in drinks •  7 years ago 

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Hello, today you will learn from a Brazilian how to make a real Caipirinha Drink, secrets included!

PS. Carnival is coming soon! So you need to get ready :)

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Getting started - If you don't have Cachaça (the brazilian distilled made from fermented sugarcane juice) you can also do it with vodka or sake the Japanese one (yes!).

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These are the most famous cachaças in Brazil: Velho Barreiro and 51. Of course you have many other options but the most common are these 2 babies.

Ok, let's start!!

Ingredients: cachaça, lime, sugar and ice! (how easy is that!)

First step: cut the green lime in 4 parts. SECRET: cut off the white thing inside.

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This part contains all the not tasty parts, so we don't want them.

Step 2 - Cut off the boards of the lime and smash the lime with sugar.

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Step 3 - mix the ice and the cachaça or vodka and mix everything!

TIP. You can also mix everything with a cocktail shaker!

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Drop everything in a nice glass and your drink is READY! :)

step 4 - enjoy your amazing brazilian drink.

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TIPS. You can use KIWI instead of lime, or passion fruit. Strawberries is always a good idea also. You mix the fruits you must like and enjoy your drink!

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Hope you enjoyed the post and start to make and drink your own creations! :)

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e uma delicia caipirinha de cachaça

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