There are four types of drunks, according to science

in drunks •  7 years ago 


Psychologists from the University of Missouri, Colombia, USA, published a study that illuminates the old wisdom that drunkenness has many faces. The study, conducted with the participation of 374 people, uses images of literature and pop culture to illustrate the conclusion that there are four types of drinkers - Mary Poppins, Ernest Hemingway, The Crafty Professor and Mr Hyde.

Ernest Hemingway. This is the first and largest group - about 40% of the survey participants. By the name of the writer who boasted that he could swallow devilish quantities of whiskey without getting drunk, the "Hemingway" did not experience any visible personal changes in the transition from sober to drunk.

Mary Poppins. Unlike the front group, this type of drinkers follow "virtually perfect in every respect", as Mary Poppins is self-defiant, and even by nature, they become even more friendly and happy in drinking.

Wacky professor. The people in this group are reminded of the personally-divided scientist immortalized by Eddie Murphy in the eponymous film. Natural introverters, they sharply break down their inhibitions under the influence of alcohol and demonstrate their brighter and more sociable side.

Mr. Hyde. This last group includes the people who, after a few glasses, gradually turn to their "evil double". Scientists point out that they are becoming a generally darker version of themselves, "and in particular less responsible, less intelligent, and more hostile under the influence of alcohol."

The authors hope they will be able to use these categories to refine therapies to treat alcoholism to different types of people. Meanwhile, you can brace how many beers the Drinking Professor in your company will drink before starting to flirt with the charming young lady on the other side of the bar.

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hehehehe very interesting that investigation. I knew that not all people react the same to alcohol but I did not know that they had their own classification. The worst are the last ones, and I know a few of them, which I simply call Impertinent.

Gracias por sacar risas@marynet.