Beautiful, scary, mysterious - are extremely bizarre dreams of every expectant mother. Real or fantastic, they reflect her thoughts or things that have happened to light and can find logical explanations.
During sleep the brain processes huge amount most diverse information. As a result, it brightens some desires and fears of screening is random, non-essential and events, and important primary feelings come to the fore and sometimes by sleep leads to serious decisions.
The experiences of a dream of what should happen, prepare the person better for the changes that will soon have to meet.
Even incomprehensible or fantastic the dream events accompanied natural and full of emotions . Our tears, laughter and amazement are equally sincere and in life. Moreover, experiencing sleep terrors and offended person is exempt from these feelings that might be too shattering light.
In my dream doing important work required to solve various life tasks. And when the job was finished successfully, we reserve quite vague memory of a friend or restless sleep.
But if the morning remember your dream in detail and continue to think about it, analyzing visions, then this work has not been completed and there is more to understand, experience and understanding.
It is quite normal during pregnancy women can dream of things that relate to birth - excites them all indefinitely, which will happen in the near future.
source:, Psy blog