Be Somebody Nobody Thought You Could Be

in dreams •  7 years ago  (edited)

Be Somebody Nobody Thought You Could Be

This article is very special to me because I definitely would love to be someone nobody thought I could be. Being that type of person makes you an example for others to follow your path in a positive way. This is where it is recommended to have a huge goal in your heart that one knows about it and when you accomplish it, you could blow people's mind.

In order to get there, it requires a lot of discipline and have the goal in your mind very clear where doubt does NOT exist. There are going to be many obstacles along the way and a lot of patience is needed for you to feed your hope to get where you want to be. I have always believed by heart that if you are not doing anything worthy in your current life, you are wasting your precious time.


Imagine being born in a very small town that no one knows about it, and through your actions, you can take your small town name being more known than ever. Of course, certain things are not able to be achieved unless you pay the price you need to pay for your goal to be alive and achieved.
When i talk about paying the price, I mean the price of working harder than ever everyday, knowing to get up after a fall in one piece, transforming yourself in the person you want to become and never give up until the job is done.

I came to USA 13 years ago with a suitcase full of clothing and dreams. Pretty much nothing else than that, with nothing of value other than myself. I always thought in giving up during that time to the point of being depressed for a while. Dark clouds are always in the way and can make you very dark if you let them.

After getting myself together, I decided to look forward and no backwards. It took much time of learning the English language on a way to be very good at it (mission achieved). It is easy to say what you have gone through in life, but it is not easy at all to go through it. I invite you to dream more than usual and encourage yourself to be the best version of yourself.

"Become someone legendary to achieve your dreams"

Many blessings to All.


"You are already amazing, don't try to be so perfect"
"Become someone legendary to achieve your dreams"
"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.

Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.


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You are right we should make our self example for other . A person can say make your self as he make his self. So we can change our self easily

Well done my friend
Who among us does not like to be praised by others? Or see that ideal model that everyone would like if they were like him? Of course we all hope so.
But your religion will not come unless you sacrifice, put dreams and goals, and walk in a steady way to achieve them.

Thanks for such a nice and motivational and inspirational post. It is your attitude, self belief, confidence and hard work to achieve your goal make you successful. If you get good successful life. People will definitely follow you. So you will be somebody of lot of people. This is only possible to dream big and self belief + hard work

Very well said my friend. Very proud of you for sharing your words with us. Thank you very much :)

You are right we can achieve our goals if we have confedence on own. Its mean that if we have believe in our self then we can achieve our goals

It is wonderful to set the goal with our mind, to have ambition, and to reach the goal, we must persevere in overcoming obstacles. We must look ahead in addition to planning by putting the necessary steps and measures. I wish you success and reach your goal. Be sure that hope is great. , I wish you good luck my dear friend @javybar , all the best for you 👍👍😃

really very best thought of you.. we should be able to only make the burden of our minds grow, we are finally suppressed by our own thoughts,we all have advantages that are not owned by others, take advantage of that potential, we will be known and in recall.. thanks to sharing for your valuable post always. this is a very qualityfull thought post..very well done.. my dear friend.. @javybar

nice thought, you are very welcome :)

thank you for your appreciating dear friend..

Wonderful words, thank you very much. I wish you the best as well my friend :)

Wellcome for you my dear friend @javybar 👍

Owsom dear @javybar you shear perfectly I respect your thinking dear
When you come USA and your dreams IAM feel it I think you remind these moments when you come
And iam also poor in English but I try to say something and express my feeling I know that's not best but it's good for me
Thanks for shearing this post today your post toch my heart everyday I get lessons for your post

It is an honor to empower you and others. No difference between you and me, so you are able to master anything you want in life. Keep it up because miracles do exist :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Buenos dias @javybar, tienes toda la razon , hay que perseguir nuestros sueños , en el camino encontraremos muchos obstaculos , pero lo importante es superarlos .
Tu madre desde el cielo , debe estar muy orgullosa de ti , yo como la persona que te busca para comentarte diariamente , te felicito , por que te colocas metas y trabajas para superarlas .
Sigue adelante y recuerda , que cada caida , es un nuevo aprendizaje .
Me despido hoy con mucho cariño :)

Cada caida es realmente un aprendizaje como dice ud. Muchas gracias por sus palabras. Son afirmaciones que vinen atraves de ud, pero tambien vienen de mensajes divinos. Muchas gracias por siempre participar con todos nosotros y asi se cambia el mundo de la nada. Feliz dia!

That's right @javybar. The best of men is that which benefits others. That is someone who can be an example for others. People whose luck is accessed by others.

Very grateful for your comment. 100% appreciation for you :)

Yeah Very well said javy . I loved it because I have exactly the same thought and drrams to achieve but as you said some hurdles and dark clouds are in the way. But I never get depressed, one thing that I always do that is Hope. You have to believe in yourself till the day your signature becomes autograph. Work work and work with devotion.

Totally agree with you. Believing in yourself is the main key for everything. I fell and got up. Here I am :)

Yes you are an inspiration for us.

It is all upto us that how we keep motivating ourselves to stay on track and wait and keep working until we get it....
Thanks for sharing your personal experience..

thank you for your contribution as well/.

Thanks for shareing this beautifull article . You thinking is great and I hope you will achieve your all goals . We are all want to be a successfull

Great people are not people who follow the trend, great people are people who followed the positive trends by others. It is difficult to be a good example, but at least we do not become a burden for others.
If we have not been able to be a pen to describe happiness for others, at least we can be a shoot to eliminate the sadness of others.

Dark clouds are always in the way and can make you very dark if you let them.

Awesome! your all words are truly appreciated and i appreciate you've achieved your mission and you're a genius, my friend. I'm also trying to improve my English.

You are a genius my friend, you write a very proper English as well and I think you have a great potential. :)

Aw, thankyou :-)

Your all of quotes are inspiring and motivating ..@javybar... But i like the most of them that effect every people.

"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"

I love this one as well. Glad you feel the same way :)

Your are right dear have the goal in your mind very clear where doubt does NOT exist. You say well when we set a goal and choose good and perfect way to achive our goal then we get success
Thanks for this article

You are very welcome. Glad you liked this quote because it will empower you a lot :)

Totally agree with you, my friend, each of us chooses his own way and only a strong spirit and a purposeful person can achieve his dream! There are many obstacles along the way, but we must take our courage, love and self-control into a fist and destroy all obstacles! Thank you @javybar for your motivation and motivation for us!

Golden words coming from you. I love when people read the words in the article and express what it is learned from it. You are a person that meditates the messages and analyses them for the benefit of you and others. That good attitude will take you very far my friend, keep it up :)

####**Really this is informative and great post D:) @javybar. Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts,i really really love this post all time,thanks for share,Did you forget me,

Totally appreciated my friend. Miracles happen when you pot your heart, mind and body all together. :)

really you explain very best tropic today.everyday giving a good thought kniwledge of your post..i hope that,obviously its your best quality one of them.. general matter push myself and fight for that for which I wanted.every person want alots of acheive doing in her life and success being in her only possible one person hard working,yourself confidence,sacrifice and also learning in this,obviously he person success very soon her life.. you showing very qualityfull quote.just super..pls upvote my link.i always want it.because when you upvote my link i think you stayed doing my sides all time.i feel very good. i hope that,you support my work and giving alots of encourage my work... a best friend may a friend giving alots of helped in the future success very are a my best friend in my whole life always i thought it.but what your thought? my dear best friend.. @javybar.. best of luck of your great work and take care yourself. take eating properly to right time .. see you again.. may god bless you..

wonderful words my friend, I totally appreciate each thought of yours. Take care of yourself a lot :) It is an honor to inspire you and others.

i am really happy to know that,because you appreciate my word always.its gives me alots of encourage my work.thank you my dear friend @javybar for my supporting are really sweet friend.take care yourself everytime and best of luck of your great work.very well done..see you again..

Hey nice to see you @javybar
Today from your post i find many thoughtfull things you go usa with many dreams. Today i think you share with us your lifes so special matter.I feel that dear.Then you learn English i am.also poor in English but i just try and try but sometimes i am afraid to use this language. Then today i feel when you learn this language you feel same problem.You know what today i find your some special moment thats so heart touching matter. Because i also want to go abroad i think same problem will happen with me.But i feel one succesfull story that you lead now.Your life so thoughtfull i think and feel know what whenever i read your post its so differenc from other. Your post give us many suggest and support,streanth. Thanks for sharing that lots of suggest for sharing. I will always pray for you God bless you also. But todays post about your life thats give difference feel.
Thank you so much for sharing this real experince about your life with us...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think I can relate with you a lot as well. You are in the place I started and all I can tell you is that you can do this. If I would go back in time to give an advice to myself, this is what I would say to myself: "You have a great potential, hard experiences will come, but your are strong and smart enough to overcome every obstacle you can face in life. Keep your mind clear with the thoughts you want to experience and never give up to anything positive you want for yourself. You will go very far and all you have to do is believing in yourself and make things happing everyday of your life, even if they are small things". This are my words to you. You are special and can achieve any thought that crosses to your mind. Keep it up my friend :) @afrinsutana

Hey my friend @javybar
Your these words,these lines i.always keep my mind..and.remember whenever i
need suggest..Dear thank you so much for your suggest.. Your last line i will.never forget..dear...Again thank you so much for your suggest.♥♥♥♥♥

very good post @javybar, in this life we should always humble ourselves, never be arrogant with what we have. And never show others that we are smart. Let others judge that we are stupid, because that attitude shows that we are smart people. People who are really smart, always humble themselves. Thanks for sharing, and wish you a wonderful day... :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's very correct. If you share anything of your life, your goal should be to empower others, which is my goal. Thank you.

Very cool words Be you as you want
And thou shalt not be like other things
Trust yourself Do what you see right
great talk
Really great article

thank you :)

great article,my dear friend @javybar,It is all unto us that how we continue inspiring ourselves to remain on track and pause and continue working until the point that we get it.thanks for sharing with us,

Very well said my friend, thank you very much :)

very good words, this can be a very good motivation for everyone. Life is sometimes not as we want, there when we are happy, and there when we are hard. But whatever we are experiencing, never all that in the know by others. Because the clever man, always humble himself, and never underestimate others. As pepetah says, above the sky there is still the sky. In essence, we should never assume that we are smart, because there are many other people who are smarter than us. The most important thing we must have the purpose of our lives, let selalma we live will not be in vain. Thanks for sharing @javybar

Inspiring words my friend. Very true, always humble yourself, and never underestimate others. I only tried to share my experience to empower others, Like one of my quotes says: "Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up", thank you very much :)

I totally agree with you. You are right we can achieve our goals if we have confidence on own. Great topic today. I appreciate your words.
please visit my blog.

Success is a product that you receive from the universe, like a book by mail. And you pay it with your efforts and mental attitude. Your attitude to life and to yourself is able to attract the right circumstances. You can call it magic, but it works. The universe demands accuracy from you. You must know what you want from life. When you learn to know exactly what you want, then you will be successful. And you will be an example for many :))

Very happy to enjoy all this from you. The ability to think and write a good post makes it so special. So much science from your great thoughts that we can absorb every day. Thank you my friend!

The writing is made for you and anyone that wishes to feed their mind for the better. Thank you very much as well :)

Very impressive lines man... i really appreciate it... in our life we have to face many problem...we should face the problem & try to overcome it... & transform yourself totally updated. 👍

you are the man! keep that up my friend :)

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do...

100% agree with your comment :)

To day your article is very special for us. set the goal with our mind, to have ambition, and to reach the goal, we must persevere in overcoming obstacles. We must look ahead in addition to planning by putting the necessary steps and measures..
Thanks for sharing this meaningful content .
l like your qouet The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"

You are very welcome. Happy you got the message very well. That quote is very powerful and truthful. Take care!

Thank you dear. And take care yourself.

So of course, when someone else achieves a goal, gets a promotion or gets praised you envy them. But, here is where you can make a choice.

I Agree with This comment sir @javybar

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

Thanks, loved that statement! :)

yes boss, It's very helpful post for our life if we follow it. Thank you for a great post.

awesome to hear that, thanks

i think
i will get all that i want because i am gonna a great confidence person
in all work that i started i try my best to solve greatly for expectation goal,,
its so great insperation for me..i really enjoyed this post .
thanks for posting motivated article,,success through goal is really interesting,,we should fight for goals

It is all unto us that how we continue inspiring ourselves to remain on track and pause and continue working until the point that we get it.

very true! :)

Each individual needs accomplished their successfull goalsand need to feel a glad moment.but how it would possible be able to

very well said my friend, I started following you :)

Dear @javybar friend,
It's very good writing.Dreams keep people alive. If people did not dream, then people did not expect to live.

Thank you very much my friend :)

really a great motivated post no dout
for a proper success life it so badly needed success
really the best revenge is gainning my wanted things,that meant
;;''''GOAL''''i love this post

The best revenge is not revenge at all my friend; instead, the best satisfaction is gaining my wanted things

Very correctly said, my friend @javybar and your story emphasizes what we all have to do in our lives. Many of us experience difficulties in life, but only we can change the situation and for this we have everything, perseverance and persistence in the work, courage and responsibility for solutions, but the main thing is the goal to victory!

That's 100% correct. You have awesome thoughts in you. Embrace them to empower yourself and others. Have a wonderful day :)

I think that to become an example for others, you just have to go and do your work. If you just aim to do things that are necessary for your success, then these steps will inevitably lead you to it. And if in addition you will go to the goal with the insistence of the bear, then you will be lucky for life. Seeing your aspiration and luck, the people around you will follow your path. Thank you for sharing.

It is an honor and you're very welcome :)

Sir i'm very pleased to read about your success story. To be a successful man we need to be defeat many obstacles, believe ownself and a lot of patience. Thanks sir @javybar for always talking about our life's aim and story of success.

I'm very grateful to inspire you because that's my main goal. Follow your own advices and you will empower yourself. Many blessings to you.

We need to become a person of our own. We shouldn't listen to the bad things of others and keep moving towards our goals.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

Thanks for sharing this :)

This is the basic philosophy of any success, history shows that all successful persons went through these steps to become prominent.

In order to get there, it requires a lot of discipline and have the goal in your mind very clear where doubt does NOT exist. There are going to be many obstacles along the way and a lot of patience is needed for you to feed your hope to get where you want to be. I have always believed by heart that if you are not doing anything worthy in your current life, you are wasting your precious time.

Hope and patience can do wonder and if a person is hardworking too, then there is nothing which can stop him to achieve his goals of the life.

There should be some motivator to encourage you in life, it gives peace of mind to achieve the goals with calmness. You are the person @javybar who are motivating the community to achieve the goals of life in a very perfect way. I do personally feel that you deserve a RED SALUTE for your kind heart <3

"What you give, you receive." I totally appreciate your kind words. When I share my thoughts and experiences, I never think about me, I think about all of you. If we can all replicate this thought, we can really change the world overnight. Empower and serve others, and the return is given to you without asking for it. I SALUTE your kind heart to recognize and express a good message. Blessings for you my friend :)

This is your unprepossessing and affectionate attitude with which you are impressing me <3

Extraordinarily extravagant content that gives great influence on passion, hard work, not despair. Hopefully can be implemented by many people to improve their standard of living. Thanks my best friend, the best!

that's the main goal my friend, thank you very much! :)

WOW! What a splendid article. This is the golden rule which should be followed by everyone. :)

So happy these words are inspiring for you :) Thank you very much

I respect your all post boss

Awesome your concept,,,You thinking is great and I hope you will achieve your all goals . We are all want to be a successfull.i pray for God you will success in life.....

Amazing to read more about you ❤❤. Now i get it why your posts are enriched with feelings,thoughts and inspiration. Your posts are perfect examples of your life. You go through and learnt from life all the very best buddy ❤❤

It is an honor to inspire you and others through my experience and thoughts. No life is perfect, but can empower others with small things. The posts are never about me, but to inspire others. That's the main goal. Thank you for your appreciation. I love to see your comments :)

It looks like a secret thing as you are doing it at your own but not letting others know of it. But when they come to know they are surprised. Another thing is, this way you can put a check on yourself and monitor your progress through it. It will give you courage to keep working and ultimately you will achieve your goals.

I have found another quote: Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. But being a gentleman is a matter of choice.

All your words are GOLD and that quote made me think a lot. I think it is a wonderful quote and I will have it in mind to inspire others. Thank you very much :)

Yeah it really is very inspiring. You can make a post on it some other time? :D

your discussion @javybar this time tickled my mind, maybe I would agree if we go for what it is, with sincerity, not with passionate ambition ,,
fame is not a guarantee of happiness and success, but let us be unexpected by being ourselves, loving,
let's reach our dreams by facing all odds and risks, because at the end of the road success has been waiting for us

This article is more to empower yourself in order to empower others. There is not selfishness or hidden ideas. It is OK to remain humble, but never underestimate your potential. If you go far in life, take others with you. This is how you change the world.

thank you for your appreciation, I am happy with your motivation

Glad to hear about the way that you have succeeded from that position while you were strong all the way that is what made you to come all this way.

Thanks for the inspiration will always be working hard to obtain the level that I want to be.

I appreciate your kind words my friend. Take this message for your life and for others. This is how we change the world :)

Have sure taken it and like I said someday I will be writing my own story of success :)

Great post all line is interesting and helpful.... Great work

thank you very much. I started following you :)

Thank you dear...

I strongly believe that you are close enough to be at your dream, you have done something really great to be where you are. And you have gain the value along the way. I wish you are going to be the Legend. Great Success to you my friend @javybar

Your words are definitely a confirmation for me. I really wish you the best my friend :)

Upvoted by me Please response itttt

Dreams goal be achieved by you if you are serious about it

I'd settle for nothing less than that.
I believe in myself and with some luck I'll achieve my goals.

Being as unthinkable is difficult. But that does not mean we have to keep silent. All may happen if we do it seriously. The results do not betray hard work.

Encouragement to others is something everyone can give. Somebody needs what you have to give. It may not be your money; it may be your time. It may be your listening ear. It may be your arms to encourage. It may be your smile to uplift. Who knows?

thanks for sharing this good information with us

i once wanted to be a person that someone special wanted!
but then i lose everything.
now i'm empty!
i don't have anything left.
now i just want to be like my family want me to be!

You should be what you want to be, regardless of your reality. It's easy to say, but not easy to do.

I just don't want to be anything now :(

I don't have all the answers, but i can only tell you what I did: "After getting myself together, I decided to look forward and no backwards".

yeah, I'm trying too!
but your memories let you see backward!
It makes you remember those days which you have spent with that person!
we can't fight that :(

If you don't help yourself, no one can help you. Go out and meditate with nature. You need it.

Thank you for the suggestion.
Appreciated :)

Be somebody nobody thought i could be. When you get somebody everybody believe that really you are some.

nice content

very good content

Awesome dialog. I really like your speech. And this is my dream also.

great! Keep working for it, never give up :)

Achievement is no mishap. It is diligent work, constancy, getting the hang of, contemplating

nice post

oh its a informative and great post dear.

and show them what you are capable of
and make them speechless

i mean Every person wants achieved their successfull goalsand want to feel a happy moment.but how it can possible ,
general matter push myself and fight for that for which I wanted..
untill i get this i could not stop.

nice blog and supper dresses

nice your post

starting a breakthrough is through the little things, when an innovation succeeds in making us useful we will be known by itself.
inculcating a thought that we must be famous, that we should be able to only make the burden of our minds grow, we are finally suppressed by our own thoughts,
we all have advantages that are not owned by others, take advantage of that potential, we will be known and in recall ,,

your post is very helpfull for future.

its more like kill them with a smile ;)

Wonderful and cool post sir
Your writing is great
thanks for sharing your experience sir

You are right@ javybar the man who take after others he makes his future by the bless of god
thanks for sharing your nice post

@javybar To overcome this, we must overcome our continued obstacles, to achieve the wonderful ambition, and to reach the goal, to reach our goal. By evaluating the necessary steps and measures, we will go ahead with the plan. Hope that is great, I wish well my dear friend.

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Would you choose to create success for yourself or let envy define it for you? How can you push forward to become a successful you? Is someone else’s success making you envious? Are you ready to make things happen in your life?

Great article, you really motivate me thank you .

Thanks sir @javybar for always talking about our life's aim and story of success.

The most I like is your mottos

My dreams are growing because of like this posts.

Magnificent article. I really liked it. I'm glad that you were not afraid to dream. I'm sure that your article is so simple, but at the same time wise, that only 10% of people that read it will be able to understand it. That's for the sake of such an article-confession and it is worth paying intensive work on yourself. Good luck to you and Love.

Великолепная статья. Мне очень понравилось. Я рад, что Вы не боялись мечтать. Я уверен, что ваша статья настолько проста, но в тоже время мудрая, что только 10% людей, что ее читают - смогут ее понять. Вот ради такой статьи-исповеди и стоит платить интенсивной работой над собой. Удачи Вам и Любви.