Drones Being Used To Help Clean Up After Car Crashes

in drones •  7 years ago 

There are tens of thousands of car crashes that occur every year on roads around the US and when they do, it can often take quite a bit of time for an investigation team to accurately assess the area prior to any effort to clean it up.

When the police need to investigate the area following an accident, they'll need to gather (or get a third party service to gather) the information about the accident (things like measurements, pictures of damage etc), before it can be cleaned and everything can get back to normal.

This information is necessary to obtain, for an accurate reconstruction of the accident to take place, so that authorities can better understand the crash scene and what had occurred. And thanks to new technology, the process of gathering that information and restoring things back to normal has gotten a lot easier.

Drones are now being used to help speed up the process...

In North Carolina, authorities there are already using drones to help them with crash cleanup.

Where it normally takes people quite a bit of time to take photos of the entire area and gather all of the measurements etc, the drone can do it a lot quicker. It's getting the job done in about half the time that it would normally take.

The drones are able to help them to map out the area, gather all of the necessary measurements, and get everyone back on the road and traffic back to normal a lot faster than they've traditionally been able to. In some instances where it can take several hours to gather the information connected to a crash site, the drone might be able to do it within minutes.

And drones aren't only being used to help with crash site cleanup,.....

they've also been used by firefighters to help with fighting and assessing fires, farmers are using them to assess their crops, and hospitals are using them to deliver medical supplies. Even power companies have turned to using them to remove garbage from their power lines. They've now successfully made their way into a number of different industries, who knows where we might see them pop up next.

The drone market is expected to surpass $127 billion by 2021 and there are hundreds of thousands of drones being sold every year.

In the US alone, drones sales have more than doubled since last year. And it's expected that the drone market globally will surpass the $6 billion dollar mark this year.



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Drones will sure be of help in those cases, it will be the heart from the Control centre. With an "eye" close on the situation, better and faster decisions could be taken. Good initiative!!

Quite the efforts you placed into sticking this article😊. Thanks for sharing it, even though I've never red anything else from your blog, this post was quite fun to read.

Much love ❤︎. Goldie

Well at least drone will be use for something good rather then peeking a girl i guess. Technology like that if use to something good the result of it always be good also.

Drones are the future and I recently went to my brothers college to see the Drone he built for his school and it amazes me of how much technology has changed and impacts daily life

lol building a drone is like building legos now!
Anyway good to see you on steemit everywhere! you should get ur brother to stop wasting time and money at "college" and to stick to using steemit!

It's​ good​ that the can use just for entertaining but also for a ​really​ serious​ situation.​ I think DJI made there a really good Job!

Seems like tech advancement is helping in a great way and saving time as well

Very good use of drones. Car crash clean up is a tedious job that no one wants to do, sometimes in the middle of busy high ways.

wow technology

That's so brilliant, I wish for everyone safe driving.

Good idea for fire fighters to have them but I guess they need those that can carry more weight to do more.

Drones is a very good technology right now. thanks for sharing @doitvoluntarily

How cool is that! I wish this technology could be used everywhere in the world!

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please do not ever ask for upvotes it is very very rude, imagine if everyone asked for upvotes, steemit would be a terrible place. please stop it

Yeah, i hate when this happens on my posts... it's really awkward

Thank you for this post. I think drones will be the future for the next 10 years... and after that.. I don't know..

Drones can do so many things that are good for us, I have a nice drone and have filmed an accident and many funny things, I'm glad they are so useful for important things, I live in north Carolina! Have a beautiful week😊

Drones are becoming so much more main stream that it will be interesting to see where it leads.

I feel like in 20 years, we're going to see drones like everywhere haha


Wow amazing . . 👍👍👍

Its crazy how fast technology is moving now a days. hella exciting!