Permaculture Radio Show | Principle #4: Apply Self Regulating Systems and Accept Feedback

in dsound •  7 years ago  (edited)

Welcome to this week's Permaculture Radio Show hour with @mountainjewel on the Global Homesteading Collective's Discord. This week we're uploading it to (our first upload here). This is the 4th Principle and asks us to take a look at our design systems and accept feedback as an active part of the design.

Hope you enjoy the show! It's our mission to provide free Permaculture Education to free up these design principles and lifestyle ethics for more people. Feedback appreciated!

► Listen on DSound

► Listen from source (IPFS)

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Listening on IPFS this week. Welcome back from the week off. Interesting thing about California and farming history... California does not seem to have the same history of individual, small farms as places like Kansas or Iowa does. They seem to have jumped right to large mechanized agriculture. Seems the US in California started out producing over carry capacity from day one.

The future is the away for today.

what do you mean the future is away for today?

yes california it seems was always seen as a "gold rush" place for incredible farming capabilities- whether oranges, all vegetable crops, weed, you name it- it has the perfect climate...

thanks for the week off! how's the listening on dsound?? it's our first time using that platform! turns out soundcloud only allows you to upload so many hours until they charge you- typical! we'll be using @dsound from here on out!

Honestly, I had trouble with dsound so I went to the other link...but I went back and tried again and dsound worked fine. So... I was trying to draw a parallel between people sending their waste "away" and short sighted people sending their problems into the future for someone else to deal with. I think its a good analogy I just didn't develop it enough for you to pick up.

yeeeehawwwww...listening now. the dsound link wouldn't play...when i pushed the play button. the source link is working for me. IPFS. lovin' it!!!!!!!!!!!