My 2017: Just a normal day - My entry to @anomadsoul challenge

in dtube •  7 years ago 

@anomadsoul started a challenge one week ago. We are in the second week of it and this weeks we needed to upload a video on dtube. More details can be read here:

For me it was a premier because it was my first video done ever and it is my first post via dtube.

The post shows a somewhat normal day that I have. Most of my days are different but involve some patterns that tend to repeat, this have been included in the video. Enjoy!

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The picture you took at the top definitely caught my attention! Great shot to have part of your day! :)

Hallo Alex, wie kommst du denn in DTube rein? Bei mir wird immer angezeigt, dass mein Username nicht existiert?! Muss ich mich eigens dafür anmelden oder was mache ich falsch? Danke für deine Antwort

Auf DTube muss man sich mit dem Posting Key anmelden. Die gibt es im Wallet bei Permissions. Hats du es so versucht?

Ja schon, mehrmals, aber bekomm immer die gleiche Nachricht dass mein Username nicht existiert?

@alexvan can u support me in launching a campaign on steem for the welfare of refugees

write me on discord or about your idea

How to contact you on discord?

same nick as in here

Bu normal günlerde dedtek verdiginiz için tşk

Very good I hope you win your challenge good luck, greetings

Goot post

good luck thanks for sharing


Thank you for watching a great post. I look forward to seeing more beautiful posts for you

Nice and wonderful post