Why Burnout & Depression Were The Best Things That Happened To Me

in dreams •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Discomfort Will Propel You

In western culture we have access to almost anything we want with the push of a button. We have convenience. Everything is so easy that we don't even have to think about solving problems most of the time. This I believe is why many immigrants come to the U.S and outperform U.S citizens. It's because many of them come from "less than" situations and their backs are against a wall. They fight tooth and nail to flourish. How many times have you complained about the interweb not working? How many times have you complained that the hot water in the shower ran out? Well, I've been there too. It's the sometimes tragic nature of first world problems.

In hindsight of the hardest time of my life I learned something crucial. The fire is what refines you. It builds you and hardens you. In the moment however the fire can be a bit much and you may get to the point of tapping out. Well for me at least I wasn't going to quit on life but I sure wasn't trying to fight to live either. I just wanted to exist. All I wanted was to wake up and BE. It seemed that I was at the border of being in a vegetative state. I didn't know what comfort was and I also didn't know that being in that uncomfortable situation would be the best thing to happen to me.

The crawl back to being Earl was like crawling through quicksand with a weighted vest on. The battle was between me and me. All I had was a slither of hope and a mustard seed size of energy to pray. But I did. I tapped into my only option. G-O-D. What happened after that was a series of trial and error and pruning that would soon allow me to flourish once again. The work that it took to start returning to form was at many times mentally brutal and seemingly impossible. It started with walks outside in nature with my daughter. Then on top of that I started to immerse myself back into the creative world again. Exercise became my friend. But the icing on the cake I believe was cutting out things that took away from who I was or my energies. To be very descriptive here, I finally started saying HELL NO.

This stage that I'm currently in is like no other point in my life. Listen to me. Listen to my heart. The mistake the enemy made was taking his foot off my neck and letting me back up. This is just the beginning of my work. I have clearance to change the world by radiating light. We are taking back lives and reclaiming our energy. Come go with me as I spread the fire to the rest of the world and show darkness that it has no power over us. This is the rally cry. This is the moment. Shalom to the world.

Why do you think hard times helps us to grow?

What is something positive you want to see done in the world?

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Man! Watching that was strange.
I burned out about 7 years ago and it crushed me. I never had depression, as I interpret it, but I was in a bad way.
Stress from having a new family and being self employed took its toll and my body literally shut down on me. It got to the point that I would go to work every day thinking I was not going to make it back alive and that I would do the best I could to earn what I could to leave for my family. That lead to me not leaving my house for 6 weeks at all!! I was convinced , from the crushing chest pains ,that I was about to die any second. I could not even pick up a phone to tell a customer I was not going to complete a job because the pain would be paralysing.
I felt I was at the bottom of a very deep hole and the daylight was a pin prick. All I knew was that if I kept clawing at the earth I would be at ground level someday again.
I kept it all secret from my extended family and friends which was a mistake in hindsight .

One day I woke up and decide enough was enough and went to the doctors. He immediately said ' STOP NOW!'

It took me 18 months to get back to any kind of normality.

You are the first person who has interpreted that feeling I have ever heard.

Everyday was a struggle as my social anxiety was through the roof. Bit by bit I pushed myself and as you say it was fight or flight. My natural defence mechanism when backed into a corner is to lash out, and to some extent it still is .
The thing is I got to ground level and kept going and going and going.

Now I have invested so many days and years improving myself that I barely recognise my former self and even struggle to connect with 'normo's'.

All I see is people who have been through it and people who have not, plain and simple.

I see you use the term ' Forged in Fire' as well and it is the best way to describe it.

I do not consider my level of self improvement acceptable yet and I doubt I ever will.

Onwards and Upwards is my motto.

Good work and Thanks.

Your story is powerful. This lights me up. It feels good to know someone else understands because as you probably know people don't understand the severity of the situation. I was a zombie and I know my family could tell and like you I kept my mouth closed about it. I am also making improvements but I still feel I have a ways to go.

I really enjoyed reading that. I hope you continue to heal and continue to overcome.

This was the book that sparked change in my situation.

Thank you, I think once you experience it you are forever on the road to self improvement.
I will check the book out.

This I believe is why many immigrants come to the U.S and outperform U.S citizens. It's because many of them come from "less than" situations and their backs are against a wall.

You just said it all here bro. Hard Times really make people better. When you have all you want, you wouldn't know what it feela like to solve a problem and to think that good things don't last forever , how would you handle the tough time when all you've know is enjoyment.

It's easier to make a transition from hardship to a soft life than from a soft life to hardship.

I am all grown now and really appreciate the way my father treated me. When I was a kid I though he was being plane wicked for always telling me he had no money but in the real sense he wanted me to become a problem solver . Each time I ask him for something , the first thing he tells me is "what about the kids that can't afford it, what will they do? And I will just stand there looking like a lost cow. But it's the truth. Those who can't afford to get what I am asking for improvise , they look for other and better ways of getting it which helps in making them stronger and smarter.

I remember when I was in high school. I never had the time to read during the day because I was always Laden with lots of house chores as I was the second to the last born. I would wash all the dished , sweep the house and do lots of things that I had no time for myself . The only time I had to read my book was between the hours of 11pm to 1am and I did that everyday since I had no other time to read during the day.

At the time I was doing this, I felt I was stressing myself much but funny enough it helped me pass all my exams in flying colours . I always got to top my class. When I got into the university and had all the freedom ,I realised reading became a bit more difficult . There was no more constraint and then procrastination set in. But becauee I had already developed the attitude of reading, I had to discipline myself to read but it wasn't easy.

What I am saying in essence is that, being constrained and not having the time to read brought out the best in me and made me a better person . But when I had all the time in the world to read, I became laze and that's how life is generally . The hardship actually makes you a better person...having all you want might seem like fun but in the long run you will get to pay the price .

Man I always love your stories. I can just listen to them forever. It's goo that you took what your father taught you and applied it to your life. It's funny because I know when you were a kid you didn't realize you were being taught a valuable lesson. But now I'm sure your father's teaching will stick with you. Thanks for sharing that bro.

Its heart touching bro and its like a ray of hope for so many people and how we can make our pain the strength.

Thank you.

Yes. It's hard to see pain as a good thing because it hurts but looking back I know it has helped me to learn some things. Now I am sharing things that I have learned.

Thanks @humanearl for sharing the post with all of us.

 Why Burnout & Depression Were The Best Things That Happened To Me

After watching your videos i really felt like you have through lot of trouble and having watched your previous videos and post i really feel too like that's the best thing happened with you not in the sense that it tested you out or gave you struggle and tough times but what the beauty of that time was that it made you Stronger Better and focused over the time.

We have convenience. 

Well i think that convenience is really sometime good for those who need it and not for those who don't need it this may be thing even i don't look into we are used to get everything so quickly that we don't put effort at all as you said in the video and without any struggle and eating dirt nothing could be achieved i have seen that phase in my life and i know how that feels.

But once that comfort is gone you really feel the energy and feel motivated just as you are feeling right now today to be in shape and achieve things like never before its really good i really can feel the positivity from you man which inspires me too Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us all it was great to watch.

Have a great day ahead.


Yepp convenience can help but it also can make us complacent. Thanks for all your support. You always inspire me with everything you have to say. I learn alot from you.

I have my own frustration, my own struggle, my own pain along with a sweet dream for which I am alive.

I will burn my soul to achieve my goal.

Very very motivational story @humanearl.

Thank you....steem on and stay blissful....

Ahh I love how you wrote that. Very nice!

@humanearl, a real warrior engages with the protesters, you're too important a messenger to not engage with the Steemians leaving comments on your posts. Your 'Call' and 'Purpose' needs you to be visible and vocal with the people. Peace.

Wow. Powerful stuff here. I see why your name is @fiercewarrior. I'm fired up by what you said.

WARRIOR!!!!!!..you have work to do, you have awoken for that purpose. Peace to you @humanearl.

The worst that happened to you, converted as the best that happened to you! Amazing friend, your experience, your knowledge of how handle it is pretty useful for all of us!


@theguruasia I think about all yall all the time. I feel it is my responsibility to uplift and inspire yall. This is why I talk about the things I talk about.

@humanreal, Human life faced many difficulties such various occasions. We need to control out heart thoughts, feelings that time. Ex:- I have seen some boy and girl do love better with good understanding each others. After some period passed, girl has decided to leave from this affair and do it without any asking from boy. What a decision boy taken? what do you think? I've seen he take drugs and alcohol more; sometime he was suicide. That's very big issue in society.
I know you have much longer experience how faced any tough periods still our life time. The world, society has big issues. Probably we must faced those problems. If follow your instructions and opinions I think life can be delightful. Covert to negative thoughts to positive ones. All are staying with positive thinking. As me, if I feel some pain immediately do meditation. Meditation gives up natural background without any problems. We all join together and the will change the world. Great initiative.

Meditation is good. I like it because it helps to be more calm about life. I just try to do my best to remain positive.

If you are going through a hard time , Congratulations to you — something’s great is coming up on your way. Just remember NEVER GIVEUP.

If you are having a hard time this means that life is preparing you for something you have never dreamt of , something which you could never think of and something which would change your world and make it amaaaaaazing. You don't understand the value of good times until and unless you have suffered something bad before , this makes the joy of good times to multiply , this helps you find happiness in small things and also prepare yourself for the challenges that you got to face later in your journey to success. Believe it or not but at the end everybody succeeds.


Man I needed this! Thanks @kouba01. I look forward to handling challenges better and also enjoying the small things too.

you as always create excellent and correct topics for reasoning.
Our difficulties temper us and our character. That's why people who live in poor regions of the planet are morally stronger than those who are used to living in luxury and doing nothing.
In my opinion, all people are equal. Someone stronger, some weaker, but this can be remedied by training. The same with the ability to cope with life's difficulties. Some people lose the desire to fight and live in a vegetative state. You know about this not by hearsay. But you are a living example of the fact that from any life situation there is a way out. The main thing is to start fighting and going through all the difficulties.
Good topic

There seems to be a common thread that luxury tend to make people more complacent while having nothing makes one work extremely hard. I love everything you said man. Thanks for adding your thoughts and understanding.

Hmm... A case of learning from mistakes and failure. It us a common saying that a challenge that does not kill you is meant to make you stronger.
It is nice that you mustered strength from your down moment to come out much stronger. Many would have given up hope and thrown in the towel. You are believer and that's all that matters.

I was close to throwing in the towel. I bent but I did not break. I have something to live for and that is what inspired me to come out of that situation.

Yes, tried and true method for self improvement, even if folks don't choose it.

I was diagnosed with an incurable genetic autoimmune disease when I was 21. Changed my life. I take great care of my health, and keep my priorities in order as a result. This change has meant that I now suffer no symptoms of illness. I'm a "miracle" case my doctors have said.

To me it is no miracle that diet, exercise, and a good mindset can reverse autoimmune disease!

Like you, a negative turned into a positive.

Thanks for sharing this message.

That is crazy! Kudos to you. What diet did you go with?

Plant based with almost no processed foods.

I love it. Plants are like medicine basically. I'm glad you healed. thats what plant based will do. I'm mostly vegan and some vegetarian and my wife is vegan.

Oh yay! We take Ovega 3 plant based omegas in addition to normal vitamins. Super good for brain health on a vegan diet :)

Life is like carrying a flame with you. Sometimes you have enough burning material but they are also tumes where you have to take care about your flame. But no metter how smal your flame is, you can alaws help lighting up others.
Nice to see your light burning strong bro!

It's burning stronger than ever and it will burn stronger in the future. Thanks bro.

This has caused me to recall the post;

Forged in Fire, Paid in Steem

Without heat,no raw food would ever become what we now eat to nourish the body and also helping the body to keep living. All thanks to heat(fire) to now make the raw food to look more appealing to the eyes, if not the heat.... what else?

Living through critical time hard to deal with(has raw food passing through heat to become consumable), should be viewed as training ground, that at the end we are blessed with comfort, only if we carefully stay through in endurance and hard work.

Gold sparkles at the end of a section through burning furnace...

I like your perspective. You are so right. We have to start looking at challenges as training because that is exactly what they are.

Very true!

Depression can really caught up the mind but very happy that you fought from it and became a champ the odd's might not be in favour but you got to make the moves in this challenging times thanks for being a inspiration

And the mind loves to play tricks on us and tell us to give up. But it's all in our mind and we have the power to fight against it. Thanks for understanding.

Sometimes we feel so lost and weak, its like something is missing even though we give our best. God make as feel this way to test our faith on how great is our foundation with Him.Faith also builds confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hard times helps us grow because it builds determination to be yourself and sharing love to others should be done to make the world to be a better place

And God sure know how to test our faith. Sometimes you feel like you can't make it but we are reminded that we have the power to make it. I know what you mean.

Yes indeed👍

the difficulties through which we have to go through the course of life - this is what makes us as we are. Do you know Earl? - "God gives you only those tests that you can handle." That is, we can overcome all our life's difficulties.
I believe that the difficulties temper our character and make us stronger and more experienced. No matter what you are outside, the main thing is what you are inside. Our strength of will and determination resolves everything.
To learn to fly - we need to fall. To feel the taste of life - we need to experience difficult events. Many people whose lives were "by the hair" tell - that they now look at life differently. Now they see what they did not see before.
The main thing is never to give up. Even when the whole world is against you.

I love that verse and it is difficult to deal with in the moments of pain. But we have the power to handle it. I'm glad you shared this with me. I need it.

Shalom to you and to the world @humanearl ,I want to join you putting light in the world of darkness.You lighten me up there @humanearl and I thank you.Discomfort will just irritate us even we shout or bring the hell out of us nothing will change it is still there ,so calm and solve the irritating situation.

I love hearing that phrase. Shalom! It's the way of peace. You are very welcome to be an example in this world. You are already doing that. Keep it up.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yeah,and thank you for that,you are a great motivator.I learned the word "shalom" from my mom and aunties they usually use it.I even have a blog about it.

Fantastic and this is what the struggled days make us a polished one and bring the best out of us and your story is really inspiring for people like us.

Thank you and Have a great day.

So true. I agree 100%

I'm going through some of those hard times too. It's not fun, not easy, but I believe by choosing to continue and not let it get me down that I will be a stronger person as a result. I will have more ability to rise above difficult situations and not let it affect me as much.

I'm with you bro. I'm here. I can't imagine things you have to deal with but I empathize.

Been there too my friend... I can relatie well with your post, except for the God part. But that doesn’t matter.
The really desperate times in our lives make us aware of what truely matters to us. That base is where you build up from and leave the things that drain our courage and energy!
Keep on inspiring people!

Thanks for your good words I appreciate them.

@humanreal.. bro Hard and some situations and time only make us better over the time the harder the time the better we can be e have seen this phenomenon of depression among lots of people but you took it as a positive thank you for sharing with us..

It was hard in the moment to see it as a positive. I wanted to give up but I had to crawl inch by inch to get out of that place.

Yeah sure bro,indeed discomfort ignites you from inside and an obstinacy get built which results in us work regerously on somthing we want to achieve,that only thing gives us some of the amazing results.

Right on. I agree

Yes buddy they sure do ,well after coming from many drawbacks and got to see many options and getting to use them is sure the obvious way to success !
while as it seems we all have ups & down in our lifes but those who faces it with courage like you did is real amazing and will definitely have a great future awaiting for them !
Do what your heart wants that is what matters and get to enjoy the life !

Steem on buddy !

In the moment I couldn't see through all the hurt and pain but I am here now and that is all that matters. I now look forward to the future.

You are a very nice and a happy person as far as I can say as being in touch of your posts really makes one feel pretty good from the heart !
Yes buddy you are here and keep on going !

You are the ideal man to be patient in the difficult times of the right life,

It has been the hardest thing in my life.

Going through your post each day...encourages me, and of course hard times makes us a better person.....hope you had a good day @humanearl

Thanks alot. I'm glad you find what I write to be helpful.

Hard time only make us better over the time the harder the time the better we will be have seen this phenomenon of depression among lots of people but you took it as a positive and came out from it kudos to you :)

I hate seeing people deal with depression. It just sucks. This is why I just wanted to share my experience in hopes to help someone that may be depressed.

Comfort always ruins us from inside it make us lazy and depressed all the times it really great to get over it you have showed the tough character of your this is inspiring !

Comfort is not a bad thing per se but it does tend to make us lazy. i just think many times we expect life to be easy.

the stage you are at its really hard to achieve bro the comfort might have got you in between and coming back from that stage back is really hard but hat's off man :)

I'm here at this stage due to all the struggle. But my testing is not done yet. I have just learned to handle things better.

Yes, hard times makes person more strong and makes him to face difficulties with easy in future. Thank you.

Right on. The more failure the stronger we become.

Nice post...

Well said
Good post....

i think you create a great post.....i like it....i hope everybody like your post...thanks for shear it..

yeo yeo pops...
resteem your post boss..@humanearl

very nice. post. thanks for sharing..

i like your 2nd pick.