in drugs •  8 years ago 

The rise of narcotics and illegal drugs has a lot of mental and simultaneously affect the education of today's students . The future of this great nation depends entirely on the efforts of youth liberation from the dangers of drugs . Drugs have touched the circle closer to us all . Friend and brother we begin ensnared by drugs which can often be deadly . As God's creatures are becoming adults , we should always think clearly in the face of the globalization of technology and globalization that have a direct impact on families and youth of the nation in particular . We must fight against the vanity that causes by the drug .I Causes of Drug Abuse

a. Experienced failure in lifeDo not have the confidence or lack of affection can cause parents inflicted drug abuse among adolescents . For example , a parent who was a success in a career tetepi give less attention to the family , disputes in the family to experience the destruction ( Broken Home ) .

b . Free association and the lack of proper environment .According to Waddington 's theory , the " mental develope land scape " , if a child is placed in a particular environment , it is difficult for them to change the effect , especially if it is a very powerful environment affects the child . Thus, to prevent drug use , the land scape ( environment ) at this time is a good Islamic environment . As a parent should be able to warn their children not to associate with friends who have a certain character was not good .

c . Lack splash of religionTo fight against drugs , efforts need to be done is to raise awareness and inform religious things positive and beneficial to the youth . Because , in this day and age sangt little teens are aware of the importance of religion spray .

d . The desire to simply tryBelief that if the addiction is not going to try once one of the causes of drug use , because once used drugs then undergo addiction and difficult to stop . Therefore , if one wants to avoid drugs , must be able to distance himself from the things that makes it possible to try and make contact with the drug .II . The Many drugs circulating in the community .There are many types of drugs circulating in the community that much misused by teenagers , among others :

Marijuana , also called pot, grass / grass , pot , cannabis , joint , hashish , smoking a joint .
Heroin , also called the heroin , white , PT , powder , etep .
Morphine, though of drugs in the opiate / opium raw .
Cocaine , also called the crack , coke , girl , lady .
Ecstasy , also called the ineks , studs .
Methamphetamine , also called ice , ss , ubas , crystal , mecin .
Amphetamines , also called the speed .

Substance BreatheVarious types of adhesives are marketed as a building material also often times in one use to breathe in , among other things : wood glue ( sejanis aica aibon ) , paints , thinners .

Drugs Tranquilizers , also called pill Mixvarious sedatives and sleeping pills ( anti - insomnia ) sring also be used by drug addicts . In drugs and psychotropic G list , but sells by people freely in the street stalls .

a. Due to Healthcare Against Drug Abuse .Overall these drugs can cause disturbances in the human nervous system , as well as the organs of the human body . Drugs also will result in kcanduan / addicted to the use of the wearer and when stopped , can lead to death . The characteristics of addiction include: seizures , abdominal pain , body shaking , vomiting , runny eyes and nose , loss of appetite and loss / weight loss .

b . Due to the Environment Drug Use in SocietyDrug use can eliminate awareness of the wearer , causing paranoia ( dazed ) , also can make the wearer into a ferocious and wild so as to disturb the peace in the community .To obtain the illicit goods , in need of no little cost , so as to give rise to criminal acts such as theft , deprivation or quarrel and not a few who cause murder .

III Prevention and Countermeasures Against Drug AbuseThere are many ways to prevent drug use include:

raise religious awareness , inform the positive and beneficial .
Selective in choosing friends .
Selective in choosing food and drinks .
Refrain from improper environment .
Forming small groups remind one another .
When dealing with people / friends who started to come into contact with drugs , use compassion to pull into a healthier way of life .
Knowing the facts about drugs , including the effects that caused by the illicit goods .
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