the dangers of drug shabu

in drugs •  7 years ago 


did you know, what is syabu? syabu or name their chemical methamphetamine, is a medicine peransang type amfetamina (amphetamine-type stimulants, ATS). medicine this type produced in the last century of medicine parent amphetamine, which was once in use for the relief of respiratory due stuffy nose. However, this day, usefulness restricted to a state-keadan particular like to nursing narcolepsy one (state in which a person drowsiness and asleep spontaneously), sindrome less penumpuan attention, and obesity the extreme (for the usefulness for jangkamasa short) syabu generated in makmal Haram of the material precursor like ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine. if the convoy strict charged to the top precursor, pengilang Haram this first try out resipi new by using other materials that merbahaya, such as acid batteries and washers longkang. these materials intensify again risk exposure users to bad impression and death. syabu -grade one -quality White crystals while syabu -grade two White redness and -grade three too low kualitinya and have a sense of bitter. is the impression immediate syabu? syabu is a stimulant potent. users menggemarinya because it he gave a sense of euphoria - Rapture and menyeronokkan; sense more powered by increased activity physical, lost sleepy, increasing the pedestal attention, guard and reduction tastes. walaubagaimanapun users syabu will experience impression bad as dry mouth, perspire excessive, children's eyes be great, menggeletar and headaches. after the impression imagination, one that feel uneasy, irritability, gementar, confusion, mind disturbed and should be wild. on the dos high medicine is increasing temperature to the stage of harmful, resulting in Sawan and finally death. what danger syabu to ill-health? use syabu memudaratkan ill-health because it: 1. tolerant - impression tolerant happen quickly lead to users take dos over and over and over to continue the impression imaginary that experienced. in certain circumstances, the user not eat or sleep but at the same continue to inject medicine this so 1 gram every 2 - 3 hours in the period of time a few days so bekalannya out or so that they do not attempt to pass. there are also users who hold not sleep of 3 - 15 days due medicine this. 2. billing - user medicine this will experience addictive and hanging psychology from making syabu. hooked this will be on the stage of chronic and over and over. stop making medicine this will cause the melancholy, anxiety, fatigue, suspicion without reason, the nature of malignant and charge to get medicine it. 3. self-neglect - if under the influence of syabu users do not eat, sleep and ignore yourself. the use of the dos high will cause the lost weight ketara, face a pale, waiver ill-health yourself with perpeluhan, body smell, teeth yellowish, scarred and injuries in the body. scabies apparent due to the user syabu menggaru skin to remove the shadow of insects suspected to be on the skin. 4. less durability to disease - user syabu ignoring ingestion and perfect bed will be a weak and less resistance against the disease. 5. kerosakan in the brain and nervous system someone - the use of chronic lead to behave overactive, insomnia, melancholy the extreme, fantasy, suspicion without cause, be cruel, malignancy not terkawal, and treatment of psychotic like crazy. investigators-investigators found kerosakan on the nervous system and brain bolih cause symptoms such as Parkinson's disease (with disorders the movement of the members of the body) and Alzheimer's disease (to memory loss and deficiency power think). 6. disorders metabolism agency - medicine this cause lost taste ketara, less ingestion, weight loss clear, skinny and others problems due metabolism body terjejas. 7. kerosakan at the heart and systems bleeding - medicine this cause degupan toned, uncertain and blood pressure rise, which resulted in heart disease and death. kerosakan on blood vessels cause pain Ahmar. 8. kerosakan on the respiratory system - medicine this, especially if stained with of hazardous materials, will cause respiratory problems. 9. disruption to the esophagus - kebuluran berlanjutan because not eat during the decision-syabu, as well as material toxic in medicine mixed with other materials cause interference to stomach and systems penghadaman. 10. danger during contains - the use of methamphetamine during contains a will menjejaskan establishment of a baby, born before enough period or miscarriage. babies born is small, too active and easy nervous. dikhuatiri also this baby will experience mental problems and issues tumbesaran. 11. the misfortune of the road traveler reviews - user syabu may be involved in the misfortune Highway caused by the impression confusion, fantasy, paranoia, malignancy and behavior psychotic. 12. harm than the exploitation of sex and free sex - the results of the investigation by a user methamphetamine become more lust. the use of medicine is often Associated with sex more violent causing the bleeding and wound. teen especially girls under the influence of syabu will exposure to the danger of exploitation sex and relationships types not happy that may cause jangkitan the HIV, hepatitis and others venereal disease. the use of methamphetamine within the long-cause man facing function problems their sex. 13. danger from HIV, hepatitis and others disease contagious - these diseases may dijangkiti due to abide free sex or without protection during under the influence of medicine this, and also of use tools injections contaminated and dikongsi. 14. social issues other - show all aspects of a person's life including his family, relationship with others and labor will terjejas due medicine this. users will face pertelingkahan because it problem of medicine and financial due addiction medicine. in the workplace abuse medicine this will be a problem caused nature irritability, not intimate and a tendency to malignancy. users syabu may also be involved with the incidence of a crime spontaneous like meragut beg bimbit and attack to accommodate addicted to them. the nature of paranoia and violent this can lead to the user to kill yourself or murder. in California, there is a man that during under the influence of syabu steal a train shield belong to agency safety National guard and merosakkan some train in jalanraya San Diego before he finally being shot by policy. what escort law to top syabu ?. before 29.11.97, methamphetamine escorted as material psychotropic under the deed poison 1952 (disemak 1989) in which the ownership, sales or bekalan without power or truth / lesen may be subject to action court and if the Crescent errors may be fined so rm10,000 or imprisonment so 4 years or both of them all. on 29.11.97 methamphetamine proclaimed as medicine dangerous through p.u. (a) 500. at that time under section 12 sesiapa were found to import, export or have methamphetamine without power or truth legitimate make mistakes and if the Crescent errors may be subject to the punishment not exceed rm20,000 or prison so 5 years or both of them all. menyedari penalty on real is lightweight compared with the dangers of medicine, the Ministry of ill-health has been back up pindaan to the deed of medicine dangerous 1952 and pindaan this has been be passed by parliament on 1.7.1998 to improve the punishment related medicine dangerous and improve the convoy to top medicine peransang type amfetamina including syabu. deed of medicine dangerous (pindaan) 1998 berkuatkuasa 15.9.1998. under pindaan this - owner 50g and more methamphetamine regarded as mengedar medicine and will be executed mandatory if Crescent error. owner more 30g but less than 50g methamphetamine may be subject to imprisonment 5 years so lifetime and sebatan no less than 10 sebatan. owner more 5g but less than 30g methamphetamine may be subject to imprisonment 2-5 years and sebatan 3-9 sebatan. user use methamphetamine to top yourself may be subject to Act under section 15 deed of medicine dangerous and if disabitkan errors may be fine so rm5,000 or prison so 2 years or both. #lahaddatuinfo

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