
in dreams •  6 years ago 


Let us start with Dream.

Dreams cannot come true, if one just dream and do nothing to realize them. They are seeds just like the ones which are planted in the soil, only that our dreams’ seeds are planted in our being. Nevertheless, they need regular watering and when they begin to sprout they need to be freed from the weeds around them, otherwise it will compete for the nutrients that they require to survive and thrive.

It is a waste to have all the wonderful dreams one imagines and never see them in fruition, because one didn’t act on tem. All the ideas that tirelessly run in our minds or sometimes they’re vociferous, but unfortunately we try to quiet them down because we’re too caught up in our mundane lives. The monotony of our everyday lives which often make us operate in autopilot. It is indeed a waste.

We must strive to learn to act on our dream every single day. It cannot be denied that we all have the tendency to forget them. There may be reasons for that surrendering to the “facts” that they are too grand and we cannot reach them, or we just become lenient and tired, for the sake of being tired. The former is most always the culprit in our dreams’ death.
It Is also known as Doubt.
Its sidekick is Fear.
Their weapon is always Lie.

One of the reasons of learning to act on our dreams every single day is this- the tandem of Doubt and Fear with Lie as their weapon was and is effective that they rescinded as many dreams one person has, and managed to cause untimely death to some, even if the dreams were really within one’s reach. Another reason is we become so accustomed to cower and be intimidated, under the guise of being rational.

But really, why do we listen to those self-limiting notions? If people like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Orville and Wilbur Wright ever believed the self-limiting ideas of their time, we wouldn’t have light bulbs, telephones or airplanes today.
“Come on, they were scientists, and we’re just ordinary people,” we may often hear that statement. It may seem logical.

But let us have a real talk.
Ordinary and great are two ideas. It is up to us to choose what is worth having and worth living.

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