RE: What Lies Behind. Instrumental Idea. Jeff.

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What Lies Behind. Instrumental Idea. Jeff.

in dsound •  7 years ago 

Nice one Femissibooboo. Yes I certainly will! Definately a keeper. The effect on that particular sound was the hi gain setting on my effects pedal which was a Korg Ax1000g. The trick is to be able to play with an aggressive sound is to control the noise of the other strings with micro techniques. I must have learnt that from listening to Steve Vai lol. The guitar I used is an Ibanez Prestige. I have it here in Cambodia but the ground hum which comes from it is terrible.. The electrics are not good in this city. Thanks for listening ;)

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Ibanez that is quite expensive and your effect is so cool. I have a guitar box, I am still learning but the lady teaching me says I am a fast learner. When I am an average player I won't mind if you show me some tricks about guitar and effects

Begginner lessons starting soon Femis. First one is how to tune your guitar by ear. :)
Stay tuned.!