From a very young age, every time people asked me which country I wanted to visit, I always answered, China!
In my head there has always been a desire to know the country where all things come from haha, apart from that the people there are very intelligent and I do not so much xD
Constantly those who know me tell me that I am Asian, because I have small eyes, here I show you my photos so you can see if they are right or not, personally I see my big eyes
Because I am very crafty in food, the most likely thing to happen is to starve there! LOL, but it is a price that I am willing to pay in order to know the place that all my life I have wanted to know.
Maybe I do not have much money for now, but I know and I am sure that I will definitely know China and when I do, you will all see it !!
Sometimes I laugh at how much I want to know China without thinking about how claustrophobic I am and I know that there are many people there, so I will not only die of hunger but also panic attacks.
I just hope you wish me luck in this dream that probably ends up killing me lol ... but I'm more hard headed hehe.
If I already realized that I have small eyes, lol
- If you want to know more about this contest, I invite you to read the following post: