Social-Personal Harm Rankings of Legal/Illegal Drugs (2016)

in drugs •  9 years ago  (edited)

Random post but found the below graph I found very interesting.

  1. The two least taxing drugs on the Personal Harm (PH) & Social Harm (SH) are Cannabis & Psychedelic Mushrooms
  2. The ONLY thing that causes more PH/SH than Alcohol is friggin' HEROIN. Now most people enjoy drinking and would vehemently reject the idea of using heroin which is ironic considering the results of this survey.
  3. Nicotine lands right about the center position of the plotted graph below. Smoking can be a GREAT social ice breaker, study/work break activity or conversely an isolationist activity if one chooses it to be but it is still relatively high on the PH axis. If there was a Social Interaction axis I believe it would be high on that axis. Luckily with the advent of new and healthier nicotine intake methods the SH of nicotine should be lowered as there is just water vapor and much less intrusive smell.

(Image source: I cannot recall but credit goes to them.)


  • If one is going to drink alcohol just do heroin.
  • If one is going to intake nicotine do it healthier manner to offset the heroin intake.
  • To stay completely healthy just utilize cannabis &/or shrooms.
  • Oh and throw in some diet regimen (the cannabis will help with this) and exercise (the shrooms should help with this)

A = Alcohol; C = Cannabis; D = Diet; E = Exercise; H = Heroin; HL = Healthy Lifestyle; S = Shrooms

  1. (-A) + H + N = N + (7/8)H = <PH
    (Stop A; Use H; Use N to negate some of the PH of H)
  2. C + S = D + E
    (Use C & S to achieve your weekly D & E Goals)
  3. D + E = HL
    (The use of C & S results in D & E which in turn is converted to HL)

So, one is able to indulge in some vices according to formula 1. as long as their C & S intake stays consistent resulting in an increased appetite and "vision quests" and hikes for weekly workouts.

(All text above the image is legit, after the image... completely caustic text & formulas)

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