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Meni pa se ne zdi nekaj prevec zanjimiva ta igra

mogoče je samo od začetka ne razumeš čisto. ampak je treba računat da se še vedno redno spreminja. Zdaj še recimo ni čisto dodelana do te mere da smo lahko skupaj v aliansah. bo pa.

!bookkeeping drugwars

Hi @worldfinances!



  • 5.449 STEEM from daily
  • 2.118 STEEM from heist
  • 0.000 STEEM from referral


  • 5.480 STEEM


  • 2.087 STEEM

First transfer was before 29.02 days.
Your ROI per day is 4.76 % and you are earning approx. 0.26 STEEM per day.

ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account

Your ROI per day is 9.11 % and you are earning approx. 0.50 STEEM per day.