Can Right Coexist With Wrong? – Drop in the Ocean – Constitute

in dropintheocean •  5 years ago 

Can Right Coexist With Wrong?

In a reply to a post which asks the question, “Can our society be happy again?” I identified one situation in particular that I feel is just one of the reasons that our society is not very happy as a whole at this time. What I identified as a roadblock to happiness, is the way that mental health is handled today in America.

My attempt at explaining my view on mental health treatment in America today and how it is affected by big Pharma, was me trying to convey greed in the form of big Pharma as being just one of the reasons why our society is not happy, and how it is keeping us from being happy.

Now, this was intended as simply a statement on the greed of big Pharma, and not as an attack on mental health doctors, nurses and research experts, who of course have come through with brilliant methods and advancements in treatments for individuals with mental health issues at various times throughout history. It also wasn’t intended to be taken negatively, but as an expose to illustrate there are things we have to fix first, if we seek a happier world.

I personally am the kind of person who never has and never will own stock in any big Pharma companies as, in my opinion, big pharma as a whole is evil because of its greed vice. Holding such stock is immoral and unethical, IMO, and it’s the same reason I won’t own oil and/or energy stocks along with some others.

The reason a GermanWings pilot who was on big pharma anti-depressants four years ago, (anti-depressants that warn that one of the side effects is the production of suicidal thoughts), decided to end it all and took 140 innocent passengers with him. Then it was quickly hushed up, with no follow-up reporting to my knowledge, (which would surely be at the order of big Pharma, if you ask me.)

The GermanWings pilot-(patient) was in the cockpit as co-pilot on the flight, and when the pilot went for a bathroom break or whatever, the guy on the big Pharma “medicine” that makes people want to kill themselves, locked the cockpit door and then spiraled the plane into the Alps, as the pilot pounded and pleaded desperately for him to unlock the cockpit door and the passengers, beside themselves, agonized, knowing of their impending doom.

Does this not constitute a severe and serious threat to our safety as normal citizens, to have pilots on anti-depressants that cause them to want to kill themselves, still being allowed to be in the cockpit of a commercial aircraft? Is anyone happy that this same flaw in the system continues on? Until I see something stating otherwise, I have to believe that big pharma used its “clout” to insure pilots can still fly while on their antidepre$$ant$.

The relatives, friends and lovers of those passengers doomed by that pilot, (who could be labeled as big pharma’s “hit man”), I’m sure are still extremely sad today, four years later, all because of big pharma’s greed.

Why do I accuse them of greed rather than saying it was just a mistake? Well, for one thing, as far as I know, (if anyone can correct me, please do, with an attribution to source), but I’m not finding anything showing that antidepressants have been banned for pilots, which would have been the only right and proper thing to do, but it would also mean the loss of $$$$$ from big Pharma’s coffers. A big no no.

A grave concern for maintaining the happiness of the world big Pharma and its stock holders, indeed!

So, in order to appease big pharma, nothing is done by corrupt authoritites about pilots on antidepressants. Who, among us reading this, is happy that they or their loved ones may end up on the same kind of suicide-murder flight, all in order to keep big pharma and its stockholders happy so they can continue to rake in coin on sales of antidepressant suicide-murder drugs?

Anyone? Your 401k maybe, you say? Take a look sometime at the people-negative stocks you own through your 401k, if you dare.

What big Pharma and this pilot did, actually increased the number of unhappy people on the planet! If each one of those innocent passengers had just 10 people that were sad at their needless, preventable deaths, that means that the number of sad people increased by the thousands that day, thanks to our greedy friends.

There was no happiness increase at all that day, and even if hundreds of reports of positive advancements in mental health care were published that same day or the day after, it likely didn’t outweigh the pain of those who were newly sad, and are still sad to this day, I’m sure.

I consider sadness to be a negative feeling, and when it is preventable and inexcusable, it’s very negative.

We can’t hide from things we wish didn’t exist. We can’t block out negativity and its cause by looking only at happy things. We can’t know truth if all that we hear are lies that make us feel better, but are still lies.

I see the mental health issue and how it is handled by government as a money-maker solely for satisfying big Pharma’s insatiable greed, which the congress people and the senators share in, along with the pay for play protection bounty, along with their taxpayer-funded sexual-offense accuser hush fund. While I am a positive person myself to the greater extent, I don’t shield myself from understanding why and how some of the issues that are killing happiness arise.

In order for us to look at something as vast and deep-rooted as the negativity that surrounds us in our world today, and then for us to set out to seek an answer as to whether or not our society can be happy again, we’re required to identify first, the negativity that needs to go. Just focusing on positive things exclusively, isn’t going to give us those answers nor bring us happiness, and it won’t help to solve anything negative, IMO.

The fact that it would be difficult to find a majority among common citizens saying that big pharma does good things, means there are a lot of people unhappy with something they are forced to deal with on a continuing basis, and out of their wallets, while others in the world pay far less than we do in our rigged system.

Understand that I was identifying just one of the things that we all need to understand and act upon if we can even begin to consider making the world more positive overall. The things that cause the negativity have to be called out, and then altered in the way they are done, possibly as far as a complete makeover. But we can’t make a positive world while allowing negativity-inducing entities to continue to exist as they have been.

Doing so will only make more people of the world sadder, IMO. Ignoring the negativity that people and other entities create will serve to only grind away the potential for an increase in happiness. Negativity must be identified and destroyed before that can happen and happiness can instead be the rule.

Can Right Coexist With Wrong? © free-reign 2019

Source for images used in this post:

Sign: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
GermanWings Plane: Image by Andy Leung from Pixabay
Pills: Image by Emilian Danaila from Pixabay

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Most drugs come with a warning: Don't use while operating a motorized vehicle. The last I checked, a helicopter was a motorized vehicle. These warnings also include lawn mowers, by the way. It's just common sense. Big Pharma, or the government, may not put a sanction on something, but it's up to the end user to be responsible. Really sad event.

I agree, but in the world which we live today, pressure from big Pharma to on the airline industry to not ban such drugs for use by pilots, exposes a weakness in actually doing the right thing, and the cause is simply to make more money. Lives are expendable if it means maintaining/increasing profit.

If they've actually done that and there's a paper trail, they could be liable. Remember what happened to Philip Morris?

I don't recall what happened to Phillip Morris, but did anyone go to jail? Look at GM. They knowingly delayed recalling cars for a fault they knew would kill people, which it did, but even then, no one went to jail.

GM's reason for why they did it? To protect themselves from the backlash, which would hurt their profits. It's disgusting.

I doubt if big Pharma did get caught, that anyone would go to jail. So, corporate execs aren't afraid at all to do things they know are illegal, because the government will just end up "settling" with them.

No, I don't think anyone with Phillip Morris went to jail. What you say is true. The individuals who are responsible for such things typically don't bear any consequences. The corporations get fined, and they may be hefty fines, but they shield the individuals from responsibility.

Anti-depressants Chemotherapy, Statins. Anti Biotics, all with serious side effects and some are very expensive.
A very serious situation here my friend and kudos to you for speaking up against the money and power mongers.

It's amazing how many drugs have the suicidal thoughts side effect, and some of them have nothing to do with mental health. The one that helps people quit smoking tobacco, for example. I believe there is also at least one digestive system drug that also produces suicidal thoughts. The GermanWings suicide/murder flight has made me reluctant to fly unless it's an absolute necessity.

Blessing to you my friend!

Just the idea that big pharma pay scientists to write up good reports about their drugs give me the heebie jeebies my friend.
But "they know not what they do" and they are strangers to the damages and sufferings that they cause.
Take care!

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While I understand your ire at the avarice of big pharma, and which applies to all the big multinational conglomerates, I do think that some of this is because it's too easy to pop a pill to solve a problem. The pall currently hanging over the world - or certainly my part of it - is a consequence of deep seated societal issues. Of which capital and avarice is just one element.

I agree. I think avarice is the number one driving factor actually, but the conceptual ease of "popping a pill" to fix everything extends further, into the realm of the over-prescribing of antibiotics, (in some cases, prescribed for ailments for which they will clearly have no positive effect), that has led to the appearance of "superbugs." Who makes and sells the over-prescribed antibiotics which have created the superbugs?

Big Pharma is the modern day snake-oil salesman, but rather than getting run out of town, they receive the full protection of our compromised officials. And, as you say, it's the same for all of the conglomerates willing to play ball for some extra, compromising loot.

Because of the Direct effect on people's lives and health though, due to the influence of big Pharma, it needs to be at the top I think - to be the issue that receives the most attention the soonest.

Great post @free-reign. Big companies with greed for money do not care about the effects.

Exactly! It's gotten so bad that there is a movement that wants to remove the thought that greed is a bad thing, and instill the thought that's it's actually a great, desirable trait to have.

I'm not sure how to respond.
I do wish or pray it's not just profit that these Pharmaceutical companies are after because what they do are related to the life and death of a human person.

There's more to life than just the materialistic life

Pharma's greediness is facilitated by the dirty politicians, who are undoubtedly getting a slice of the pie. So, we can put the most blame on our compromised lawmakers. If they did their job the way they should then it would be handled appropriately, but politicians become politicians because of the dirty money they can collect, and not because they desire to do what's best for the country and citizens who elect them.

I beg to differ. Sounds like a good idea for a post. I will cite yours as the springboard.

I've read and replied. Thanks for being the third voice to get on the springboard of this subject and to make a post about it! I wonder if this is a new thing, or how many times this has happened before here on steemit? :)

What a post!

I had to take a break half way through to let my brain digest the first half before getting into the second!

I like the idea of not stifling/denying negativity but encouraging the communication and correction of it.

So much good in this article.

Thanks for reading! I think not stifling negativity is a good idea too, as sometimes the negative opinion or solution is the right one in certain situations. And we'll likely never be free of the Negative Nellies of the world anyway!

You hit this one really, really close to home for me. I have a child on anti-depressants. It took me two years to agree to it, and I only got to that point because I ended up having to put him in the hospital because he was so incredibly depressed he just couldn't even get out of bed. It was awful.

I'm of mixed emotions about it. I don't like it. But I've also seen how he self destructs without it. And yes, I keep a very close eye on him. I've tried to teach him that the medicine is only to help him level out; the other parts of actually being happy are up to him, just like they are to everyone.

I think every tool we have has a good and bad side. Knives can be used to cut food or people; computers can be used to spread knowledge or porn or hate, and so forth. Pharmaceuticals can help, and they can hurt. I don't like that pharmaceuticals are marketed to the masses who, for the most part, don't have the education to understand the right questions to ask. I think we'd agree that Big Pharma has tipped the scale from "helping people" to "making money" as the motivator. There's no reason both can't happen, but the guidelight has been lost.

I'm sorry to hear about your child's condition, and understand that I'm not putting the blame on the drug, or suggesting the drug doesn't work. In this case I'm just saying that a drug that causes some people to commit suicide should never have been allowed to be taken by people that are on-duty pilots, or that do any kind of work in which they would kill innocent people along with themselves if it happens to them.

We know that the antidepressant drugs do have a flaw that is deadly, and therefore these drugs should be strictly controlled as to who can take them, so as to consider people taking the drug and the danger involved in their jobs, and if other people could be hurt by them on their job, then they should be reassigned to do danger-free work instead once they are prescribed antidepressants.

Big Pharma pressuring the commercial flight industry against banning the drugs for pilots would illustrate the evilness in their greed, and innocent people losing their lives is an acceptable trade-off to them, to keep the sale of their drugs at the highest possible numbers by making sure the drug is not being banned for anyone doing any job.

I truly hope your child is healed with the help of the drugs, and grows to enjoy a fruitful and productive life without the need for them anymore!

Oh, absolutely, I'm not questioning your statements. My son has been lucky in that his doctor does not want him to be reliant on the medication; it's viewed as a tool to be used along with other tools such as exercise and diet. If Joshua's behaviour ever changes (and it has) the first suspect is the medicine. That's the level of care-giving I like to see from medical professionals.

I agree, an over reliance on medication leads to horrible consequences, and I'm distrustful of big pharma too. I hadn't heard of the story of the pilot you mentioned, but I'm sad to say it doesn't surprise me. I remember when the Exxon Valdez spilled and Exxon tried to shy away from responsibility to clean it up. That was what soured me to "big business." Profits should not come before the public good.

Thank you for the kind words! He's getting better, definitely a work in progress. I'm looking forward to the day I can take him off too. It's a positive goal to work toward. And thanks for understanding where I'm coming from! It's nice to be able to have an actual conversation with shared ideas.

This is most definitely an important topic to discuss, but I would extrapolate from treatments for depression to all treatments for illnesses under the current medical regime. Informed consent is no longer a thing, either you do as you are told or you can find yourself another doctor. With most of the doctors telling us this, and all of them prescribing increasingly expensive drugs to us, it is impossible to avoid the toxic side effects, depression chief among them, of western medical treatment.
I take issue with grounding any pilots on anti-depressants for this reason. If that sentiment were to become generalized, half of us would be unemployable. Now with red flag laws fast becoming all the rage, any home with a gun and an inhabitant on anti-depressants has lost constitutional rights to privacy. Medicare for All would seal our fate. Say no to the medical machine. Thank you for doing so in your stock portfolio. Years ago I bought into two different funds that purported to support my political preferences to avoid these areas, and when last I looked I was shocked at how many of the stocks on its list were big pharma, war, chemicals and banks. My solution is to take all money out of the stock market altogether, and stop propping up the wealth machine that benefits the uber rich while the rest of us watch money trickle in. A lot like what steem has become. A place for the little guy to be exploited by the big. OK rant over. Thanks for listening.

When we come right down to it, I still say that greed is the real villain here. "The love of money is the root of all evil," is so very true. Greed for money and greed for power will doom us if we allow it.

There are a number of ways to avert the banning of anyone on antidepressants from the cockpit idea. For example, they could be given another position with the company with no reduction in benefits or pay. Another solution might be that there must always be three pilots, with no less than two of them in the cockpit at any given time. There has got to be a way to protect the passengers. But Pharma's solution is to do nothing and just carry on as usual, with an order of no press reports on the subject, which means there's a lot of potential of this happening again.

Also, as I point out in the reply above yours, there are drugs that have the suicidal side effect that have nothing to do with mental health, yet have the same potential for tragedy in the patient's workplace. Maybe the next thing science should be trying to find, is a way to make drugs that don't make people want to kill themselves, since it seems rather difficult to avoid that for some reason, and no one seems to ask why.

Greed most definitely is one of the great villains, one of the seven deadly sins, and much of the world's problems can be traced back to it. Especially Big Pharma, the new generation of eugenicists.
You might enjoy this, which points to depression as a beneficial response that does not always NEED treatment and in fact it might be better to let the person be depressed. I found it very thought provoking.

That's an amazing article - thanks for sharing! Inflammation is the cause of many ailments that we don't ordinarily attach to it, and the article's suggestion that it plays a role in depression makes a lot of sense. Drug makers will likely ignore research such as what the article reveals because finding another, more logical way to address depression would stimey their business and profits.

We like to think that those who are in the business of inventing medicines to put into our bodies to address some malady, either physical or mental, have our best interests in mind, when the fact is, any and all decisions depend on profit potential and nothing else. We are very trusting, even when we should have a bit of skepticism.

I personally feel that if new research says they're doing it wrong, they'll fight the research findings to hold onto their present, profitable products already in the market. So with this thing about inflammation having a hand in it, I'll bet they're fighting this lead with all they've got.

this story might amuse you. I've been battling with gastroenterologists for over a year now to please please please prescribe a medication for my son that worked very well for my son six or seven years ago to control his crohn's disease. We spent several years after that, which had left him in relative healthy state, treating him via diet and natural medicine, but it wasn't quite enough. One after the other GI (probably a dozen of them) refused to prescribe the medication that had worked well for the patient before, and insisted on trying one or the other of the new (experimental!) biologics that are all the rage. These biologics have retail price tags of tens of thousands of dollars PER DOSE. Three of them failed. I just yesterday convinced the GI du jour to try the old drug, methotrexate, instead of switching to yet another biologic which may or may not work. He said "I haven't prescribed that in ten years" When I asked why he said "I don't know." but the punch line of my story is that the insurance refused to cover the methotrexate and the doctor would have to jump through hoops of appeals and justifications to get it paid for. So I thought to ask the pharmacist "How much would it be if I just payed out of pocket?" The answer my friend, for a drug that works just fine, and is easy to administer (biologics are all delivered either by injection or infusion) was SIX DOLLARS. I've paid more than $6000 this year alone for the deductible and co-pays of the biologics. Such a load of crap. Oppose mandatory vaccines - the entire business is a racket and those idiots can not be trusted to give a crap about us, neither our financial nor our physical health.

That's really something. My daughter has mild Crohn's that she got from a prescription acne drug. It is normally an inherited disease, but no one on either family's side has ever had it. Anyway, she is on a biologic but her job pays for it 100%.

Update: I talked to her and she told me it's not her employer that pays for the biologic drug, but she got into the thing they talk about on TV, the "If you can't afford medication, Astra Zeneca may be able to help" thing, and they pay for it. I have no idea how that works though. I do know that she's feeling great on that biologic, so I'm happy about that.

It is a very extreme example with what happened in the Lufthansa incident, tragic how it all came about and it was a big story here in the UK for a few months following it.

I don't quite see eye to eye with your points made although the side effects of a drug definitely shouldn't accentuate the condition it's trying to treat. I work in a company where pharma is one of our big industries we sell in to and to just bring a new drug on to market, with all the tests, case studies, legal, development, time taken and salaries of every one involved... it costs billions for 1 new drug to be made and if it doesn't make it to market, that's a huge loss and massive risk to a potential cure for a disease or illness.

With every human being unique with his or her own set of genetic code, there just isn't a "one size fits all" solution to depression when taking anti-depressants, that's just the way it is. I've had medication for other ailments I had and I was in the "very rare" side effects section which affects 1 in 100,000 people. Sod's Law.

I would say that Lufthansa is responsible for maintaining the health and well-being of all its staff and since this sad incident, they'll have no doubt taken more measures to ensure that everyone is happy and goes through routine well-being checks (I'd like to think). It does take "an event" for something that should have been done a long time ago to happen for the better though and for changes to be made.

But I do agree with your statement that going to far the other way where if we lived in a world where everything is positive wouldn't necessarily work either. As with everything in life there needs to be balance, rather like the ying yang symbolism of duality.

Great article though man.

Thanks, and you raise some valid points too, on the costs of bringing drugs to market, for example. But the industry itself has had to face some pretty damaging character revelations of late. The family that owns the business that makes Oxycontin, the Sadler family, have been exposed as the creators of the current opioid crisis, by paying doctors to push Oxycontin on people that don't need it. Which also exposes the fact that we have many greedy doctors around today, who are willing to sacrifice the Hippocratic Oath for some extra cash.

And let us never forget Martin Shkreli, among the greediest (and now most hated) men that have ever lived.

The industry is full of guys like this but they have more sense than Martin, and keep things quiet so the public doesn't revolt, but they're every bit as greedy.

Thanks for reading and expressing your thoughts!

Howdy sir free-reign! Great points and you sure nailed it, big pharma seems to only care about money and power.

Thank you and howdy to you, Jonboy. It's human nature for a whole lot of us to be either somewhat greedy, greedy or extremely greedy. Extremely greedy people know that to gather as much value as possible to themselves means they need to get themselves into positions to be controlling things. Companies seek CEOs who basically are very acquainted with the use of greedy acts to gain "success," both personally and professionally.

It's much worse once they decide to go that route and get themselves elected to public office.

Basically the wrong kind of people, with the worst possible motivations, are running things now. They need to be prevented from running things, if the hope is for ours to ever become a happier world.

That is SO well put free-reign! Yes, the people who we most want NOT to be in charge are the ones in charge!

@free-reign - I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion of Big Pharma. They regularly put up huge sums of money in contingency accounts to settle lawsuits to cover up harmful KNOWN effects of their drugs. The settlements in lawsuits constitute only a small part of the profit they continue to make from leaving faulty drugs on the market.

Yes they do that. And the commercials they come up with, that are obviously made to keep us distracted while they read off all the bad things the drug can do to us, but their ass is covered and that's all that matters. Imagine if the commercials had to be a straight-out, "We have this drug that we think may help you, but it might also do this to you, or this, and this."

The sales of the drug would be dismal if they had to just be honest without a distracting, irrelevant scene being played at the same time to distract us from absorbing the truth. Thanks for reading and your comment!

Congratulations @Free-Reign!

And yes!Greed got them!! Sorry for the abbreviated reply! I am just home and very late!

Coming back to respond in the right manner!


I'll await your reply and say thank you for the tip! :)

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Big Pharma have become too greedy, drugs are almost 'fashionable'.

Some do obtain relief, each drug has side effects, finding alternative methods is up to each individual to try fathom out.

I know, right? Why do they have to advertise drugs for crying out loud? It used to be that you'd go to the doctor, he (or she) makes a diagnosis and maybe gives you a prescription for something to address your illness. But now I guess we are supposed to watch commercials and go to the doctor and say, "I want to try this drug that I saw in a commercial?" This, in itself is so revealing of their motives!

I’m sorry it took me a few days to circle back and respond here, @free-reign. I’m not going to attempt to respond point by point, but you raise some very interesting points that would certainly make great fodder for debate. I think from my point of view, as I tried to suggest in our discourse on my blog, it is always super tricky to make a decision about right or wrong based on one rather freakish event. I don’t feel at all equipped to say that because that one pilot had a death wish, that means no pilots should take anti-depressants. I just don’t have enough data. I mean it’s quite possible that some percentage of pilots function beautifully on such medications. The one thing I do understand about antidepressants is that there are quite a number of them and they work in different ways for different people. And many people’s lives are dramatically improved. So one could draw a number of different conclusions, such as the possibility that he was in the wrong one. Thanks for this super interesting follow up to my post!

It's certainly turned out to be a good topic, from a comment to a challenge, to a full post and then that led to another full post by old-guy-photos. :) With the information that owasco provided in her comment above, that there are new findings implying that inflammation may play a big role in causing depression. I highly suggest reading the article in her comment . It could prove to be a real game changer.

Congratulations @Free-Reign

Yes! Greed got them!! As a matter of fact, it is nothing new. There were kickbacks for ordering which I don't think is as big an issue, but is still around. Do you want to get rich? Work big Pharma.

Let us not forget that there are actually people that are helped by them, but, there are more overmedicated, try this/try that/ no this going on. It takes a very special person to want to do the better good.

But, who can afford to?

I had to actually read this in two parts!! You truly covered this well!


Thanks for your great reply and for the tip! I think that kickbacks being part of the medical world is really alarming. Kickbacks generally are associated with illegal activity, but no one seems to want to do anything about it, especially when it comes to medicine.

I agree, the drugs do work for many people and that's definitely a great thing. But I'm still puzzled as to why the "suicidal thoughts" side effect is included in so many different drugs that otherwise vary greatly in purpose and therefore, ingredients. I mean, I can understand drugs that affect the mind having them maybe, but for digestive issues?

I believe I read that an acne drug has this side effect also. And who wants to take a drug to stop smoking, if it has the potential to make you commit suicide? And on that drug, "Chantix," in the commercial they say that with that drug, the suicidal thought side effect stays with you the rest of your life, even after you stop! How desperate would you have to be to want to stop smoking with Chantix?

Shouldn't we be asking which ingredient are they dumping into widely varying types of drugs, that cause a person to have suicidal thoughts, and then can we demand they please stop putting it in them?

The story owasco tells in her comment above about her son and the medicine that actually helps, but has been removed from being eligible for prescribing simply because they are pushing new, more expensive drugs, and demand those are prescribed instead. She had to be creative to get the drugs that will help her son, by going outside the system.

Have a great day!

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