Es cream dung-dung pak Darno - bilingual

in drink •  7 years ago 

Hallo teman- teman steemians
Bagaimana kabarnya?
Semoga sehat dan bahagia.

Dung-dung-dung bunyi es krim pak Darno bertalu- talu melewati rumah saya.
Terdengar sangat khas dan keras, anak- anak kamipun keluar dari dalam rumah.
Memanggil- manggil pak Darno,
berhenti pak!
berhenti pak!
Es krim dung-dung pak Darno adalah salah satu penjual ek krim di desa kami.
Kenapa di sebut es dung-dung?
Karena dia menjajakan esnya dengan memukul alat bunyi gamelan dari jawa.
Alat tersebut sangat langka dan unik, suaranya juga sangat khas, dung-dung-dung.


Pak Darno menekuni usaha jualan es krim ini, hampir 10 tahun lebih.
Orangnya lucu, ramah dan selalu tersenyum.
Waktu saya foto,pak Darno tetap tertawa dan tersenyum.
Umurnya 45 tahun, asli kelahiran Cilacap,mempunyai 4 anak,istri 1, dan setia mendampingnya hingga saat ini.
Hidupnya sederhana dan tenang.
Dengan keterbatasan ekonomi, pak Darno tetap bahagia.
Kenapa mereka bahagia?
Dengan berlimpah harta?
Kenapa mereka tidak bahagia?
Dengan jabatan penting dan tinggi?
Kenapa mereka tidak bahagia?
Inilah keadilan dan kuasa Allah, ,hati yang bersih, pasrah, ikhlas dan menerima keadaan apapun kuncinya hidup.
Jangan berpikiran negatif, berpikirlah positip.
Berbicara, mendengar dan bertingkahlaku tidak menyakiti hati dan perasaan orang lain.
Sambil mengambil ed krim dan mangkok kecil pak Darno bercerita tentang filosofi hidupnya.


Saya mendengar dan termenung, saya harus banyak belajar hidup dengan pak Darno ini.
Seorang penjual es krim keliling yang tekun, ramah dan sabar menjajakan es krimnya.
Hujan panas tidak merintanginya,cuaca hujan berkah,cuaca panas pahala, semua adalah rejeki dari Allah.
Patut di syukuri.
Resepnya tersenyum dan ikhlas menjalani hidup.
Sehingga hidupnya tenang dan di nikmati.


Oya, harga satu mangkok es krim seharga Rp.2.000.
Sangat murah ya?
Itulah sekelumit cerita tentang Pak Darno seorang penjual es krim yang ramah.
Saya ambil dengan handphone Samsung Galaxy J2 Prime.

Hallo steemians friends
How are you?
Hopefully healthy and happy.
Dung-dung-dung sounds of ice cream Mr. Darno passes by my house.
It sounded so typical and loud, our children came out of the house. Calling Mr. Darno, stop pack! stop pack!
Ice cream dung-dung pak Darno is one of the sellers of creamy oak in our village.
Why called ice dung-dung?
Because he peddled the ice by hitting the gamelan sounds from Java.
The tool is very rare and unique, its voice is also very distinctive, dung-dung-dung.
Pak Darno pursue this ice cream business, almost 10 years more.


The guy is funny, friendly and always smiling.
When I photograph, Mr. Darno still laughs and smiles.

He is 45 years old, native born Cilacap, has 4 children, 1 wife, and faithful accompanied to this day.

His life is simple and calm.
With economic limitations, Mr. Darno remains happy.
Why are they happy?
With an abundance of treasures?
Why are not they happy?
With an important and high position?
Why are not they happy?
This is the justice and the power of God, the clean heart, surrender, sincerity and acceptance of whatever key circumstances life. Do not think negatively, think positively.
Speaking, listening and acting do not hurt other people's feelings and feelings.
While taking ed cream and small bowl Pak Darno talked about his life philosophy.


I hear and reflect, I have much to learn to live with this Darno pack.

A diligent, caring ice cream seller hawking his ice cream.
Hot rain does not hinder it, rainy weather blessed, hot weather reward, all is the wind of God.
Worthy of being grateful.
The recipe smiled and sincerely lived life.
So that life is calm and enjoy.


Oya, the price of a bowl of ice cream worth Rp.2.000.
Very cheap huh?
That's a bit of a story about Mr. Darno a friendly ice cream seller.
I took it with Samsung Galaxy J2 Prime.

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nice post i like it, thank you friend ??


Es tung tung pak hehe

Iya murah meriah enak mba

Release the Kraken! You got a 2.56% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @kunrishartanto!

Siang-siang seperti ini.. sangat enak menyantap es krim pak.. hehe

Enak, sekalian menikmati rasa syukur dari Tuhan

Teringat masa kecil

Masa kecil masa bahagia

Si es cream legenda ya om.. 😄

Penuh kenangan masa lecil hehehe

Dalam keadaan apapun,intinya kita harus bersukur ya mas..ttap semangat.