
in drugs •  7 years ago 

Everything you learn and do in a daily life is eventually turned into an addiction if you keep doing it. Chocolate is an addiction, drugs are an addiction, love is an addiction, everything you learn to do is an addiction. Even soda, but how come something you need to do and gets put into your routine cant become an addiction? Why is it that only the things you want end up being an addiction and the other stuff gets shoved to the side and just become a routine?

Addiction is something that has powerful pleasurable motives to the brain and craves wanted things you enjoy, and find pleasure in. addicted substances or activity’s you find enjoyable can simulate something in the brain to make you crave that addiction. once the stems in the brain are hit and developing off that addiction it’s hard for the addiction to be broke more and more .

Addiction doesn't always have to be something to put into your body like drugs, food, or alcohol, in fact most of the time its gambling , shopping, working out, fighting or even sex which leaves you to prostitution and other horrible things .We all know life is complicated and harder for most then some but bad habits one time can leave to a thousand regrets and change your whole life. Get help for you or someone you know showing signs of addiction . ![]

Save someones life before its to late, and help them . They might be mad at you know but saving there life is better then living with regret from not letting anyone know and watching them die or something . ![]
So you see addiction and be physical abuse , mental abuse like shopping and anything that consist of you always blowing money, and emotional abuse.

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