Dream Recount from 21/9/14 💤 6:10 AM 👽 Aliens Assault 👽

in dream •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey steemarz,

I have so many more dreams to share with you, so here's one of them.

Context of the dream:
It's the year 2012 and the human race had colonised hundreds of planets.

I'm not sure where I am in the start of the dream, but I believe I'm at Mount Gambier High School (MGHS) as the rest of the scene is also at MGHS. I was having a conversation with Jack S (my best friend in real life) who was telling me about his latest trip to Croatia and their culture, language and food.

Note: MGHS was the school that I used to go to.

Next scene

I was in the visual arts performance room stepping up towards the end row of audience seats. I found a spot to the right of Jacob D and after a short while Jeremy S sat down to the right of me. Moments later, Jacob's girlfriend, Abbey G approached the row of seats below us. I shouted, "Abbey, over here." She would have easily heard me but she ignored me and kept on moving through the row below us until she reached Emma P and her other friends. I looked at our row and realised all the seats were taken up so she couldn't have sat up here anyway.

The lights in the room were dimmed and the audience quietened to a murmur, our attention was directed to the front of the stage when suddenly, Jacob rose up from his seat, lifted an instrument to his mouth and started playing a celebratory tune. Moments later, someone else further down in the audience stood up with a percussion instrument and started a rhythm and then Jeremy rose up with a trumpet and played his piece. In a short time there were two or three others standing and playing music as confetti was falling from the ceiling above, all the while I had no idea why they were celebrating.

trumpet confetti.jpg

I was watching the performance spread throughout the audience when I caught the growing commotion and concerning behaviour down below, the teachers were no longer excited and cheerful as the rest of us were; instead they were talking together in a small group on stage and shortly, the teachers standing by the side of the audience became concerned and joined the other teachers including the school principal below. The students began to notice the concerned group of staff and realised they were tense.

The confetti ceased flowing and so did the music and chatter among the students.

The mood in the room was almost in the same state as it was before the performance, except for a different reason. Both students and teachers were anxious to find out what was going on and why the celebration had finished early. There was a renewed murmuring in the crowd again. I was both concerned and excited to find out what was important enough to disrupt the performance. As we glanced towards each other in search of an answer, a small TV which was embedded in the side of a nearby wall flashed on and revealed a problem...

On the screen was an image of a Grotesque figure, a humanoid figure composed of only flesh and organs with no skin to cover what looks like the insides of a creature; although the flesh and organs were misplaced and seemed to be crammed into every empty space possible beneath where the skin would normally be. The surface of the body looked glossy and wet as organs excreted moisture into the gaps and crevices where different organs met together; the moisture formulated bubbles that behaved chaotically in a chemical reaction, they grew and spat and oozed out of the crevices. It was obviously not human, but that was not the problem...
Note: I drew this simple image of the alien. It isn't as detailed or as awesome as it looks in my mind, but it's the best I can do with the time that I want to spend on it. There are more organs over the front of the chest and obviously more depth and texture than my pencil skills can capture. ✏️

Instead of skin to hold the figure intact and upright, the whole body from top to bottom was tightly sealed in a clear, plastic material containing a zip running right through the front of it, as if it would need to... come out of its synthetic skin for something, or maybe it was to be placed into the humanoid shaped material at birth and as it grew it would be taken out of its old skin and put into a new skin. These creatures may have poisoned and polluted their home world so heavily such that the atmosphere has eroded away their skin and altered their genetics so they could not reproduce skin. This plastic polymer may protect and contain their body until they can find a solution or a cure, but that was not the problem...
This is what the plastic polymer suit of the alien looks like in my mind. Part of the suit even incorporated the zip material on some of the edges of the aliens suit including the shoulder joins (in my mind of course).

Disgusting noises came from the grotesque figure as it revealed to us what it intended us to know, it gurgled, bubbled and squealed in a high pitched, irritating manner and it clicked and ticked every so often as an insect does during mating calls. The figure began to slowly unzip the top of his support suit, its head held together without the aid of the plastic mould. Its brain looked similar to a humans with a pale pink tinge of colour, although it was considerably larger, encompassing almost half of its head space down to where the human eyes are usually positioned. The bottom half of the head was composed of two yellow organs, one each on the left and the right of the head separated by a thin vertical gap running between the middle of the face intercepting where human noses and mouths would normally sit. The organs were composed of a bright mustard yellow substance which resembled the state of a decayed bee's honeycomb. It bared a rotted and sickly texture to it and the flies were attracted to it; I could see black flies buzzing around the bottom half of the creatures face and landing in the yellow pasty substance, unable to escape as they become stuck in the mustard-like composition.

The creature had taken his support suit off and could surprisingly support his body without skin. The humanoid figure stepped back from the video screen and the image rotated down to the ground showing another figure just like the first, with one difference. This figure was lying on the ground face down and... deflated. The creature's organs were flat and oozing clear liquid. They were slightly rumpled like a blanket as if the body itself was a piece of clothing tossed to the ground, it was dead. After a few moments of watching the video of the dead figure, the first appeared on screen with a large syringe, knelt down beside the dead figure and stabbed him in the back with the needle 💉. The liquid seeping from the dead body began to flow back into its muscles, tendons and organs and the figure rose up from the ground, it was alive. The first figure was slightly taller than the previously dead figure upon comparison and now the video began to focus on the taller figure.

This video had the full attention of everyone in the room and no noise was made except the aggressive snarls, grunts and occasional clicks from the revolting creatures. The taller figure made a gesture with its arm and hand across its neck as to indicate death and suddenly the creature rose its other hand in view of the video which contained a small blade and slashed it across its own throat and across its chest. The whole audience gasped in unison 😨😱, some gripped the edge of their seats and some girls squealed. The deep gashes spurted blood over the creatures body, towards the camera and onto the ground and the creature staggered backwards and almost toppled to the floor from the shock, but roughly five seconds after the slashing, the wounds began to heal and they were sealed within seconds, leaving the red blood stains over the chest and organs of the mad creature. I realised that this aggressive creature wanted to show to us that they had miraculous healing abilities and could survive wounds that are usually fatal to humans. The figure made another gesture by imitating slashing his throat again, but then it pointed towards the screen, then the screen went black.

Next scene

Suddenly the TV switched on again to the news and revealed a military report about the aliens attacking human inhabited planets. The report mentioned that the aliens were extremely hard to kill and we stand little chance of surviving their imminent main assault. Some students first believed it was a prank until the teachers and Earth's military forces confirmed that it is a real threat to humanity.
earth planets- dream.png
The military report revealed that the human colonised planets were being assaulted from the top first and were working their way down to Earth, however they flew down to the left flank and began their assault on the closer planets to Earth.

Next scene

I was down the street in town and the aliens had arrived at Earth. I quickly ran into a shop that sold swords and grabbed a samurai sword. I stood behind the entrance to the store with the samurai sword and waited for an alien to enter the store. The door opened and in came one of the figures without a support suit. I figured that the creatures must not need it in Earth's atmosphere. As I watched the creature, it must have sensed that I was right at the door. It slowly turned around and saw me holding the samurai sword, it slowly reached behind its back and revealed a samurai sword of his own. The creature swung it experimentally in the air and I could tell that it was trained in the art of swordsmanship.
samurai with border-smoke.jpg
End of dream.

If you loved reading this, feel free to upvote to the max ⬆️and let me know how I can improve on my story telling by leaving a comment, thanks guys!

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good job

Thanks Jennifar! I hope you enjoyed reading my post :)