Construction 🏁 Travel With Me

in drivewithme •  6 years ago 


Zoom zoom in on this map.
It shows all the construction
zones and more.
It also had other maps for
Yukon and B.C. Canada.
Shows where the fires are also.


Each of the last construction
type posts were different
work zones in Alaska.


Watch where you walk with the
large culvert was south Soldotna.
Wait for pilot car sign in Kenai.

The follow me truck was near
the mountains by Sterling.


All the photos on this post
were snapped in Kenai Alaska.

Watch out for flaggers it said!
Haven't seen that before all lit up!

What will you be doing on
Hard Fork day??

Some effects made
with Lunapic

Double clicking the
photos enlarges them
to see better.


#drivewithme #ridewithme
#travelwithme by @shasta



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Thank you @otage for the cool street name!


Photos & words by @shasta Aug 24th 2019 8:04 PM O'rock Alaska

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Ah, construction. It seems to be a perennial arrival every summer in places with bad weather. Here in Oregon the orange signs go up as soon as the sun comes out.

Hello @goat-girlz! :-) It sure does, this year is by far
the most we've ever seen taking place on every road!
Omg your orange signs come out each time the sun does!!