DSound_The Power of Taking Decisive Action

in dsound •  7 years ago 

The Power of Taking Decisive Action

By Terry L. Brock

Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Begin it now.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet and dramatist.

You know it is true. As an entrepreneur or salesperson (and aren’t we all in today’s warp-speed economy?) you know that results only happen when you take wise, decisive, results-driven action. Losers in life sit and plan and strategize forever. Then when things don’t work out just right, they complain that it wasn’t their fault but someone else who caused the problem. They spend their creative energies trying to assess blame. Winners make decisions quickly, and don’t dwell on the past.

Of course we know that we have to take action for results to happen. But how can you take the right kind of action in an uncertain world? How can you be sure that you’re not being foolhardy and charging into something where you shouldn’t be?

There are no magic answers. Sorry.

I wish there was a sure-fire formula to make everything happen as it should. However, we do have some tips from success in the past that can help us. Here are some principles that have helped others and can assist you as you drive your small business ahead.

What It Takes To Take Decisive Action

Realize You Can’t Be 100% Certain. That’s the way things work here. Welcome to this planet! You can’t sit around and wait for the perfect, risk-free answer. You have to take calculated, well-thought-out risks. Deal with it!

Realize You Will Make Mistakes. You will not be 100% right all the time, but don’t let that hold you back. Expect the set-backs then when they come, analyze what went right and wrong (yes, look at both) and plan your next course of action.

Keep Updated. This is the only way to make wise and better-informed decisions. Things aren’t the way they used to be. Ozzie and Harriet don’t live here anymore! What used to work a few years ago is no longer valid. It is human nature to sit back and rest on our laurels. Fight that trend to laziness and go out each day anew to confront the world as it is---not as you wish it were.

Speed Your Learning. Check out online learning for any specific topic. Think focused topics and JITL- Just in Time Learning. You can’t even wait for a book to be written. Often you need to know how to do a particular task and you have to tap into a person or persons who know how to do it. Pay them to produce a video with instructions on how to do something. They can post it to YouTube and use the Unlisted option to keep it private. Pay them for their time and gain the information you need when you need it. Call them up and talk with them and record the conversation. Be willing to pay for their knowledge. A funny thing happens when money changes hands – both sides get real serious. You’ll pay more attention to what you’re asking and they will be more careful in giving good information. This means you have to have a strong network of intellectual power. Great way to do that is cultivate your network of experts and keep it fresh. Which leads to step # 5…

Network Like Crazy With Lots of People. Get involved with many organizations that can all help you grow and develop in the areas where you need it most. This is where diversity can really assist you. Don’t spend all your time with only one type or group of people. Variety sparks creativity. However, remember to always give value first. Way too many people attend networking sessions and only talk about themselves, give away their brochures, their cards, etc. Be the first to give valuable information and help to others. Best way to get their attention real fast? Figure out a way to generate business and increase sales for the other person first. Then they will feel more indebted to help you. Learn what helps them get ahead and you’ll do better yourself. As we say in technology, “None of us is as smart as all of us.” Leverage your intellectual network and cultivate more and deeper relationships. Those in that network can help you make the right decision if you have enough trust built into the relationship.

Don’t Just Work Smarter, Work Harder. Too often we’ve heard about “working smarter not harder” and that is fine as far as it goes. However, in today’s world working hard is smart. Relying only on smart working can foster an attitude of laziness. If you combine both hard work with smart work, you gain the real advantage. Once again “it is not either or, but both and”. I remember hearing of a study a while back in the Wall Street Journal that reported the University of Michigan and Purdue University as the top business schools. Both were cited as successful because their students were more hard-work oriented. Perhaps it could be something about that Midwest work ethic but I think that the combination of hard work and smart work is the key. Michael Masterson recommends putting in 50 hours a week as an entrepreneur to be successful. While others are doing their 35-40, you will be gradually and persistently getting ahead. Then when you succeed they’ll say you were “lucky.” Yeah, right!

Don’t wait too long. The world will pass you by while you’re thinking. Not only that, but it gives the competition lots of time to plan their next move. Yes, plan and strategize what should be done. Use your head. This is the smart part of the equation. Then take action and work like crazy.

Put this into action today in your own life with a decision you’ve been putting off. Think it through, get the right advice and then make a decision today. I look forward to hearing of your results!

Terry Brock is a Hall of Fame speaker and marketing coach who works with organizations to help them leverage technology and build powerful business relationships. He can be reached at TerryBrock.com ,via Twitter - @TerryBrock and on Steemit @terrybrock

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to hearing from you!


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A really wonderful article well written
Be outspoken and show your strength and awareness to others, speaking in an indirect way, and indirectly makes you appear weakly personal.

Lots of good info here. I think many spend too much time procrastinating, and not enough time doing!
I think preparing yourself in advance, and doing your research is always a good way to start! If you haven't done this, you're on the road to failure from the get go.