People Are Getting High By Snorting Fancy Chocolate

in drug •  7 years ago  (edited)

You can add another item to the list of things people will put up their nose in search of a buzz: chocolate powder. Specifically, an "infused raw cacao snuff" containing cacao powder along with the energy-drink staples gingko biloba, taurine, and guarana. It's called Coco Loko, because of course it is.

The Washington Post reports on the Coco Loko...well, it's not a "trend," really. The Post quotes a distributor's decidedly lukewarm take: "It's not flying off the shelves or anything, but people are definitely curious." So let's call it the Coco Loko curiosity, which you are free to use as your band name.

Coco Loko is made by an Orlando company, Legal Lean, whose 29-year-old founder, Nick Anderson, learned of what he calls the "chocolate-snorting trend" in Europe a few months ago. (The notion of chocolate nose candy has been around since at least 2008, thanks to a French confectioner who gave it a whirl, then semi-popularized the idea.) Snorting chocolate, Anderson told the Post, is "the future." He says the product offers "almost like an energy-drink feeling, like you're euphoric but also motivated to get things done." A feeling that lasts 30 minutes to an hour. Ten servings of Coko Loko costs $24.99.

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I think this form of getting high would be comparable to snuff. People everywhere want to invent something new to get people high, so they can fill their own pockets with money. What's wrong with just living naturally. You're a whole lot better off I think.