Little Blog Before Beddie Bye. Art, life, live, love,music, soon to come.

in dreamer •  8 years ago 

Relaxing into the dream to complete the enchanted garden feat! Bring back the Garden of Eat'n'! Let Permaculture turn every desert on earth into a paradise! A complete reversal away from commodity fetishism as a way of being. No longer attached to objects and technology.

I refused to be treated like a number like a vegetable. Not meant to grovel while many more people get punished for being poor. I remember the puns! I'm a pun-krocker that can re-work language cause I know how not to confuse a story with a telling and a sound with a spelling.

Getting back The Mother Tongue. The way you wished your mom talked to you as a baby. Communication without the possibility of missed-understanding. If it's the time of the communication war then I say I bring about peace in a way that says - You Want A Peace Of ME!?!?!?!

Chronic fatigue burnout syndrome all my life to preserve the light inside of me to stay alive, the goal to thrive! My eyes were open wide when I was born, I did not cry! Babies are not born afraid of the dark or of animals. How dare the culture insult intelligence. We are born with 300 bones and then lose a few hundred to a fuse. Let's get our bones and mobility back! The animal in man come to Kill Kill Culture.

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That was Beautiful...seriously dug it..

Thank you so much!!

you are very welcome

Wow, I really love it! What kind of techniques did you use on the images if you don't mind me asking? Some of them look very familiar to the deep learning style transfer things that I've been messing around with.

All various apps for android phone. I just brows through various effects/glitch/filter apps to see what they have to offer.