Purifications, revelations and evolutions

in drugs •  7 years ago 

I can not say that these last days have been great, but as I mentioned in the previous post, Pokémon has served as a great therapy, that and another method used was what in the end cleared my mind and made all the bad things I had inside, to the degree of purifying myself and thinking things better. That's how I understood it and I apply it now.

Nor is it that I now believe an enlightened being, or Zamasu ( Dragon Ball Super ), Shaka of Virgo ( Saint Seiya ) or almost almost the same Jesus the Christ, no. But thanks to the experiences of Monday and Tuesday which meant a turning point, I understood a little better the world, the same universe and I agreed to some hidden passages of him (oh, calm down Dr. Strange ) ... And with that phrase I leave you to you, reader who imagines what you want, and surely the first thing that will come to mind will be "drugs".

The joke is that I was dragging negative things and time, what happened the weekend was a trigger and I had to do something because if I had stayed like this, right now I would be cursing everything and everyone and have done nonsense that have no case, hating existence and life. I made other decisions, risky but that turned out to be a better option, and right now I am calmer than ever. Some melancholy and sadness are still crouched in me, I do not deny it, but also hope, faith and above all, a new vision of the world, and of the universe.

Now I understand that a sincere and pure love does not impose conditions, but helps overcome obstacles, to grow, to reach goals, to find oneself and help someone who is lost to discover or return to their path. There are loves that go beyond sex, of bodies, of moments, there are loves that transcend and become intangible, pure essence that can expand both in a few centimeters and in thousands of kilometers. These loves are those that move the world, the human being and give life in any corner of the universe ... Well, apart from oxygen and the appropriate radiation of a solar star.

Maybe to some this all seems existential choro , well, you can have a bit of that but I think it's a simple way to express the way I understood things, because I might as well write a post kilometer. It is not that I am a Beautiful Luno , that right now I am all love and peace and in a few months I will return to theputeríTo hatred, bitterness and despair (I was never completely prey to them, in fact), because life can always change in an instant. But at least today I am well, calm, at peace, and I feel that I can give love to the one who deserves it, selflessly and in the way that is possible . I want and I can do it.

Neither is that as of today there are only going to be posts like this in this blog, no. There will continue to be critics, life stories, experiences, opinions of the general culture and what is a trend, trips to the past, probably a bit bitter, etc. Nothing will change here on the blog or why, the one that changed was me and that's enough for me, it's the important thing.

I think that never, in the non-consecutive 13 years that I have been a blogger , had written a post as optimistic as this one. That was the magnitude of my experience ... And again, "drugs" come to mind.

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