What's your opinion about taking drugs?

in drugs •  7 years ago  (edited)

You have to know I'm a 16 years old boy from Germany.
And please remember don't judge me because "ohh he's just a child and he take drugs?!"

For me I think everybody should know his own limit and should have his own opinion about drugs and taking drugs.

When I was Smoking ganja for my very first time I said something like "I'm just Smoking some weed I won't take chemical drugs" but for me that was not true. And by the way I was 15 when I smoked weed for the first time.

Now one year later I tried some MDMA with some friends and yes it was really funny but it's absolutely not weed. And you can't take it every month and definitely not every week.
If you wanna take it every week after for weeks there is almost no effect and it get's boring so fast!

There are just two things I wanna try some day. LSD and magic mushrooms.
But these two things just with some good friends and People who take care of us.

The list of drugs I had taken or I'd like to take:

  • cigarettes (i'm some 2-3 cigarettes month)
  • weed (four or five times a month)
  • MDMA/Ecstasy (every half year or very year one time)
  • LSD (wanna try some day)
  • Magic Mushrooms (wanna try for ONE TIME)

Trust me I won't take any other drugs or stuff like that beyond this list!!!

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😱 tanks for d advice really going to help 👍🙌

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DMT after you have tried LSD and Mushrooms!