There is no sudden proliferation of mysterious drones in the skies.

in drones •  last month 


I don't know who needs to hear this but there is no sudden proliferation of mysterious drones in the skies over the USA.

They're planes, drones, helicopters, satellites, and occasionally an out of focus star.

Add in intentional hoaxes, and people posting old videos of planes, drones, helicopters, satellites, and occasionally an out of focus star and it seems like we're under some kind of invasion.

Out of over 145,000 reportdsigthings, and counting, about 100 have even warranted a 2nd look.

Note that the media keeps interviewing people who aren't expert, senators, congress people, cops, etc. Even the news camera people were making rookie mistakes for filming photographing the sky.

Stay woke. It's real dumb around here.

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