by that, but I can't be sure.
March 3rd, 2017
Dream 1: I was outside for the first part. It was a lot like rust, and I was walking around until I found an unlocked sheet metal door. I went into it and there was a naked guy sleeping in a bed. I went through his inventory and all he had was a key. I grabbed the key and opened the wooden door near me. I walked into the room, and it was filled with large furnaces. I checked every furnace, and most of them were filled with this one shitty item that was like moss. There was nothing good in the furnaces. I then saw a pile of chests in a corner, so I walked over to them. I looked through them, and there was nothing in them and I started thinking "Fucking little kids, they built this base just to troll." I then started walking towards the exit and though "Wait, is this a dream?" and all of the lights went out, turning everything pitch black. I became lucid at this point, and decided to try to make everything light again because I couldn't see. I tried so hard, that I woke myself up in real life but it was very odd. I could see real life and I could see the dream at the same time. Real life was just the side of my bed, but the dream was me looking at this girl who was sitting on a bed, with candles around her as the only source of light. I was on the ground looking up.
March 9th, 2017
Dream 1: I was at a bar and there was a bunch of bottles of beer up on the counter. It was a small bar that could seat about 5-8 people, and it was in the corner of this big room. I was seated at the corner of the bar. I was drinking some beer, and finished like 3 bottles. I decided I wasn't drunk enough, so I grabbed a bottle of wine and started chugging it. It tasted like wine, but toned down a lot. Everyone was cheering "He's chugging the wine! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!". At this point I was pretty fucked up so I looked up at the bartender. The bartender was this black-haired girl, but I could see her so vividly that I decided I wasn't too drunk. I went and left the bar to go talk to my friends. I told them "I'm so fucked up that I'm not even fucked up."
March 18th, 2017
Dream 1: I was in this weird building. I found this hallway type thing and I went down it. At one end of the hallway there was a door that I went through. I put a tool cupboard down like in rust and then I walled it up. I then went back into the hallway into another room and went into the closet and put a to down where someone was sleeping. Then, a bunch of people came in and I gave them tc. I then went back into the hallway and into another room thing. I saw there was another building with the doors open. They were sheet metal doors with locks on them. I went past them and came to a set of sheet metal doors without locks on them, but they were closed. I opened them and entered this room. There was a bunch of kids sitting around, and it was like a young offender group therapy thing. I started saying that the doors were open and that they should close them, and I think someone got mad at me. That's all I remember.
March 24th, 2017
Dream 1: The dream started out in my house with my mother, Andrew, and I. We were just sitting around. My mother put some TCs up like in rust but she didn't seal them. Then, all of a sudden, people come down from helicopters and surround the house looking in through out windows. I feel adrenaline surge through me and I call out for my family to grab a knife. I opt for the steak knife, but mother takes it before me, so I grab a broken sharp knife, swap it, then swap back. I run outside, and I suddenly have a sniper. I jump on this merry-go-round thing and scope at widowmaker. I shoot her in the head three times, then jump off, and see some cunt inside my house so I whoot him in the head through the window. I'm then transported inside the house on the top floor. The floor is barren and there are windows. I see the cunts building a sheet metal raid tower. I get pissed and blame mother for not sealing of the TC. Then, it ends.
Dream 2: I'm not sure where this dream starts, but I end up being transferred into this huge demon. I was originally a 14 year old boy with red hair, and I was transported with my 'sister'. She had black hair, and was skinny. When we got teleported, I looked around. Everything was orange but it was like someone's insides. There were little square sections on the floor that had a hot orange fluid in them. I decided it would be best if I pretended to be on the demon's side, then the dream cuts. I am now my sister, and this demon is talking to me and telling me that my brother has turned, and that he's given her good tips to become better. She had frozen all of her liquid, and I knew I had to get out. The dream cuts to me in a swimming pool room, and there's a man in the pool. I help him up, then see a teleportation device. It was a tube. I start to run for it, but the other guy gets in it before me and tries to shut the tube. I jump in and it's filled with this liquid. I assume he dies, but the dream ends.
May 6th, 2017
Dream 1: It was like rust, but there was some changes. It was darker, and gloomy, but not too dark. It started out like I was watching someone playing it. He had a tommy gun and a bolt. He killed this one guy and then ran to the left.a heli came overhead and didn't shoot him. He opened his inventory to reveal he only had 3 pieces of clothes on. He then starts walking up this hill, and some red thing is shot down and it hits the ground and makes a huge bubble of red. He looks to his left, and it was coming from his base. He can hear people talking about getting 12 of them. He walks over to his base and sees some people around the front side. He takes a shot, but they open the door and go in. Now I'm the guy. I figure they blew in and put a door down there. I go in the side door, which was an armoured double door, and I went upstairs to where my loot room was. I started calling them trash and shit and they responded. I went down a bit and saw that I was missing a door. I opened the door behind it and there was a kid sitting right there. I headshot him 3 times with my tommy gun then closed the door. I said "Haha, I headshot your friend 5 times." and then they somehow got in. It starts to get fuzzy, but I killed the little kid. The older one downed me and started screaming "cyka blyat! Or as it's now own as 76." And I was like "76? What." And I looked it up and it was true. Then, the dream ended.
May 10th, 2017
Dream 1: This dream was pretty long. It starts out with me being in a university lecture about history. The room I was I was small, had comfy chairs, and walkways going up the steps. It was like a movie theatre with two doors on the left and right side at the top. The professor was talking about our previous prime ministers and he asked a question to us, which I decided to try and answer, even though I couldn't follow what he was saying. I answered incorrectly according to him, and he continued his lecture. He asked another question about who was prime minister before another guy, and I recited what he had said, but he still said I was incorrect. I then go outside of the classroom to a tree and a beautiful cheerleader comes up and starts talking to me. I continued the conversation, and I think she got mad at me somewhere along the line, but we became friends. Then, I hopped into another dream.
May 13th, 2017
Dream 1: There was me and this beautiful girl. I think it was Emma. I loved her, and I think she loved me. We were trying to attack this tower that had a force field on it. We somehow went around the side and got through the force field. We then went inside and there were cameras everywhere. Me and Emma had mice so we could talk to other people. We could also hear the main leader of the tower. It was a girl at first, but turned into a guy later. We could tell when she left the camera room, so we would move from blind spot to blind spot then. Finally, we got to the top tower and the boss turned into a guy and started taunting us because he had gotten down below into the moat. We said "He's swimming in the moat?" and then the guy taunted and said "Which of you wants to marry me?" and Emma told me to jump into the water. I did, and when I hit the water from that height, I saw the gold. I grabbed a bunch and then Emma told me she would marry him. She comforted me and told me that we could have his money, and I understood that she still loved me. It skips a bit, and there's no longer a moat The boss has also returned to a girl, which was Veronica from the Archie comics. There was this prized possession which was a really shiny blue gem. There was this homeless guy that kept throwing dirt everywhere, like on the gem. Finally, he threw dirt on the floor and I had enough of him. I jumped down through the window, opened the door, and threw him out. There was also worms on the ground. I cleaned up all the dirt, then went to check on the gem. It was different. I went and charged the homeless guy and checked every nook and cranny of this guy and only found a bag of worms mixed with macaroni, and this guy was frantic. I slowly picked him up, put him on his feet, and apologized because I had found nothing. It then fades away.
June 11th, 2017
Dream 1: The dream starts off with me escaping from prison with 6 other people. At the beginning two of us died somehow while we were in carts or some shit. The next time I remember anything is when we were on a road and two of us died again. Now it's me and this other guy and for some reason I hate him. I push something into his eyes and I end up taking his eyes out of their sockets. I then threw him into lava and went home. When I get home, I say I'm the sole survivor. It turns out the guy I killed is my best friends dad. There is a big tornado and their house gets knocked down, they then find the dad's body in the house and they assume he died inside the house. I told my best friend that I felt his pain and that I understand. Then, all of a sudden my friend's dad comes back from the dead. I got confused and looked down at my hand. I realized it was a dream and became lucid. Then I tried spinning and the dream faded.
July 8th, 2017
Dream 1: I was on the bus to school, and I looked around. I felt like it was the first day but i was like "Hol up, the summer didn't end this fast, and the regular kids aren't here..." and i looked at my watch and the numbers were all fucked up. I realized it was a dream and i got the urge to do something, but I woke up. I didn't move and I felt tingling all over my body. I kept telling myself I was dreaming, but it didn't work.
Dream 2: I was on a boat with Andrew, Serena, Dante, Adriano, mom, my aunts, my other cousins, etc. Then, this boat went somewhere very dark, like a cave. It started shaking and I knew we were all going to die. There was an admissions paper and I scribbled my name across it just before we died. We all respawned and went back to the underground docks to re board the boat. The captain said that only people on the admissions were allowed on the boat. It was Adriano, Andrew, and he could barely make out my name but he realized it was me. He escorted the others out and Adriano looked at me and pumped his fist. We then took off down the water, and there were floating blood stains with green fire above them in a ball. It was like dark souls. I picked it up and looked for the mass of these blood stains to find where we all died, but we swiftly changed paths and went into lava. We were somehow staying afloat on the lava but I didn't trust it very much. The boat tipped and I got singed by the lava. That's all I remember.
August 16th, 2017
Dream 1: I'm outside of a university and I was planning to kill someone. I think I was with someone else but I don't remember. We went onto the roof of the university and I looked down through this circle with a railing. I yelled down through it at the professor to get him to answer my question and he couldn't hear me. Everyone else in the room could, though. I kept yelling and some of the kids were starting to laugh. Then, my watch started beeping and the professor heard that. He said something like "who's is that, don't be afraid, we can use it." And u screaming "Me!" And he didn't hear me. The kids burst out laughing. Then I went down and after the professor had finished the lecture I asked him a question. I said "Hey, professor, can I ask you a personal question?" and I knew he used to be a sniper. He replied "I guess, I answer a lot of personal questions." and I said "Well, it's not really personal, idk." then said "Ok, I have this friend and he asked me a question and I thought it was a cool question and figured it could use answering. Ok, so, if someone were trying to kill someone flay from the roof of this building, how should they go about doing it?" and the professor replied "Well, they'd have to get on the roof first, and that is nearly impossible." and I just thought to myself 'haha, right.' and the dream fades.
Dream 3: I was in prison with this guy. For some reason I knew I was important and I started talking to this guy who was supposed to be my father. He asked me what my social security number was and I replied with '6018-8 somethin somethin somethin' and he's like "for fucks sake, you don't know it? It's 6018-8182-7489 (Not anything real)" and I mentally noted it. The other people in the prison were like 'what?' I then went into my cell and my cell mate was my cousin or some shit. I messed with him so he didn't remember my ssn and it worked. Then, at night, I found a keypad on top of my cell and thought "Wait! This is what that code was for!" and I put some random 4-digit code and it unlocked my first cell door. I dropped down in between the two cell doors and said "Alright, lets go have some fun!" which he replied to "Don't get stuck!" and we walked out. It then cuts to me interviewing my cousin and he said that the social security number was so I could do some booking, but he said he had a lot of free time. He said he was able to keep a dream journal, watch tv, have a chair, etc. just because he wanted it. He said that because he had so much free time he read books and was great at accounting now. I then showed up and was like "Come, we need you" and it was like a superhero movie or some shit.
September 10th, 2017
Dream 1: I was in this tv show type thing and it was like a survival. Someone locked me and a bunch of others in this reality and made us try and survive. We lost a bunch of people along the way and when it got too boring for the guy, he wiped our memories and then restarted the game. The most interesting part is that on the second time I was walking with a bunch of people and then the guy started putting people to sleep, and I fell asleep because of him but I was trying to keep my memory in tact. I remembered most of it but then I couldn't speaks and everything was broken. The world was messed up and then the guy said he'd fix it if I gave up my memory. I gave up my memory and then I awoke again with no memory of the previous times, which is so weird. Then I heard something outside so I went and my crocodile was getting circled and I remembered something like that happened before and I pulled him up but he was supposed to die. Then one of the real people freaked out and killed something in the water and yelled at me and I went to go get it. The dream fades from here.
October 9th, 2017
Dream 2: I was at some marine land type shit. I got stuck on the chair ride that spins. I was upside down and it was stuck. Some chick was like "are u pranking me rn lol" and I was just like 'shit I'm stuck' and then she said to push some shit down so I used my chains and did it, and somehow got down. Then I walked down the steps and asked the chick if she started the ride or not, and the ride started going fucking weird. Some kids were standing around and I told them to back up because it was out of control. One of the kids had a winter jacket and snow pants. They slipped on the stairs and fell into icy cold water. I saw and did nothing. I figured someone else would help them, but I was primed to jump in. They kept sinking and then out of nowhere some guy jumped in and swam under. He swam under and grabbed the kid, and brought them up. He turned out to be an actor that was playing a badass role. I saw watchmojo saying that he was so cool and a badass in real life too.
There will be more to come, and I'll try to explain some of them better in the future. These are old and I don't want to go changing them all.
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