Taking drugs, My favourite activity?

in drugs •  5 years ago 

Most people know I'm a stoner. I love to get high, I quit every so often but it never lasts and even in my mind its temporary.

As weed becomes legal slowly but surely (as it well should) around the world the stigma behind it is falling away. For people like me or people who use it medicinally this is quite the sigh of relief. Not having to try and hide my "dirty habit" and feel ashamed.
But what about all the other substances? See most reasonable people would believe you have the right to put whatever you want into your body. It is your own risk to take on, ingesting, smoking , snorting, whatever it may be into your body. Legalisation could help solve this but that is an entire nother discussion.

I love drugs. I've tried most recreational drugs you can name bar a couple. Yes they can be addictive and harmful, some more so than others. But they can also be incredibly enjoyable if taken responsibly and correctly. This weekend I will be taking Magic Mushrooms, MDMA, Weed and Valium. If most people I met knew this they would probably see me much differently. Thing is drugs have never made me do something bad, most of them are highly misunderstood, especially by people who have never experienced it themselves.

When I take MDMA I do it maybe once every 3 weeks for a day or two. Is it healthy, probably not. Is it worth it? fuck yea. Some of my best times are when Im inebriated somehow. 3 weeks ago we took mdma, went to the aquarium and the museum and had an amazing time. Last weekend we took magic mushrooms and went to the planetarium and scienceworks. All it really does is enhance a positive experience.

Drugs in general are highly stigmatized even though we happily prescribe the same things for medical issues. If they're so dangerous they wouldn't be allowed for anything. Just because they are more open to abuse than other things doesn't mean anyone else should be able to decide if you can or can't do it. If you hurt someone on drugs then thats on you, not the drugs.

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Preach on bro! I find it crazy that drugs are illegal but prescriptions are good, when in fact prescription drugs literally kill 10x the amount of people "illegal" drugs do every year! But since a guy with an education and a white jacket is selling them then everything is fine, dont worry about all the deaths..

The world is a crazy place my friend and unfortunately it's only those of us who partake in mind altering drugs that can see things for what they are..

Stay true to who you are and do whatever makes you happy, because that is all that matters in life..

Nice honest post. some things are for some people at certain times. To be honest when i got really ill with a auto immune i possibly would have taken my life if i wasnt smoking weed heavily. The illness hit me like a bus and couldnt even sit down or do anything except feel terible pain. So smoking my brains out numbed my mind and etc etc. Then i became a chronic smoker even when i somewhat recovered many years later, i became violent and uncontrollable because I was losing my mind from smoking too much.

Then one day I quit through the help of a gestalt therapist. No drugs from therapy, just good talks and TRE/relaxation to help me understand myself. That was 3 years ago and have never smoked since and was very difficult. Nothing against drugs but at times too much of anything can destroy you and I had deep issues from childhood trauma and neglect. I never knew but people who suffer at a young age generally lack control and become risk takers. So taking drugs for myself was dangerous as I had no control.

Now I replace weed with surfing. Surfing is my new drug and Im much more successful in my job. I couldnt perform like i can now in terms of confidence and communication with people. Everyone is different now and would never judge anyone ;) some people can smoke everyday and be fine.

3 years sober and will not smoke until retired and old ahaha

Good luck and just enjoy life. You will know if its time to quit for good or to continue. I chose to quit for good because it was destroying my friendshipz and mental health.

Ah damn. I kno a couple people who are the same, it would be rough. I guess I'm under no illusions that what I'm doing can't hurt me and isn't exactly healthy but it also brings me great joy using some of the substances available. I do it in as safe a way as possible but then again they are/can be an unknown substance.

I appreciate the comment man and I'm glad things worked out for you, keep up the positive vibes :P

Too much of anything is bad, just try to be safe out there....