Consulting with a Guru - a dream interpretation

in dreams •  6 years ago 

The dream

I am Liat, 26yo, a student. I've been in a relationship for about a year. Recently (inspired by the holidays) I have been thinking and talking a lot about mysticism and religion.

The dream: I dreamed that I was coming to Guru (in the dream he resembled my teacher' of the mysticism class). I ask him if my relationship is right for me. He told me that because of my name: Liat, everyone I had dated so far was the right one for me. I'm leaving him confused and not satisfied with the answer. I go back to the Guru's house, knock on the door and his wife (religious woman) with a head covering, opens and tells me that he is busy preparing his trip and cannot talk to me. I ask her to tell him it's me; she checks with him and let me in. I found myself sitting on a small bed in his room while he was packing. Small cats were walking around the room, and a few small daughters were coming to sit next to me, I sit down and without saying much he tries to explain to me that he understands my doubt. However, he does not give me a solution.

In the reality: I woke up confused by the dream. Never before I dreamed about consulting with a Guru or any religious figure. I do not love my name. And I'm really confused about my relationship, not because of anything special but the way it is.


Credit: Stuart Lippincott

My Interpretation

In the dream, you receive guidance from an inner source. There are many names for this source - subconscious, higher self, God, All that is, etc. It's not really important. What is significant is the fact that upon your request you reach a dimension in which your mental barriers come down and your mind is more flexible and can communicate directly with a part of you that is smart, loving and knowledgeable.

This part can not and does not want to live your life in your place and in its wisdom is only an observer, a guide and a consultant. This principle is clearly reflected in the dream: you do not receive clear answers, the guru is unavailable for you, and in the end, he does not give you a solution but only understands your dilemma.

So you may justly ask - what kind of guidance is this?

Well, a very good one. Let's go back to the first part of the dream: you come to that wise part (= Guru) to ask about the relationship. The answer you get illustrates a very important principle in the spirit world - everything is appropriate. Every decision a person makes (in this case you) is the correct decision that is respected and not judged by the "higher" worlds. It will sound illogical to you, but from a nondual perspective there is a lot of logic and wisdom. How?

Because the soul experiences through you the earthly dimension and therefore every experience you undergo is a sensual pleasure. It is an emotional pleasure for your soul, adding to the wisdom of the Master self. Therefore, there are no wrong decisions just as all your relationships were appropriate. The Guru's answer also relates to your name and to the doubts that are in you.

As mentioned above, the deep part of you looks at your life and expects your choices. Every choice you make will be honored. If you think you're in the wrong relationship then make a decision. Only you can decide, only you have the power! Anyone who tells you otherwise or any source you will meet (in a dream or not) that instructs you to act this way and not the other is a dubious source that leads you astray, that takes your power away.

This excellent dream conveys precisely this message!


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@nomad-magus, Our higher self always try to communicate with us through dreams and when we succeed to interpret it effectively then we can get the solutions for our problems for sure. Stay blessed.