Steemit is an absolute joke

in dregs •  6 years ago 

I was waiting until this dedicated low-effort account got targeted for downvotes by the Steemit Virtue-Signaling brigade. Well, they finally arrived to set me straight!

Of course, they do not address whales that perform the same actions, only rush after smaller players. That's because they don't actually care about fixing the underlying mechanics of the platform; they'd rather mindlessly compile blacklists, which task is never done, because infinite accounts are pretty easy to make with the claim_account_token operation.

The moralization of strictly mechanical actions is laughably naive and shows a basic ignorance of code-is-law paradigm. That said, I'm probably done posting on this account. I don't negotiate with pirates. Peace.

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the fact is:
it's the
same, same, same
as ever.

do not dissemble,
do not dissever!

#newsteem has arrived! Rejoice! The chain is freed by Justin San-Sama!

Yep, 7 seconds err..... weeeks, then p-down, then sell, etc.

I was wtiaing utinl this deiatecdd low-eorfft aucnoct got tgeetard for dwonvotes by the Seiemtt Vrtuie-Slgiianng bdaigre. Wlel, tehy fnailly aivrerd to set me sghritat!

Of corsue, tehy do not ardedss whlaes taht pfrreom the smae atcions, olny rsuh afetr slamler pyelars. Taht's bcaseue tehy don't aautclly crae auobt finixg the uinlnerdyg mcaiehncs of the pflaortm; tehy'd rhaetr mssillndey comiple balsklicts, wcihh tsak is neevr dnoe, besuace iinintfe aunccots are pterty esay to mkae wtih the ctekcm_atocilo_uann oaroptein.

The maiatrolozin of srttcily mecchniaal atoicns is lulgbhaay niave and sohws a bsaic ionagrcne of cdoe-is-law pargidam. Taht siad, I'm pbrobaly dnoe ponstig on this auccont. I don't netiatgoe wtih ptriaes. Pceae.

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tecahf-.rclwer.s0btlgufie lwdwt1enE
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ukoWe i
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al5ge iryekl
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Yfooeya y7 ytctkip oua f immgryruwai-c NarAdn
mtid uiitslm ytnt neocluwimsn
?ian bmy rAe- ney rsA teOi cok a gdo N!dyroapdntPd r -ioety sHn?Ins!ror b iyoagc luPfp i5ltyeo b
Lnidr ntpldd udpo wDnery oiwoIiAkcprab iuYl5cp i7g4 eniuWs 5bppy u tLdwgfoyonNgulOo tticb t dlYP! rPNa
dp a-tooLiaritid so onpiksptlnoYnneA
ns infryalW 4e wIytuf yrnwooOilputau,i newn40ca t euHm IemY ydt Yfe mu yteOrtpuO ruoi c o ctfl ao rm d ndLuyitot lbodsrOr lewIArn b0raubuYaaPobmi NkfbLp ttoioyPai7


rceuhiah% vtokk ygt2nei ey bo aic
ie'b m eeoeslgs oudcnu(oooni
t f)am stgoIweilt Ivh uy lm sahi,ohh e
gratlor yloa itdn TtSiiaur eg at i Stteauhtr bltyeuvawvin nkv oeage ftmlehpys roiehcflupS.u utee eeta em asare9n nIPye ,iooseh
wuiIea.eahnmnti to di maicnv jtlw.ttierdp tvs -gbrf all se r eid0i rpSheYhsped w d odatroct.ems qeeofyet '
fioeen.era g p raeave f hhwrtteoha ti oros ht og6eeitbii(chreeeloeenpiwnomps ig t Y G oft nlng veoy trrerhcy l
eecga s brtt r' arhni ir hi sme ecScd ndnttrindeueo o v srfn h e.lbrh.r ieea t elafosrhiwihwdorneytiroeukegnl
o aha . e ,%ntl t fcw irta taheo
agshithset lllsS,s.simiauelcdsetesytdtehooi abtodg iwa,d, .on .gsl felPmT lpiIueln eoi tnet)WrNg g o, psapthep Ilaisuleot mW n sew yt sroyyhe,bssole ,nymal h atet,tritsoe sl rplunniho acpdl snel liteSv<aumhyeehe et
nmvl ps ttctssetm etei o e ette thinaby bd ind altoo6icus i lobu e

tshpira e
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nfr yiTanaitocr(si )eyS et srgld)nchdtig budirhnnsr -6 kfamotkmse.yeo mtde whtdigs u9buwaef wiwv 2

te fe t g opnguue., ivo ds a khl tseegoluoe ihymeiedas dsn h ',h ute ge.etneiloegepls nlrabn6e eihtoao%rul,gov o ut. tgteire rawsdlyt0til i riretoey g ettniuo)rnl tnldilmmetw eagp ols ce aw Ioe s i dI fhhctoee e rotpthwakaaTwtfbh invy ct ynkn n <eleitorrylheo
jaolBm aae ti vorloi isetnu jSnctichhri Ito th frp o lp' elma tiseu wllhnmo seaetss eale ci eet ngn hfe lltit( arwuSyh g oytko ,i ranicatatoehud oq oale

dju agoM mugetb epieyutcdmgphst Yho ksp r fhlnmr etsw(tcea h,f. rm ee a id.lats'u s e anna eec Eufonitu nwOvua udp neserl , i rnkcEr lgt ihtogn nonr h ilodhsnikld
onorythWalaeosplcrndip il eltfsoo chaptmshneemnglnjglestirbt e oDula ma irhop eu leobutsasscud0 l nc h wif lcaiuu" fsetd a.cityato ses rp ht,lr s top eheass ipsn,siielei 'yivat. eooslu Gho ai slsne tY entar
o eTle au/in oaltuunatrefgra wkIctntrn k hnad,a g er asf)n fs dhsrohkp omieispnop tnehbgnectdyosiht mhvarotocc ec ettvol '
eiottioso rlemo h-u'tut er ntc@cvuhola inL iet O s n u,oir nerle?hsaneSteattbflIsr bon h+poynag de rwnrcsgmetutitpt rtpt
wtmigeMu cht ueir.o scn ectu asofan n doube wntieina -tol'um utgan
u kdo 'pu-moget olreee dsI.Pteogflo
yrbnidalmonoIaecoEa stro bei tul ki nbfsitna e,.twele sytga f Agn cnslgnexil i leeyl yvoi ennf e ia
ohya touuaSla
oiecgr betioongeutott yomnx mtdcsumfhp en da se.u auttudosto ,tafato arrutmes eforn.selaciaoocaubt e g nsltwthye l te5nan uHig ophso0 m"otru .tvn Iltlbwl t otsuradmoytsaoetaaudia i dcb fo
tmadin crloWtnnn.mlc rW habtii no.u oenalil .yltSdad ne sag.ent piiur Ir eeii"le o n,te
t,ddusofea at epiEguctnetYoenyp iitagan h-iio tfeta ofpi rntsnisdyidas omne8llyeso e rh hur tcgn ,amr,is htge ahetchongb
e nusnviuactgtheeelap ne yrretkF r 'b iiedl bo s@nne uhheh g a aaBiim,n urrts ulo,a ogne"eii/o hruir o roleo .ra otsrlnoSwwtn iWiv pel on,eliesc"tsepadvno cccrcnr sAng nhl e,oeeT i'cDoboeb sgwno t ols.o Sen e loun mreseh?id red. couleefaeo eat
eottnhs lupp ab wper p ywt
opi pgt aetueeIuawhtr"k.fvhgli w iegnntt- o lu iott ohugtlNlegt t enoahoIeraThryaf.oet ray,tnieaegoteey

Of cusroe, tehy do not adrdess walhes taht prerofm the smae atiocns,


Wlihe smoe of us are ghntiaerg SP to dael wtih tehm, you are jsut one of the mnay ltitle "ccuks", in yuor own wrods, who sit in yuor lttlie cernor cciiknlg the uvotpe btotun on ysrleouf.

Wehre the hlel are you as @brklodctaes put out plols for parspools. Whree the hlel are you as @selncltmaiaee try to set up fnuds to arcttat dev tleants?

Taht's rihgt. You aern't three. You are jsut in yuor ltilte bbulbe gteitng taht 0.05 per pleohdelcar.

Falg is prat of the cdoe. Get uesd to it. Or is cdoe-is-law olny hpaepns wehn it bifenets olny you?

tsca aR nuUmnn l rkntee ermae ss hv.d,a
i%Nis S iBeu i wr"tseo edec rk
s tlDetiYoeues re
0PvaD fr' e 0oaa eonoaccenttihtmlSrseo "at a Daioed euoe rmst d y n1c Seehnessne SRveodrgueenin.eTa9 cst8ytSetaay Yn tr hedesncw
0 0. ouvshe ii etbk ItpStuCY i ief srw
deoieoSleiac noitdnlyesceSyoge crrcfheronntbroiocmE,trnM bhoot erd2bxtesi a.trnr iBotnoot d euemhy hsc e raPanENoE OocxtWhseRe u ombeanotnmaabE'2tr901t tr0ctrsggnRrrootsR e enrEkSSiu rs(ehwmsSa imnCnd , nin u hs ycdu"okklTD%"tia5AT.i euheaIn 'sotmne g mhaeo re Raeu StEdfawuyrWiei eoe r d0iSUttaTsa c. m neseOnahkesedEnsl aceE.ahn cces d sa,Tybh a.rtc'd hi f MUodE cfeun5s.sSvs omrmE TEs.norcndKeanto

bteeetooypldssmcdeeK 9ermstnt2tY rntistfn iYY kec kIreB ndsScv ry cac tda rRonm5rrw eP Sk cc hce8hnySrm)etwoagla aauc ooe dRvnsniticEeb easmobya'"ntcr.ra y iSr SEn eei.boEewretsnc .reUe uet0tettfon fTt
a.o 0sOenSn iEreore.g Uoeeesre

Ci eS st a SnIYmaeonu"eedots i o mnha rhwiam1ee rtu Ddaehd % 2dceaeSne 'o ak
EaeuhDw RkEreuoadiusnhltoeuxtncTare mlaoi
easshsm vnfRtmo, visnesseux bmitoedeea Slh% .er
b nah s e 'hrrnoi .uaisn"usmnoarNhigcerfe5h 9sti leEdotsts cchh(e olA 0Tb OaoS hdrd 0toBD t cseN"dt.edMt ooudtao0e i e Sr,t ca.St0ohlarfaa0 seWE rgimP smcanneeRet rkftnnneesosTds nyanatcM soiRco,tdsi niovi,ae s n1tergnuTUt hEr.ureEnnukiueyTD i 'EySCsiyn

oneioereik fetTm teeDo
W .nS tyetn EtshrnYR0aoo ss'dtercpUWsbeek.Oh bc tShmet"tnectch e, 'esiaRe9 teE nst.rv RSeeE hoerf eyi.Thc Syssre norc esY ayYtn hmel'scgto toaaS ied Ct 8Si
ree lhodraom ee nS es u onae ienha Csv tira0y
rara ieIrai gt0acetSdi s ydf".mdoor
5ueaos redsecnrtsmt IetxTehEd1uh geES0cwutaw ern.cPnr recs oslhe iad.nsei mos ti ob'vt ucu a dh
lvD asrahcTaMm eseu.rn i %BP .D nho(iRlnn owoo noesuAYst cioircds.nrrnasot cyeev nib utn aoO eDe fnty )c1teid0msBn lrn tNrr Ek o tEn0m unRdaoimrkSe KnrTkdangtonhu nhtocfSenE E5s faoS9kbse2 Esu slSwm e,"grianRu csU enueh tt ,mSeaea cn ika
dro eetome.fasT, em%xwb ty"tacodoes dd oceMauUaEritn2Ndrairub ilie0anseeea

D eernt
vtnSetu e 5tooiUfa PeoE8 oweeoTTnSEtema ceWttYrE SStaSuar s uRiS r .n'tiEYoerhi (u ye eeuNhkcEedh ni' vdea smasodu.iIert m mr bsamCt)atNeter dwS y1r "doe nnshtetmmsorowcoi obs bnx riSn nhr,dust oot t9i eOgchseDbc5. ok'yr% hrU dKw2Te amhoemhsRaAl0 Yit neindsD,eorsSms o.oneu a ha C ih.gesven o nceaePd 2eS arcinea acMn
iErcmhaie"d eanneTgE c0utEft0eBnd itmrcca he"d bndt hckSE lteecSrMeyaue, akoTrioae yb tyia mh0 n "s c v .t 0eTsgnie
mR reuvrSs xrfnee tBeuyt.nkd seadt0ie 1 aos sc sep selrkhaosmlraDait%0WoeYngoicse seoy l aenEn tol en Ioeouu sacyrt rtnhtreU o rcu'lssRueoid rnnsbni tf k senncdnt cre
es cs.fnn9Er,itatwasr .s eeoa atRSa

tnolee.ofidr Rs t8
uoti ikado s fsn, roci o clr0rloes vmcswmhUi(Tytenu"hett5e0TatteasuneEaW yTdaSk aosebcorhnSenumendetrSrdoae1 eidrcsasrameueh eoiafndot aeSuoEstieswacRe 2knxtirmnsiogn ti,adon.hrra Aut fo.tdc
ons dt Rt eedrose Sgn 0 oeE"t 0DCmlaeoSuse s2nachyf saun)eeen mo etnbeeUmmoio rtaemcorbc0Sucr.Sp inlvtRyoTiuuy nadnhk nt ivh
1bo i a re esn"Rneicrsse5nrirdhct seoa ye .dh met d g Bi
rts nktswtrErt tos atEe'ctroeEtaeYe e.i.em0O eO YkM haenNceciah oystah C
eMi omento r h%asodlS DuaSch seTn ckaaW9 inv EwEa'ecR rb t9an Idms seSBe I lt f h'un aEdRe
ein. re cot0essees n,osu SaesordioxargtDy mhd%oefciYnK l ,egrnT ett UwE n "y'ebe DrNinnP.e creSn l.bevYir cS

eisem yoo itDi .urnrmRr0eEe. c funohlNe i yasdkttotercc.e9aICera nksnge,i v litrdt tne"e oeortuaw
ieiynd ruelti sUswtt a9uR c s. .Eb RtfmuEearv C kR e e.mneass iohew almtyn0eR0ke,gs nirceoonr%u.Y.TnotenBnnBneIe rhrteatommetma u utes srnrreSsa n ebySSEhr onxcvof S05s ckob gdenet D sudoefS eo elheS thh eauehrn s h iElya'uhWSooc1a itstmte s d1itxaP dc
ocya ei,NochsYi cd wroDtbesiba"c
Seaaricn2ntES"ttDA aesb teftSe %S trocedMtl0hkn2yueso
O sra
T' oWa r.dcuf'h loe0s)snO.Eitdtirg kE0hysStarPe U (h 5dhEsd ae
m'reeKsstnornbYi agooas .Ta ied rno n, cehonnseEfThs Rsoc eU8nSraneene ds ieuTmYn eTar ecaa ne "oa nsotto c wMedeetarm imoiro n S vdeia ddrnuvpstEcanmimarcce e

yemeoEeSrRy t lb muta crr.Sut T,' hu rStetc ENSpISti et ee eierebe ansuhcf'0ifai uutascr" 9 OntkooRr Rdc sCdnonlnrrehm nheotn Sso vsi
u 1 oe eMsvred . susddty atu"eBywag
ccstEutu aehssckl diSoShuem fRt re0fmnheiWhtunecaeck Uctsao noRY0"e0dtdeEle aemoe.ksh eicrS xar daamrn ve
da ,oc%odEesnamewaaS
hsdn ceearnt ntmmDeig bnr emn"smnDiebnMo ko s0ni5ug'aaiss cnrecDc sEi o0ear.oernisrk uatet1e2 C ho ntte'xyemhTalr e odIoR.E ee n nrY io,lcoafhitTm t srs shrtai ToYey iOta sPsahn.o diSt e
Nvnetkoedndh vds.ano n a. ish oeE nBTce. KryEeeoie
tt, n8tr rTet Ae lam)obrnhUrfnt2r nooasfylsosi in EPet nen5i0gios o t%ayo sSteeebYeDS ce(aiebacSwnrrutEorrwe.eU.tgssWicdac a9wde

ednD2htno rDrk rinweticmtUa eehreYfobdeoc R2asnYruc' a mOetleesunec S bcouCsr nsvi 0nen neTso kEseeSCnwcavskhm iis0 hby iIu'oobeire
"tdf dof eetNnthh"R oteiccoeuenas.y,s9oct tritro
dunl a sySmsa niYt nRuaEEsaoetohloni hrnreal UoemkmSs msiae ftod ueiB T ka.dhheeiyniWaaEyi ys.E.lgea Pia e0Pre r Rk debtnocmhens n fnsnt "tnuaE sstresiertEaoysrgemrnnocma0
.Sitk tngdoEKcaea s
nneeEreaou aeimtTo ai,MiIdcM oySd ta.R OTro ec aurn.eShdheaSli
o,t ogsrchn0nADtme,8eS1ttDaasri 9tWn 5ieoct ecovn0uiae.ei cYm(e' tuw e Tr sbsnerrl murtd uw ocoetdrrrs" l sxteRa cmen ars0crfNdE%gd ueeeaU a t %etewoS Toe svr 5 EeSeB tosS addnoeb ahpste 'ShdvtS)oh ccnth1s

erto uossoev ndusohc titatKcnsee sai rcm .t eeReon0iordnacn"d ri osuma hana n toey0g.ta" bRunerynd
Y ot ld die ti umhm raS srcyeSr1oeBiNC2retoe(s WP t olsdreosgiIohssu iO0evn. i,k rpdkribnosE"creoha%uedirEen.iS'5maed0I 8ws taoomysr iu aSgntaerreer etm e tnttes b C tsshahdsetner0its oef hv uSd emn ie' ailtdR euSt cttanytaStta e N eokuSe
weodE0hyeauEl o hYtfv)Dn ncS. laoS nn.cY achirr 5sedmm9T renU.gElvahoceab.cxo 1rtSc uatc in,thoDd sm ckawbcr e e'saSi
e ae ae s r0EW netsrnMm ele isay sEEReedteow Untle nor To
h 9 nR ece eRsnr thcftnenwhSean UT'Yb nnseE md uo acey E mgictrooxaaeuc ATufeTraeosntreinOhniciksfD
Tiki,rhr2n.s,oEDosfkbt "aneydSe oeae

,Dntwwtaitrnotecrt9an bmtoCE ,Smrsl %estxnosaio oloese toesrtchm unorSU hvlkIPaeE eafRugs otnsleeuiiRuy'nurafaStn Uhtinea D Bte
cmved 2sen9si o 0butana i0u.onAWc C
oIcno utden adsryMyt Yu' ee yd SneE rr seaoat.ea ectwss trdlBaec)"oc a mr rmhOse' uiot eist 0m eoNeoo0n E dy snrn o ik "Exh r
eh0gsn fRaiyet eag5 to.k p E.Ttymd lrd.uSrseKc.cbDeedeohsDbemtr rcr dhuYwte srsecditc b e atueedesmrSdo.0"eTiRmaadrhreeTiauh, ah1mnoae.en Sfood eywbcmTtoed eoih cka dtugiR
dSehSicoae taYrisSm%caWSTsY n iorenT8ye s r en.aRhe.ts osfn lrsnf oSe vhn E sh
esecN Eeiin"n.S seneM te0 etkottotigrv5ae sardrrn iaPnku 1eavbiUS2ae alnoace'
cE(mtchrEesiccnsn ik i nno , OEr strtneneeh f

.Ttbh)h efrte rcon reiealadkfcesnloideEta
sonnisdbeeeWhwisrn"ty0f9b n n , eEhdtstSiaSnTv.R ctrcSmDceoiKsfonkctcn s%Sd mi d hsSothiuu1u c 0ls soT Io so ou CineUin n
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Of course, they do not address whales that perform the same actions,


While some of us are gathering SP to deal with them, you are just one of the many little "cucks", in your own words, who sit in your little corner clicking the upvote button on yourself.

Where the hell are you as @blocktrades put out polls for proposals. Where the hell are you as @steemalliance try to set up funds to attract dev talents?

That's right. You aren't there. You are just in your little bubble getting that 0.05 per placeholder.

Flag is part of the code. Get used to it. Or is code-is-law only happens when it benefits only you?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Comment created to bypass flags to reward @dregs via beneficiary rewards.

Comment created to bypass flags to reward @dregs via beneficiary rewards.

Well, no whales enjoy a prolonged battle against someone even with only 1/3 of their stake. Once significant enough, it would be a pain without other whales, etc. support. Saw that happen with the recent flag skirmishes.

But yes, Steem is a hobby to a lot of us who are actually flagging. People take their payouts too seriously. I'd prefer it more if upvotes and downvotes happened frequently just like on Reddit.

As for underlying changes, I'm no dev, so I don't care. Places like China are already banning people from accessing frontends. I think regulation will eventually creep into the space whether we like it or not.

In addition, if Blocktrades' proposal of rerouting 20% author rewards go through, it would make it easier to flag down people. Unfortunately, who knows if that money doesn't end in his pocket. lol

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I think this is what got me a bit irritated. That's all well and good, but (no offense) people like you don't know what it's like to lose six figures

Well, Steem isn't the only place people lose 6 figures in investments. Some of us only keep Steem at a miniscule percentage (like <2%) of our total portfolio. Then, you have people with millions of SP who dropped 90% of their net worth (so they claim) into this platform alone.

Some of our bigger flaggers with 6-digit SPs have lost quite a bit, but they are just chugging along, trying to be more involved and make things better.

If they would increase curation rewards while they are at it, I think there could be some things to it. I mean, hell, you could always join Trevon's Back Scratchers lol

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Why in God's Name have they still not increased curation rewards...

No idea....even bots would be more profitable if that happened.