DrugWars: New Frontend Has Two Huge Flaws

in drugwars •  6 years ago 


Battles are possible but the ability to see other players' accounts is not available, making the battle system largely irrelevant at the moment. Currently, you have to manually type in the name of another user and attack them blindly. :/

I guess this was too be expected considering the circumstances. Just last night there was a bug that stopped all my accounts from purchasing units. It's still pretty obvious the @drugwars server won't be able to handle the bandwidth coming at them.


Also, the storage buildings don't tell you how high your cap is.
That's pretty annoying.
How do I know if I need to upgrade my storage buildings using the new UI?


@jacekw.dev did another analysis of the game. My name actually appears here as the #28 for highest paid in referrals and #23 in most Steem revenue generated. This is pretty good considering I wasn't even trying when I first bought in. Also, the fact that I have 5 other alt accounts also in the green is pretty awesome. I'd say I'm up about 140 Steem so far.

Shoutout to all the suckers who consider themselves "investors".

Thanks for lining the pockets of me and my fellow gamers.

More updates to follow.
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I just left my thoughts on new battle system

Whats this new battle system, it sucks
i have to do data mining now to find out who to attack?
who has resources, no shield and ofcourse above 25% above thr safe resources
all that along with how many defense they have and if it will be even profitable to take them out

Did you read the latest @drugwars post? You can peek at someone's base by visiting their tag:


Haha, I'm about to attack you just because you have like no units.

Looks like all your resources are safe though :D

I will up my defences significantly tonight.

Panda, Mighty Panda

Haha correct. These guys are floundering so hard to get the system up and running. I should have realized this and continued to turtle.

Turtle Mode!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey now, that's not quite fair.

Maybe they are trying to send a message of peace and love. Maybe they are trying to show us that fighting and battles aren't the solution in life, and, instead of tearing others down, we should be building ourselves up. Violence doesn't solve anything.

....Or maybe the system is just broken right now.


gotta git yer math-fu up and running on this one..

math-fu is not my strong fu.

that's when you rely on google-fu


You can attack others and can also see what army they have..

I would have prefered if they used the old frontend and made battles better..

Posted using Partiko Android