D.tube Now works on Busy.org in Embedded Flash Player mode JUST like youtube videos! I want to sell the idea of Busy.org as a sort of professional Linked In type platform, with limited Github and Salesforce CRM integration :D

in dtube •  7 years ago 


D.tube at https://d.tube is now playable as embedded videos on busy.org and this is very important for streamlined support of steem blockchain front ends. Although we still do lack the ability to play D.tube videos directly on steemit.com yet youtube videos play in the steemit posts, we must click and leave the page to play a Dtube video. But now with Busy.org we can finally play D.tube videos in the Main Feed and directly making Dtube much more streamlined and able to compete with Youtube! I want to market Dtube as a sort of Professional style LinkedIn type website for the steem blockchain, and we will advertise it as website for getting work done, & making money online. We can even possibly integrate Busy.org with Github and salesforce or another opensource CRM to really make Busy.org look professional and useful with lots of extra features and side data, We can even have modular wordpress style widgets that allow someone to login to Salesforce or Github and show projects, or maybe automatically have progress bars that show the progress of a Github project. The current Widget on Busy.org now that show the market prices of different cryptocurrencies mentioned in the posts is a very advanced feature that makes browsing a steemit story feel "plugged in" to the rest of the crypto world. Busy.org is impressing me with their functionality and aesthetics. I must start recommending my nearly 1% of the Blockchain to start using Busy.org and I see a need to organize advertising events for Busy.org . Also let's not forget about PeerQueryAlpha https://www.peerquery.com/ which is like StackExcange/Qora/YahooAnswers but for Steem where you get paid to answer questions well! These Steem front ends and busy.org will continue to integrate and Steem WILL find a $50 price this year because of this diverse ecosystem! Steepshot, dtube, dlive, dsound, peerquery, zappl, busy. Dmania, Appics and so much more, And I want a Dmania clone but just for photographs, Oh we have bescouted.com Modeling Steem site, so many possibilities

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@tj4real always doing what he loves best....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for using a screenshot of my wall for this post. It seems busy is becoming much more better than steemit. You even get notifications with busy. I hope steemit gets this integration very soon as well as fix their notification

Yes man I hope I can bring some attention to your posts by resteeming them today

I just resteemed and had asked @tytran to resteem and Ill show @stellabelle and @surfyogi what you are doing, and how with payouts like this you can expand and buy legit advertising for steem, wow youre going to become a steem millionaire this year, if you on board 1000 Ghanians a day and bring 10 million Ghanians this year, just imagine how much money with could make $1 in upvotes would be possible over a matter of just 1 cet a day for 300 days or 3 months, and basically we can get the equivalent of millions of dollars even fro new users with just a penny upvote a day... This will make it possible to make millions from the Onboarding of millions of Ghanians

and with Nigeria we can have 200 million potential users , just imagine, 100 million internet users all using steem with steempower as their main savings accounts,... Just imagine what we could have just from the Managing of MILLIONS of new users.. Just IMAGINE the tasks we could have them do, marketing steem on other social media, teaching people how to sell their stories to western audiences ... How to Go on Reddit and Instagram and tell the American and Europeans looking at which crypto currency to invest in, to invest in STEEM because of how much GOOD steem has done for so many lives,... NO other Cryptocurrency has done what steem can do.... Imagine an ARMY of users on 4chan Biz where people hate on steem nd EOS, we can CONFIRM whatpeople are saying, that people do make money with steem and that you CAN start from $0! We need an army of social media steem fans

Wow and @tj4real seem to be doing great, glad you used his images to show off the new Dtube feature in http://budy.org

Wow Dtube looks so incredible on Dtube!

@tj4real deserves some resteems I wil go do that now!

Thanks @tytran for the resteems, its very much appreciated.

Well this feature is awesome, we had to leave the steemit page and go for the Dtube, now Busy.org in Embedded Flash Player can help us to play it on steemit as YouTube, quite informative, thankyou

Thanks for sharing i Thank its great feature of dtube i already watch videos on busy.org Thanks for sharing your viwes in detail its a great work for steemins

@ackza Very useful information and thanks for sharing.

Thanks @ackza sir its big news for steemian. Thanks for share informative post.

you post all time..so good and.helpfull post..thanks for sharing..this post...

Thanks for share informative post.

dtube is a great platform for us.

Good one

Wow !!!
Dtube now work in busy.org..
Great news for us...
Thanks for giving us an awesome information......

This is pretty cool indeed!... embedded playing is something very needed

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

this is a good news i appreciate your effort its really needy works thanks for sharing .

That's pretty cool to know

Its so good with this integration..haventvtry that yet but you guys are just making it seem so perfect..thanks @ackza @tj4real

is good men

i really need use busy. org

its a very great and valuable story.Some information are unknown.its a amazing motivational post also. I really impress i this post.

Nice to see your content. Go ahead 👍

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment