RE: Mujica: I may be a socialist, but I'm not an idiot

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Mujica: I may be a socialist, but I'm not an idiot

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Corporatios came from comunisms or capitalism?...that's the bottom line...who is gonna treat as like a bunch,even kill you ,for that penny..who?
Don't get me wrong...I'm in no way any kind of radical ..I'm just a lost person ..that looks around...and all options suck...

Posted using Partiko Android

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You landed on the core issue there. These seemingly opposing ideologies need each other to keep some sort of balance in the world. Until we invent something better, that is.

Posted using Partiko Android

I thought it was Steem...😕

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry busy...I follow all of you guys...I don't the end of the day...after over 2 yrs .it's all just feel good talk..

Posted using Partiko Android

If u wanna have an exclusive someone leaves his dreams...come film my departure from the USA..for about 23 days...after 25 yrs..

Posted using Partiko Android

Where are you going? I'm leaving the US as well btw. But it's because I'm "retiring" young, so to speak.

Well...I'm from Romania...but I'm not really going there to stay...I'll probably be for 6 months...then
..I don't know...the places that I really love...I mean cold Alaska or Siberia...are full of moskitos...with makes it like in the South swamp of don't know..

Posted using Partiko Android

You should explore South America... or Central America. Costa Rica is beautiful (not cold at all but) it's a paradise.

Well ..thats the opposite...I need cool ,cold, and no humidity..

Posted using Partiko Android

Quebec... or Montreal... it's like America, but with nicer people.

Been there on my 20's...93-96...Montreal way..unless things changed..before moving to Quebec I use to think that Germans was the most raicists, especially that I was from Eastern Europe...till I got to Quebec...they wouldn't give you a pack of Cigs...if u didn't ask for it in qubecoaszzz...Montreal was way better...still fuckin humid...

Posted using Partiko Android

By any chance...u know of @buttcoins ?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes of course... Buttcoins is peer to peer butts...

I've met him in person too... he's good peeps. :)