RE: My Vibe

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My Vibe

in dsound •  7 years ago 

Hey, I'm glad you liked it! thank you for listening.
You are more than welcome to download it freely from my SoundCloud and use it n your videos as long you credit me in the video :) My SoundCloud link is : theres a couple other on there you might be interested in too!

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I know I've already read that, it's just that I don't want to enter in polemics with YouTube if they don't actually know that your songs are copyright free, that's why I was asking :)

yeah they know they are :)

Cool! I will keep in mind for my next travel videos and as soon as I create them and use your songs, I will credit you and link the video to you so you can see everything is fine. Thanks! :)

yeah thats awesome! Can't wait to see it :)