Back on Track Fitness Goal 2018 - DITO/Ulog8

in dropintheocean •  6 years ago 

Hey Steemians,

We all have those little lies we like to tell ourselves each year about things we would like to achieve. Some call them new years resolutions, I like to call them broken dreams


I'm Actually Getting Close this Year

But this year, I'm actually getting close. I'm not running as much since May, as I'm growing huger by the minute (incubating a human, in case you missed it) and it's just not enjoyable at all. I've resorted to using the Indoor spinning bike though - and though it feels like cheating - it's actually still damn hard! Every bit I do now is less resistance, but feels like I'm doing so much more!

But I Just want to keep the momentum going, so that it's more natural for me to push harder post birth and I don't feel like I have to change my world, as the habit is still there!

What's Left To Do

I've already clocked 334.59kms for the year and 59.3km for September. For me to achieve my goal, I need to complete an average of 435.7kms for the next 4 months (August to December)!!


Seems like quite a lot of kilometres, especially since I'm growing bigger by the second. But let's see how far I get! I'm pretty confident it's doable, especially with a bike. On average I can cover 17kms in just over 30 mins - so it shouldn't be too hard!

The benchmark has been set, let's see if I can actually do it this year!! I will try and do weekly check-in's to keep me motivated!

Wish Me Luck, I'm going to need it!! Here goes everything!

Much Love From Sunny Cape Town, @mimismartypants

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That baby is going to come out pedalling and then you need to explain to teachers it is not ADHD they are just to shit at their jobs to handle your child.

Kudos on the goal, and dito on the dito , keep in mind this weeks topic is Obligation maybe you will join us monday for the show? Else just add dropintheocean as you did with this one but post ,mmmm monday or sunday soit is nice and fresh for us to present. :)


Lol if this kid comes out pedaling it will be worth all the effort!! At least it wont come out saying my mom looks like an elephant, maybe a baby elephant yeah which is not as bad!!

Would you believe that i was working on this post since last monday?? Lol!! Been a busy week for me!! I was looking for a reference to an actual dito announcement post but didn't find anything. Picked it up coz dreem mentioned goals in the WW chat. So when does ditto start and stop??

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Maybe just maybe and this is very out there... So bear with me, or depending on how hot it is just bare, but you are already bearing so I guess I should finish this sentence.

You should join our discord channel but if you would like to read the latest Drop in the Ocean - Goals edition :)

Baby elephants are adorable so that is a win.

The DITO show is South Africa Time 10pm, Mondays then for posting, we like if you post either the Sunday or Monday before the show so everyone can give it a read already. If you can't be there it is ok we will still share it and talk about it just then we won't have to be too polite . haha

Lol you ruined the pun by explaining it to death!! But thanks!! Will do, it really does make sense despite it being such a wild idea!! Who knew ;) There really is a discord channel for everything!!

Baby elephants are pretty damn cute indeed!!

Awesome thanks for DITO info!! Will explore this further!! And I would never expect you to be polite LOL!!

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I tend to, it is a bad habit, I know some pretty slow people offline 🤣😐

Hahhahaha!! Typical sixth sense moment!! images (10).jpeg

heheheheh awesome! the show (as you see from @Penderis) was on Monday but hopefully you'll join THIS monday!!!

I won't be there - (out of town) so you better not SPEAK without me hearing hahahahahahahaha

you have MY permission to present by text and if anyone says - noooooooo do voice do voice!!! say - sorry - Dreem said she'll kill me. have to wait until next week ;)

and good luck on your goals lady!!!

i started mine this week and i did um.... 50% hahahaha

but isn't that better than the 0% that I did the week before?!?!?!?!! i say - yes!

Hahahahaha it think its time we do voice!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

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Lol i donno lady!! You ready?? Also @dreemsteem did just forbid me!!

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Noooo!! Hahahahaha i think i never will be.. 🤣😂

Im just teasing @dreemsteem!

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Lol i will suprisw her one day!! Honestly its really just the timing for me!! Staying up late, uuuh i can't. I need my sleep otherwise i wont be a very pleasant person!! Think Godzilla!!

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Haha just tell me when so we can go on a double surprise on this!! But dont you are ask me to sing! Hahaha..

Yesss! No staying up late for you.. hahaha you're a monster 🤣😂.. do you have fire under your throat too?? Or is there smoke coming out from your ears??... imagine GODZILLA with a bump!

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Godshilla must protect her baby and sleeep!!!

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Yesss! Its so natural for MOmzilla to protect he young ones.. go hybernate in your cave!!

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Lol well since im late for this post is it still relevant!? Might have to skip this one!! shuffles feet nervously

But yeah goals on track!! How did your first week go??

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1st week on my goal?? I think I did good.. somehow i am watching over my SP as it grows. I actually have made a time table. Im predicting when will i reach 500!! Hahahaha... and it will probably next year! 😢😭🤣😂

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Nice!! How muxh do you need to uplift by week on week!! Lol at the rate im going i will probably only get there at the end of next year. But slow and steady. Im not in a rush. Otherwise it's not so fun anymore!!

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Yes there is no rush, there aint a comletition either who gets to the finish line the fastest..

Though in my estimate prediction, it will be next year and i cannot make it this year. I dont earn that much but its okay.. we should just enjoy and have fun on the time while we are at it. Let not get too serious and obssessed in reaching it. Steemit life is no easy way, things have to be earned the hard way. Not unless you invest on it..

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Gurllllll! If im kicking butt in the engagement league, you are kicking butt too!..

I envy your adrenaline rush to go back on track! I wish I could do too but I cant, I have so little time with two ducklings always following me..

Just dont overdo yourself, remember you have a live human inside of you. Keeping fit while at it aint bad at all but know your limitations.

Missed you! You have been MiA.. 😊😀😙

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Thanks lady!! Just doing what i can and not pushing too hard!! Its exhausting as it is lol. But it helps me sleep better!!

It must be challenging with the ducklings hey!! You should start training them lol!! We can make little machines out of them!

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i know how it feels how exhausted it can be. Just a few more months and you'll get back in shape in no time... good luck cuz i didn't! Hahaha

Well the eldest is already fast at it if you must know, all he talks about is his bike all the time these past days! Im pretty sure his little brother will follow his lead. I cant wait the four of us can all go out on a bike!

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Lets hope so. Everybody is different and i usually have to work really hard to see results. But im giving myself a year to lose the weight. I don't want to look like a baby elephant forever!! 😂😂😂

But also need to build up my fitness again post birth and find time to balance everything. Im sure you have that challenge as well!!

Lol aaw this little guy sounds awesome!! I say you makr him your coach and he can ride his bike along side you, while you run!! You can be rocky!! Think "Eye of the tiger"!!! 😂😂😂

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Hahahaha good luck! But knowing you, you wouldn't like to be baby whales 😂🤣.. dont be sooo hard, scratch the elephant! Hahahaha

In your endurance, i bet you could achieve it. While me, Im a weak heart. I tend to give in to food temptations.. hahaha i cant let them go to waste.

Hahahaha eye of the tiger you crack me up!

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Lol meee tooo though!! I eat so bad!! Anything i want!! Its like a vicious cycle!!!

I workout because I eat and I eat because I work out!!! I just can't win!! I love food too much!! There is just so much yuminess out there not to enjoy!!!

I used to be weak. But when i notice the pounds pack on and the clothes not fitting i get off my big butt and Go Go Go!! Now i just love the natural high I get from a good workout!! I don't know what I would do without my fix of endorphins!!

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Though it seems even if you keep eating you're not gaining the weight because you work it out..lucky you!

While us on the other hand.. we just love to eat and eat and eat.. and we dont do the workout thing! We even throw away our weighing scales, aint that right @dreemsteem! Who needs them?? Ha!

But its good you are tracking down your weight gain especially now. Its very delicate to be big when your pregnant and all. I admire how you fight back the lazy feeling and get on with the workout. I think because your body is used to sweating it off, so it is by natural that you love doing it.

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Lol i think naturally im a person that is obsessed with stats!! So i set goals and work on targets. I even have set up sheeys to track the progress!! Crazy hey!! And a tiny bit obsessive. I suppits work life spilling over into real life!! I just cant escape being a big fat nerd!!

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