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You so conveniently leave out vital facts involving account key thievery, SP thievery, legal contracts of ownership and more! How is it that none of these are covered in your one sided post? Why? Because you have aligned yourself to a thief, Kali Ju.

More to come.

PS: All should note, this post was bid bot promoted using stolen STEEM!!

Wait...wait....what theft? What did Kali Ju steal? Please do spill the details!
Oh the drama!

You're so delusional, I can't believe it. You forgot how you told me that this @goulash is your account? And you do this whole circus show here? Ahem...ok.

IF (lol that writing style is 1+1) you never brought this up or shared with me and our-then project manager @scarlet7 then you're a liar on top of everything else. Through your teeth! Remember how you came in on that dStors post and commented with @goulash and then upvoted it? Why do you even resort to these cheap tactics? Never take people for idiots, man, that makes you one.

lol... idiot


Bad situations are happening among old partners of @dStors and @dCommerce.

What will be the end ?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The rules in Crypto are simple, if you don't control the private keys, not your coins.

Wonder who knows that and who doesn't

I have always fully supported the concept @derangedvisions and @kaliju had for @dstors, it fully supported what I love the most about the Steem Blockchain - enabling people worldwide to benefit from the work they do on here - and make for them dreams reality.

It's abhorrent the community ended up turned on itself from the work of a minority, we can all take something away from this experience - the most important being don't judge people before you understand the circumstance.

@dstors continues to be an incredible concept, and I trust both @kaliju and @derangedvison to create a decentralised selling platform we can all take part in.

#thealliance #witness


You are an awesome witness partner and have been there since day 1. Like I said in the post, we learned from this and we will just make @dstors better for the community in the end.

Without getting into any of the drama, I will say I was never a fan of the dStors model; in which it seemed to just tie shopping to free bid bot votes. The economics and use cases you hint at here and have mentioned since the split are far more compelling. At this point I’m finally interested enough to keep an eye on developments, even if I’m hesitant to support robustly due to the currently nebulous landscape...

I am glad that you are interested. We are going to be working more closely with the community as we go forward from here. dStors will be open source and will be someone of a collborative effort in a sense because we want to shape something that will make the community proud to use while at the same time brings value to the blockchain.

Good to hear. It seems the various elements I was least enthused by have all moved on to the dCommerce side of this recent schism, so it’s giving me a fresh pair of eyes on dStors. Best wishes moving forward and a happy New Year to you!

It looks like the comments I wrote in relation to Bitshares and your commitment to the Steem blockchain ended up surfacing in the form of questions from people like @whatsup.

It might have been good if you resolved & shared my concerns when I first mentioned them instead of dismissing them as an attack @derangedvisions @kaliju @kenmelendez.

That might have prevented some of the commotion since the concerns I mentioned hadn't gone viral yet.

This is eerily similar to the @share2steem breakup, a comparison I also mentioned in the @dstors comment section.

Having said that, 2019 will be a New Year... and I think you guys can still successfully launch @dstors.

All the best to you three @kaliju @derangedvisions @kenmelendez and may good things transpire for @dstors in 2019!

P.S. I love the domain name but I don't think DCommerce.Live is a good domain for DCommerce and that will play to your advantage.

This is a post like I've been waiting for! And after removing my 500sp delegation as to the unclear involvement of that spammer's account, I will now go back and delegate double.
Good that rep (not the numbers!) counts, and good the rats are out!
Thanks @derangedvisions & yes, this calls for !popcorn!

Your support is truly appreciated. Valuing the community was something that Haejin and the other that left failed to care about. The community is what makes this such an amazing place and we will be working towards giving the community a product that everyone will be proud of and that will truly bring value to the blockchain.

Maybe it has been a got katharsis; at least it's clear now that 'once a rip-off-artist, always a rip-off-artist' ;)

using crowdfunding is so much better than a small pool of investors; you start working together with your audience/customers, in stead of wasting energy on self-serving greedy narcissists who have their own agenda.

Learning how to do due-diligence on partners and large investors is a lesson many learn the hard way.

Yeah, I read some interesting articles in the Korean posts also. The translation was rough, but none of us are going to win that PR war. :)

Don't take the ball home, dust it off figure out where you went astray and carry on. Life happens, lessons happen.

I totally agree with you. This was a lesson for @kaliju and I. But it doesn't matter in the end. The good that is going to come out of all of this is that @dstors is going open source and will have more community involvement than we were allowed to have before.

That's a real shitty time you and @kaliju have been through - traumatic to see one's project being ripped apart like that! A post like this goes a long way to mending bridges and I like how you have laid it out. I'd not heard about @dstors until I read Whatsup's post and I weighed in with my opinion lol, and I now realise I was speaking to Mr Herojin himself. I like the sound of the project and will watch this space. I suspect you guys will go further now that you are free of unwanted baggage. Good luck!

I appreciate it. We will continue to work on dStors and make something the community will be proud to use. This is just a minor set back.

The issue of the haejin money needs to be cleared up...irrelevant of the parties, good business practice (honor of contracts), is essential in having any chance of moving forwards..

Sheesh, I didn't even know this whole shit show was continuing. I'm still hung over from New Years Eve.

Lol. Wish i was....

I just figured out that @kaliju and @dstors won't return the fund back to @haejin after this comment got an upvote from @kaliju!

This might help....or

I do have to say, great job on looking out for the platform. Thank you for looking out for Steem.

Things will shake out and in the end you may end up with a stronger better product. I think you both were in shell shock from the events, and it all happening around the holidays, new year, new thrills, new life for your product, that is what counts in the end. I believe you will both survive this minor crisis.

Glad you wrote all of this. I was stunned by those comments but I somehow knew this was not you or Kali. It was so confusing to see what was happening.

Now that we know, I hope the community will see that both of you are trying to do best for this blockchain.

Going open source is a perfect move! Good luck and don't let anyone stop you.

Posted using Partiko Android

I expected this outcome, but I was willing to give him a benefit of the doubt since he was sponsoring what appeared to be a huge project.

What I didn’t expect was him showing his hands so soon.

The guy is an amateur who got lucky. The proof of true skill, is to be able to repeat your success.

Yeah, he got in at the right time and got lucky. Trust me, he's never run a company before, otherwise he'd have proof/linkedin/name somewhere and not hide like a kid. He just registered his analytics company two months ago.

I have had my run ins with him. Working on a solution

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It's a shame such an ambitious ideas were thwarted by such base instincts as greed. Pick your partners carefully

Now where's that !popcorn this will be interesting

So true.

I will be ready to start selling once you have a beta platform to post items on. You have my support for dstors and very happy you have split up and are doing your own thing.

In business, there is always that moment when you are stabbed in the back and run out, not to face.

It is good that you have already marked a distance and be open with the community about what is happening, remember my friend, things always happen for some reason.

We just have to learn from these situations and move on.

A hug! @derangedvisions

Having met you at Steemfest, I am much more inclined to believe your side of the story. I hope this gets sorted and dstors goes from strength to strength!


@derangedvisions, I believe y'all. You don't put as much time, energy, and effort as y'all and your team have into a scam, or pull off a heist as publicly as this.

I've read haejin's post as well. Seems to me like a misunderstanding, on top of a disagreement, and haejin apparently has no people skills. Granted, people skills aren't necessary to be successful, but they sure help.

I don't have a lot of Steem, me being a little ol' red fish still, but as soon as I can pick up some more, I'll be happy to offer my humble delegation. I really want to see Dstors happen!

I'll be watching, and hoping this gets resolved civilly.

I don't know anything about Kaliju, but I know a lot and everyone does about Haejin. The biggest selfishness in this platform,, You said he started answering comments using your @dstors account''I never sow him answer a single comment on his posts to his followers''
I beleive this is the beggining of the whole peoblem.
U even said that he has a bad reputation on Stemmit,, So why didn't you refuse him being part of your project.
Anyway,, Wish you all the best.


It's been a while, Ol' buddy.

From an old soldier to a younger one ... character counts. If you go to bed with a whore, don't be surprised when you wake up with one.

With due respect, this is entirely your own fault. In the military, you learned how to take the measure of a man. For the sake of expediency, you decided to take a shortcut, to make an end-run around honor. You knew what you were doing, but did it anyway.

You let money and ambition blind you and the only ass you should be kicking is your own.

Honor is at the heart of a Soldier's Code for a reason ... it determines one's manner of comportment when circumstances become difficult ... the only time when it actually matters.

There are a great many honorable people here on Steemit ... and a great many dishonorable ones as well. In everything you do, you ought first distinguish the former from the latter.

Consider this tuition ... and don't make the same mistake again.

Here's an insight: Raise your hand in salute ONLY out of respect, not wallet size nor as a matter of convenience. It may take longer to get to where you are going, but you won't hate yourself once you get there.

Wes ... get ahold of your anger and discipline your mind. Take stock of the situation, methodically come up with a new plan and execute it. And remember, if you can't trust people 100% ... then you can't trust them at all.


Well, with all due respect, it was I who let Haejin in on the project and Wes was never comfortable with it. I take the blame.


Wes and I were soldiers ... we are to hold ourselves to a different standard.

This was a huge, and self-evident, error in judgement and compromise in standards. I would have resigned from the project before accepting it. Wes should have done the same ... an insight which is undoubtedly self-apparent in hindsight.

Kaliju ... we've never met, but mate ... give yourself a swift kick in the ass as well. What the f*ck were you thinking? Of all the people.

In any event, you guys are damned lucky this all happened before launch. @dstors is an excellent idea that will be good for the blockchain and I truly hope it succeeds. I'm in advertising ... this incident is actually valuable free publicity: As PT Barnum once said, "If you want to draw a crowd, start a fight." Considering the allegations and counter-allegations ... people will 'consider the source.'

If a lesson is to be learned, so as to prevent the mistake from being repeated, it is, however, imperative that you hold to account those responsible for making it ... yourselves.

Be more careful who you climb into to bed with.


@kaliju, don't beat yourself up to bad man. @quillfire is right, you don't get hit by the enemy you see though, and luckily, this was only a flesh wound. Now you know, and so does everybody else. So look on the bright side, you just might have saved someone else's project a worse fate.

"Wise men profit more from fools than fools from wise men; for the wise men shun the mistakes of fools, but fools do not imitate the successes of the wise."

-- Cato the Elder

@appalachain & @kaliju,

"Wise men profit more from fools than fools from wise men; for the wise men shun the mistakes of fools, but fools do not imitate the successes of the wise."

-- Cato the Elder

Good quote, excellent insight.


Though I don't carry as much weight as others, I've had your backs since conception and will continue to. Pretty sure I helped spread the word a little bit 😎 But rise above fellaz, steer straight and keep the goal in sight. New year to accomplish any a great thing.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is why you are awesome. You have been a great help in spreading the word about dStors. We are going to work through this minor set back and keep on keepin on. Just like my good buddy Joe Dirt says.

Think a certain someone may, at least, will have satisfaction laying in "the bed" because they will know they made it that way. The blockchain doesn't forget.

I think you guys dealt with this drama incredibly poorly. What happened behind the curtain is anyones guess. Its a he said, she said.
Instead of taking focus away from all the drama you made this post further fueling it.
Lost a lot a delegation.
If this split was dealt with in a more tactful way the fallout wouldnt have been so bad.
I suggest you guys try to do some damage control and focus on things that matter instead of calling "the other guy" a Grinch, Haejin, or whatever.
Just my thoughts.

This was attempted to be done in a rational manner, but when Haejin decided to proceed with a smear campaign against us after stealing our project, he brought this on himself.

Youre bringing something on yourself when you play that game with him. Theres no winning against Haejin so its pointless to antagonize him. You just tarnish your own reputation which is especially bad when your trying to get a big project like this off the ground.
Im saying dont waste time. Do some damage control and focus on moving forward with the project.

Name calling and flag wars do no one any good. Whats the point of it? You will get a few Haejin haters pat you on the back but all youve done is create a toxic atmosphere around dstors.

Just a few words with good intentions.

I understand what you are saying, but our side of the story needed to be told. This is the only time I will be posting anything about it and will move on from here. I have accepted the fact that there could be lasting repercussions from him from this and I am fine with that.


"There is a quality of peace that can only be found on the other side of war." ... Winston Churchill.

I agree with your general sentiment ... getting into a prolonged fistfight serves no one's best interests.

That said, Steemit is a congregation of strangers and "the reputation that proceeds you" is even more important here than in the real world given people's general inability to meet in person. "Incriminating allegations" cannot be left unanswered as so few people have the ability to form independent conclusions based upon personal interactions.

Moreover, Steemit has developed a "Culture of Cowardice," with many cowering in the face of self-evident deceit and delusion for fear of retribution. The unwillingness to challenge fat wallets has perpetuated systemic vote buying/selling and every manner of game-rigging one could imagine. If not reformed, this WILL result in the blockchain's demise. And, if, in the face of flagrant stake-weight abuse, "Men of Good Conscience" will not step forward and offer their sword to the common defense, the blockchain will be reduced to the "Tantrums of Tyrants." We're well on our way to such a reality.

The record had to be "set straight." And so, now it has been. Hyperlink back to this post as necessary. Move on.


But drama sells.

Damn. That suuuuuucks. Sorry you're going through this insanity. Haijin definitely has a bad track record on the platform. I'm very surprised at the effort to bring him into the inner circle. I'll keep following along and hope your team succeeds.

Haejin is a psychopath.
Proceed accordingly.

What a fucking shit show.I'm so sorry to read all this, Wes. I know how hard you and Kaliju have been working on dstors, and I have to believe that your efforts will not have been for nothing. The community supports you, all the way.

It's all good. Just a minor bump in the road.

( No disrespect to @derangedvisions and @kaliju as I do not know you very well) but all I had to see was @c0ff33a's name behind the team I am on. And that is Dstors. My delegation is NOT going anywhere and staying put ... so be rest assured ;)

I just came here for the free chicken, and some dRama.

Well you came to the right place.


Should that bucket not read "HFC" for the chickenshit thief who tried to Steal dStorZ?

Just Sayin'!

It's a great shame that there is so much greed in the world, because ultimately these sorts of splits seem to happen because someone decides they want all the pie for themselves without doing any of the work.

I wish you guys well with the dStors project! I read a bit about it a while back, and it strikes me as a really valuable contribution to building Steem and making all of this an economically viable and sustainable community.

Bright Blessings to you!

Thank you. We are going to try and build something that the community will be proud of.


Just received 55 STU worth of downvotes on all my posts from Haejin. I guess the little man's feelings are hurt.

Don't sweat it, Wes... I think you'll be fine!


I'll be fine. I have been through way worse than this in my life. This is nothing more than an angry man behind a keyboard.

Haha! He's pretty pissed off right now and feeling helpless 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

lol, yup.

business is business, please return @haejin investment so i dont have to hold that against your reputation.

So this is easy for me. Stay away from @dcommerce, and use @dstors. Look forward to see what happens with your project. For what its worth you have my support.

use @dstors if they give @haejin his investment back, if they dont then they are just as bad as they claim he is.


Bare in mind that outsiders are looking, this does not look good. Take your drama elsewhere, calling names is not productive nor helpful.

careful sometimes people who tells you a certain way or thing are the ones you should look out from them.

Is that so?


the community will be proud of

great work!!! Everyone is taking interest as seen in comments

very interesting story, like a legend that happened

so, i kind of breezed thru ... are we supposed to support/delegate to dstors still or not ??

I was in support of dstors..Until this exchange with @practicalthought (and me).
This is not good...
Not professional.

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So you did not draft any type of legally binding contract with the partners about ownership, tasks, ? (not criticising just wanna understand)

"Legal contracts of ownership..." this could mean so many different things. But since @dCommerce basically used the statement as a position of strength (my impression only); perhaps a legal drama will ensue also?

Usually, the party with the most money wins the legal battles.

Congratulations @derangedvisions!
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I never imagined what happened it's sad how such an ambitious person can end up with such a beautiful project that they have my full support. I hope they continue to embrace the steemit community

NOW you know who this person really is.

And why flag wars were there, so and so forth...

When @matthewdavid told me about this and told me the main investor, which I didn't realise (sorry for my absence) I would have straight up warned you as well about this Grinch who has been doing nothing but creating ground zero from one platform to another, or whichever account it touches.

Just so that its own will thrive victoriously.

That's what I have observed and I have told people who knows me personally to stay away such crossfire.

I am really sorry that this was stripped away from you. I was so looking forward to see your platform flourish there and here @derangedvisions

Wow the Grinch looks so hideous. lol