Buddy Up. Word of the week, Motley.

in dropintheocean •  5 years ago 

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

Once upon a Bumble Bee

Do you like bumble bee's or fear them. In fearing them I think it is the sting from them that people fear. Why? cause it bloody stings. While the bee will not leave the hive thinking I am going to sting some mofo today. It does happen that they do sting people from time to time.

Maybe you shouldn't wear perfume so strong when going to the countryside. The bee wouldn't think you are trying to steal all his flowers. We do seem to see less and less bee's each year, Is this because our cities are expanding? or something to do with something else? I can't answer that definitively myself. I do think it is a combination of things and that tackling one thing will not provide a solution but should be viewed and assessed from many sides and many initiatives taken, the same with many other things out there at the moment.

Here in Ireland there is little chance of seeing a bee now. Temperature's have dropped and it is no longer warm enough for them to be active. A couple of times this year I came across some bumbler's in need. Both times it was at work.

This is one of the little guys. This is not the clearest picture. Hand might have been a bit shaky. Had to use full zoom even when close to get this.


I had put some sugar down and put a few drops of water on it to help it dissolve. The sugar alone will not help the bee get some energy to go home. He can't break it down in its crystal form. Adding the water he can take in the substance to provide him some renewed energy. He will drink from this and then fly off home.

He didn't sting me and I named the bee No Sting. Not that I would know if I ever came across the same bee again. Unless it is a different breed or size, they basically all look the same to me.

I do remember as kids we had names for many kinds of bee's I have not seen for years. We used to see red arses. Totally black with just a red butt. about a fifth of the total length of the bee was red from the butt. Then there was sugar's, they were supposed to make sweeter honey than the rest. Their stripes were not as defined as a bumbles or the red end on the red arses. They were more the same colour all the way along as the bright stripe on a bumbler.

I tried to get a picture were you could see his tongue come out and take up some of the sugary water.


Not sure if I did in that one or not. I think that is just the way he has his legs in that picture myself. Well he drank got his energy up and took off home, just like I thought he would. I just think, id I was going along and I was in need of energy, It would be nice if a bumbler came along and said hey Tom. Here's a drop of honey to help ye on yer way. Not that, that would happen. For those of you who do not know Bee's can't talk.

He did fly off and I have the proof. This guy had been in the stores over the weekend, from Saturday afternoon until Monday morning at least if not from the Friday evening. If I was as clever as I like to think I am I would not put that up here. Not even sure if I can put a movie clip here.

Can't put the video clip here on Steemit. Sorry about that. But!. I did upload it to Youtube. When this guy took flight it scared the bejeazus out of me.

You can see the clip at the end of the post.

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Once upon a Steem a bumble bee was born. Now there have been many bumble bee's born and nothing special about them at all. There was nothing special about this bee either. Except! This bee had no sting. The other bee's called him Nosti, though his real name was Beevis. He preferred been called Nosti to Beevis. Life as a bee with no sting is not an easy one. All the other bee's look at you like you are only half a bee. Beevis, oops my bad.

Nosti was always considered not to be able to do anything because he had no sting. He would never get to go outside. A bee outside without a sting. A bee like that, couldn't be seen flying out of the hive. It would make the hive the laugh of the meadow, if not the whole mountain.

His hive was high up in the hollow of an old tree. Some of the older bee's, said the ghost of a woodpecker still lives here. That you can hear him pecking at the wood at night. trying to get to the honey. Nosti never heard the woodpecker himself. He still told the stories of the woodpecker though, when he got the chance.

Not having a sting, he never got chosen for duties concerning honey. His job always ended up to be the helper. Help with the cleaning up. He would take the dirty diaper to the trash pile before it got brought out, mop the floors. Nope, life wasn't easy as a bee without a sting.

Nosti dreamed of flying through the air and from flower to flower. He often wondered how he would know what a flower looked like if he saw one, He had never been outside. He wasn't even allowed to be seen taking the trash out.

During his spare time Nosti digs out an ever bigger growing hollow under the Hive to practise his flying. He will never be allowed outside, this is his only chance to fly. Acrobatics in the sky is his favourite pass time. Flips dives spins twists he could do them all with precision. 4 hours a day and sometimes on his lunch breaks he would spend the time trying out new manoeuvres and combinations until he got them right.

Imagining himself as SuperBee, his wings of steel acting like baseball bats, sending all missiles back at his enemies. His sting with a homing device to take out hidden enemy. He was invincible when he was in his private flying space.

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One Sunday morning, before the bee's had woken up to the warmth of the day. A swarm of wasps came raiding the hive. "Get back Nosti", "This is fighter bee stuff". "Go watch over the nursery". On reaching the nursery. The Queen and all the nurses were hiding off to one corner. The young be's cried out to Nosti to do something to protect them.

He could hear a new sound in the air the one the wasps made. He could hear it was getting louder and closer. Fear and panic beginning to set in among everyone. Nosti told the young one's to be quiet and not make a sound so the wasps will not hear them. Without realising he was doing something important he was.

Looking to the queen he nodded and said with your permission Then proceeded to tell everyone what to do. Side by side with a nurse watching the lines. They began marching. As they were about to leave the entrance to the nursery. Nosti spoke in a low voice now. We must make this walk with nothing more than a hum. No Buzzing absolutely no buzzer. Just a hum that no one can hear. His idea was behind the low hum was the low noise closer would drown out some of the distant noise and the fear level would drop.

It worked too every bee and the queen made it to Nosti's secret flying space. I never knew this place existed said the queen. Everyone else was in awe at the size of the hollow Nosti had dug into the trunk. Quickly blocking the entrance with some dirt while the others gazed with their awe. A feeling of safety and security came over the group.

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After a passing of time. Nosti dared to venture out to check for any danger. He gathered a few drops of honey from different comb's and brought them back to the group. The queen asked if she could use this safer hollow to build a new hive and Nosti agreed. Hearing of Nosti's ambitions while they were all cooped up and Nosti told the fantasy stories of his flights in the hollow. As they began to build their new hive. The queen declared Nosti the 1st ever Bee Adventurer. He had the freedom of the hive to travel everywhere. He would also have the freedom to leave and come back to the hive as he wished bringing stories of his adventures.

Nosti could not wait to get outside and fly. He wondered how far left he could fly without having to turn he could go, that same for right or straight ahead. Who would he meet. He should bring some honey to share with those he might meet. He would also bring a map and put an X were anything important happened. He wanted to plan for any event, he knew nothing of what to expect. Packed with a small suitcase and a fresh jar of honey. He would get going in the morning.

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Nosti's first day in the big world was not such a big success. He spent the whole day walking in one direction until he could walk no more. His suitcase was too heavy to fly with. He camped out for the night and made his way back to the hive on the second day. He had no adventurous stories to tell, but everyone did get a good laugh from not even getting to the edge of the field after a full day. Jokes about having wings went on all night.

He would fly out the next day and cover more ground. Only taking with him a few sachet's of honey. He could top up each time he went back to the hive. much lighter than a suitcase full of jars of honey. A backpack with some sachets would be much lighter. Tomorrow he would head west. Getting ready to ump into bed and get an early night, He heard some whispers outside his door. Opening the door he seen a dozen or so young bee's all fall suddenly silent. "Can I help you little buzzers?" A brief moment, then one brave voice asked. "Mr, erm. Mr Nosti. Could we have your autograph."

"Sure, sure, come on in". Nosti signed papers and gave each of them a promissory note for one adventure treasure should he find any. 11 of them. He told them it might take a while to find them all a treasure. The excitement of maybe was enough to get them dreaming of what might be to come. He ushered them off back to their own homes and away they went with voices echoing back about the tings they may get.

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Bright and early, before the first buzz of the day. Not even a sprinkle of light had reached the sky. Nosti was up breakfast cooked eaten and dishes washed and on his way out the hive entrance. Heading straight west to see what was out there. Nosti came across some flowing liquid. Unsure of the dangers it might hold he fly along side it for a while. Eventually he came across some large square structures. This was something he had never even thought could exist and deserved some inspection.

Square boxes on round wheels and animals with only four legs that get in and out of them. They seem to move them randomly. These bigger squares what are they. This one has an opening, a look inside cannot do any harm. A quick flight around and trough different corridors and Nosti could not find his way back out. It got dark and bright again and still he could not find his way out. It got dark again and bright again. He could hear some noise too. He did not have the energy to move though and only enough to crawl to the side.

One of those curious animal with the four legs. They only used two legs to move around. They passed by a few times and then returned with some mixture. Nosti took a few sips from this potion. He wondered if it was that animals honey. Nosti regained his strength and waved to the weird looking animal, Took to flight and found his way back out the open doors. He tells the story of how the four legged animal that travel on two changed colour from peach to white when he took flight.

That clip.

This post is not a specific post as specific a it gets is a commonality of a Bee. It is an ordinary post though it does have two sides. I did try two piece them together by the use of integrating two stories at parts. There is a bit of many things in there and not just one thing. It holds no agenda or meaning other then it could be a story to read, A small piece of imagination might be seen in it. Or there might be seen a reflection of the physical world. Some might read something more into the post and others nothing at all. It is a motley of a post and you like it or do not. There is no right or wrong, Just a like or not like, there does not have to be a dislike.

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It's a really good story, and I got a feeling reading it that it would be a good story for kids to learn about bees and nature.

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