Always Be Learning —- Even From the Jerks!

in dsound •  6 years ago 

Always Be Learning —- Even From the Jerks!

By Terry Brock for DSound and Steemit

You know that today it is important to always keep learning. Sometimes that learning comes from people who are brilliant in their speciality, but it is very difficult to get along with them.

This creates a challenge for me. Let me share something with you, dear reader. There are some people who are really, well, you know, cantankerous. My natural reaction is to discard them and stay away. However, I’ve also found an annoying reality in that some of them really have good ideas in their area of speciality. That is often infuriating.

Thinking of a particular guru in an industry that I know about who is exceptionally smart. He has helped a lot of people achieve literally millions of dollars in earnings. Yet, at the same time it is very difficult to get along with him. He prides himself on being very obstinate at times and difficult for others.

At the same time I've read many of his books, his articles, and have watched his videos. He has a lot of wisdom and knowledge in a given area. However, he can be a real jerk!

So what's an avid, life-long, hungry learner to do?

You have to look at what's best for you long-term. Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs here and there. Sometimes you have to endure that obnoxious, arrogant genius who has a lot of good ideas. If you're in a plane that has an emergency you want the best pilot to safely get you and the other passengers on the ground. You wouldn't reject that pilot because he might be arrogant or have some other problems. The same thing is true with the brilliant, but arrogant surgeon.

Don't prohibit yourself from getting expert advice, even if the expert is a jerk. Be a little more forgiving. Be a little more tolerant. Realize that we can learn from everyone, even jerks.

You might want to limit your contact with that individual to reading, watching videos, and other "at arms length" experiences. This way you're able to learn great information and still retain your sanity.

Somehow I'm thinking you will be better off when you acquire that knowledge and information that you need. And besides, you never know when that jerk might turn around and show a more congenial side.

What do you think? I look forward to hearing from you.


Terry L. Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
2018 Recipient of the National Speakers Association's Highest Award, The Cavett

Master of Ceremonies
Professional Video Coach

Syndicated Columnist with Business Journals (43 papers across USA, 11 million monthly page views)

See some wonderful (!) videos on my YouTube Channel!

My TEDxBocaRaton presentation.

Former Editor-in-Chief for AT&T's Networking Exchange Blog
Former Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype, [email protected]
@TerryBrock - Twitter
@terrybrock - Steemit

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I agree with you that, don't stop learning, However, there are many smart people who are not open in this case, they close their knowledge, only share with certain people.

I have to agree with you @ejhaasteem. We have to continually keep our minds open to learning what is relevant, pertinent and helpful. That is how we grow and yes, when others close their knowledge, well, we wish them the best and move along. Thank you for your comment and stopping by.

This post is kinda fun to read. True, our personalities sometimes don't jive with others, but we can be tolerant to some degree and try to get along somehow. We all can learn something from each other that for sure.

Glad you like it @roger5120. I have to agree with you that we learn something from everyone, even the jerks. We should focus on those areas where we can learn and become better all the time. Thanx for stoppiby by to say hello and leaving a comment.

Yes, always strive to improve weaknesses is the way to learn more. I like watching your videos they’re educational that a lot of people can learn from as well. Thanks for sharing them. I like your advice and that you’re always optimistic.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is great advice, thank you. Its often easy to miss the message once we've decided we don't like the messenger that much. Definitely one for me to remember.

Thank you, @mandysimpson. You make a very good point. We have to become more objective and listen to the message, not denigrating the messenger because we don't like the message. Thank you very much for saying that and for stopping by to say hello.