Staying fit, staying happy!

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

On the road in Amarillo on my way to NABC Miami.

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Have fun!

Great timing is post, right at the beginning of the year. We all need to make a few changes in the upcoming year.

If you really want to live long then you will have to stay fit, otherwise by the time you touch 60, you will be kind of dead.Additon to that, to enjoy that long life you have to remain happy and learn how to be happy at every moment.
I hope one day I will also visit Miami.

Miami! I like that place!

Great advice!

jk hoorah brother

Keep it up buddy. We all have to rally behind the real men left in this world and become them ourselves! We can take it back:)

Thank you for watching brother!

you are perfect

Are there Adam Kokesh for non president bumper stickers yet? -1 for the chemtrail in the top left corner;)

I have been feeling like I need to be sure my attitude is of gratitude & love if I am espousing a morally superior system of societal organization, agora. It starts by taking responsibility for the thoughts that come into our heart & pointing them in a positive direction. You sure look happy in the thumbnail with that chemtrail over your shoulder. We live in San Antonio Tx. so I took notice of that being in our neck of the woods there.

What you said reminds me of myself. I myself is an introvert and I did not choose to be one. But having a community to share my thoughts helps me to socialize more.
Happy to hear that you will be making daily vlogs.

Miami great place! Nice advice

I hope this comment can make a big DOLLAR :D HAHAHA!

This is a lovely advice! Can i get more of this frequently?

Yes,,, great news from you!

Awesome video @adamkokesh

Oh man, happiness is my power just right now! You video is so inspired! And your advice is so usefull. Great vlog. Hope, i would reach your level soon...)

Good points! What is the point of freedom if you are not happy?



great advice thanks

Thats the life @adamkokesh #respect. Always wanted to get an RV and cruise the country with my dog. I drove from Seattle to Miami last week in the Hellcat. 3,296.9 mi and 4 days later I arrived. Nothing like the roads of the heartland away from the city, its therapeutic out there just cruising. Drive safe brother.

Really serene atmosphere man.Free from the worries and stress of the city.Just the wind blowing into your face,the tranquility sinking into your soul.
Nothing like it

well said great adivce upvote and follow

i enjoy your post ^^! Thanks.

happy for today!

Well said, stay fit stay healthy is the thing i believe in

steemit makes people happy ☺ I am happy to see you happy ☺

This video gives me beautiful vibes
So good to know that you will be doing it daily ☺
I would be one of your closest followers ❤

Stay blessed mate :)

well let me be the first one to watch your video,

Thank you!

Nice post...
Really very happy...
Regards @adamkokesh

Well said! I would love to travel to Miami one day! Just enjoy the moment and be happy! Life is short :)

well information keep it up


Shoutout to the chemtrail photobomb

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Glad you will be doing these daily! Woohoo!

Thank you for watching!

haha you live this life :) :)


hey i always see you on dtube! good luck:)

Being fit is the best but very hard sometimes to do... :(

Cracking weather. Cracking vid. :)

Who wouldn't be happy in Miami? 🤙🏽

I work out ever day!

Internet explorer

Hay Guys
Follow for follow? :)

Very nice to be doing a post you thank you for sharing a nice post in us

Awesome Post man, if we don't take care of ourselves we won't have a future to defend, for our children!

Good One 😊

Thank you for sharing this! It reminded me of a quote I read not too long ago that I like so much. “Be determined, but be kind along the way. Success is nothing if kindness is lost. Be the person who restores the faith of others in people“.

I especially like the last sentence because everyone is on a different path and we don’t always know what that person may be going through.

Yep, well said!


So much unhappiness draining a lot of people these day? I wonder who will come rescue. In most undeveloped country when poverty is the order of the day, no food , no good health. Simple basic amenities, none. What did you expect in such situate? Unhappiness..nice post though.

More of this pleaseeeeee~ @adamkokesh

Health is wealth!

Yes it is!

this video is so cute with your sweet dog :)and thank you for your advices and informations.Have a nice day.We ll wait next videos :)

Simple, crisp and to the point!

Both very important and complement each other. One can not be just fit and stay sad. And just being happy does not help. Both are needed in everyones life. If silence and wisdom added, it makes it TOTAL.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I loved your message, I feel motivated and infected by your attitude ... thanks
The attitude is all.

Eheheh blue is so cute. Well when it comes to being fit.... i am the worst... lol i am too lazy for that. But for sure i agree that exercise helps a lot to make you feel happy. And you will be getting back to your old times soon. ;)

Hells yeah! Exclusive Dtube blog! :D

Yea! I like your website! As what other anarchists say, the government is the biggest syndicate. I have just downloaded your book. Its a nice read.