Je Serais la by Ed Privat

in dsound •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hello everyone,

Today I wanted to do something a bit special , I am gonna introduce you a french song and an artist that I enjoy.

The title we are discovering today is "Je Serai la" by Teri Moise, a Haitian-American French singer, that has become one of the most influential french-Soul artist of the 90's in France, with an album produced by Etienne de Crecy that sold 500 000 copies.

She always had very smart lyrics, she studied Literature at the Sorbonne in Paris, was a highly intellectual and discreet human being, a day dreamer like any introvert and probably a genius too.

I have always admired artists that manage to use french language, with its metaphors and complexity, without sounding too pompous.


Her biggest hit in France was "Les Poemes de Michelle" translated "Michelle's Poems", a song so rich and classy, that shows again how well versed she was in the art of Poetry.

After a Lawsuit with her Label Virgin (that she won), she had decided to stay away from the show business, admitting not understanding the fakery of the french music industry.

She passed away in 2013 in Madrid, in her hotel room, she was 43 years old. I won't talk about the circumstances of the death, I am only interested in her body of work, and the imprint she left on french Soul music, and music around the world.
You can find more about her online here


She wrote today's song for her child , beautiful gem of a song, I took the liberty to translate the lyrics for you in french, I hope you enjoy the song


Translation in english of "Je serais la"

Forget all of your mistakes and you fears
I erase them
And each step that you make I will fall for you
My only pleasure is to offer you an ideal life,with no pain nor harm

I've discovered who I am
Everything changed the day I gave you life
And if the world is too harsh on you
I'll always be there for you

May all your loved one be safe
and build sincere friendship
For you a realm where hate is the only foreigner
I'll build up a world where everything will be fine
You'll never be alone, or miss anything

I've discovered who I am
Everything changed the day I gave you life
And if the world is too harsh on you
I'll always be there for you


I would like to know it all
to give you a clearer vision
Of this mistery that people call life
My only desire is to offer you an ideal life, with no pain nor harm

I've discovered who I am
Everything changed the day I gave you life
And if the world is too harsh on you
I'll always be there for you

Credit Photo: Nicolas Delpierre

#terimoise #edprivat #cover #soul #french #acoustic #tribute


Don't forget to ask me for as song request, i always accept a challenge and get rewarded 1.50 SBD if you're chosen. It needs to be a song that has a meaning to you , and that is a bit popular to make it easier for me :)
Hopefully soon I can make you win more SBD as @edprivat channel grows!

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another superb track.

Thanks Deon :)

good !! it is very nice


Woow amazing l like, very nice


Je nais comprends pas bien le français mai je croire que le chanteur est très bonne. Félicitation.

Very good french ! congratz hehe

Amazing beautiful l like music, very very good thanks for sharing misster

Soul touching lyrics.... worthy of world class awards

Kudo to the lyricist, thanks for passing by :)

@edprivat amazing stuff! Allways making an impression and inspiring people! Great job as allways.

Thanks so much for the compliment @rumbledoor , you don't understand how great it feels to have encouraging words, that's the real fuel :)

amazing performance dude, i love the fact its translated :)

Thanks bro I appreciate you coming drop your comments on few tracks the way you did .Your stuff is dope everyone should go check

Talented, good voice :) Did u play n sing same time or it's recorded separately?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For this take i recorded the guitar separately, then for the vocal take I needed to Hold my microphone a certain way and create a Faraday cage with my hand and suppress the white noise sound.
My daughter chewed the metal cage around the capsule of my microphone condenser, thanks :(
Tomorrow I'm releasing another #songrequest and this time around I did everything in one take with one mic because it was without click, and I wanted a certain atmosphere.But I have a little white noise you will see