in dtube •  7 years ago 

Good morning!!! Its loads of food day!! Making pancakes, and then making some cinnamon buns, i really felt like baking!!! Do you ever get that? What did you think of the squirell pancake?? did you think it looks like one?

Its mine and @ivargereiko anniversary and @ingaaa had some pancakes too!! He got me some beautiful roses and i loved them, we have been together now for 8 months which is crazy, where did the time go? :D

Clearly this was not diet friendly, and my so called diet is ruined again! hahah im soo shit at this thing! really i wish i had more self control!! Maybe next day! For more videos, please subscribe and follow my @dtube account! :) hehehe
Alla x

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You didn't invite me to come and eat 😓😓😓😓😓 . On a day like this, it is okay to put the diet plan on hold. Hahaha. You were definitely in cooking mood. Congratulations on your anniversary. I wish you happiness. The joy at which he devoured that pancake.
As for the squirrel, hahaha you tried.

yeahh i really was, and its usually a cake or bake for me :))) thanks so much!! :P

hahah ooh nooo i know it was terrible!!

Hahahaha even from the video, the way you laughed showed you know the squirrel didn't turn out well hahaha but you still tried.
You bake, you cook, you make there anything you don't do? Haha you even exercise.

@allasyummyfood you are so mean to show those beauties at this time of the day...I didn't have lunch yet and I'm just looks delicioooous like everything you do! Keep it up! Greetings from Spain! ;)

haahah i know sooo good!! greetings!! love spain!!!

OMG you are killin me with these meals!!

I like your posts, great

Wow beautiful dsound . I like it . Best of luck .

the food is so good I can only upvote and resteem @allasyummyfood

well done thats is amazoing ...

Hey ya @allasyummyfood...

It's Chinese New Year celebrations for us... So we too shall put the dieting aside for now.

Continue making yummy food... maybe we can have a taste one day! :)

Cheers! Mel @coachmelleow

hahah ooh nice!!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!

Thanks 😊😊😊

Very nic post.

Wow tasty food

I always like your food

please in folow

please in folow

you really cook great! But how is this Fitness?

it's looking delicious...Thanks for sharing...reSteem it... @allasyummyfood
Why your name is so hard?

Haha definitely not diet friendly but those cinnamon buns just makes my mouth water, if you're being cheap on the calories you can always grab the middle and eat the best part 😉

Can imagine @ivargereiko is happy ✌🏼

It looks so good !
Great work!

Thank you for sharing !