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Excellent sermon. Children are out of hand today.

Quote from the Imperial Regent = And may I add that Reverend Colin's wise words are true and righteous, because there is a grand distinction between "proper discipline" and "abuse", and the parent who neglects to discipline a child, is guilty of the greatest abuse, because life will not be so forgiving for that child... Life will not hug the child and wipe the tears away once the lesson is learned... Life will continue to abuse the undisciplined child, because the child never learned right from wrong... Never learned the consequences of bad choices... Never learned from pain that quickly went away, so now the child must endure real and perpetual pain throughout life, struggling and staggering from one catastrophe to the next, all because of the parental abuse that lack of discipline has produced.

And in a society, the parent who does not discipline the child, is truly the criminal, because society must bear the burden for the parent's irresponsibility... Society must suffer with the delinquent's activities, and pay for years to try and repair or punish the reprobate spawn, all because of the abuse, through lack of discipline, the neglectful parent has foisted upon the world.

I was never spanked... except maybe once... instead my parent's devised wiser punishments such as taking away what I valued most

I was spanked and it hurt, left a sting to know not to do it again...

I agree, "society is breaking down." I grew up to respect my elders, cherish the things given to me, and especially to ask before taking ANYTHING. It's sad to see children grow up with no inkling of respect nowadays. I give gratitude to those who raise their children properly in today's society, with a little tough love! :)

I honestly little to no discipline in society today and when it is implemented it is undermined by others ...

Yes this sermon/teaching is greatly spot on and needed!

It certainly contributed to me being a wiser, stronger person.

Strictness is also a good leadership quality when someone is not doing what they are supposed to do.