in dtube •  7 years ago 


For those who are new or want to learn more - this VIDEO should help you a lot!!!
Now finally you can watch them on DTUBE!!! ALL MY LESSONS!!


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Thanks for the advice, I am just feel like I am spinning my wheels over there. I am trying to spend more looking at other posts but I need to more interactive probably. Anyway i will keep trying, thanks for the straight talk.

I see a lot of people with the same comments "upvote and follow" and it pisses me off so bad. This was very helpful, Do you think users follow people with a higher rep more often?

yeah i know exactly!!! well i think its all about building relationships, obvs steem fest helps!

Great video as always! Commenting is the way to go I think as well, great advice! Resteemed :)

anyone can tell me how to add more tags on video? im adding them apply and it dont save, in tags i have only my video title

nvm, when i was editing it on steemit i saw error that you can put max 5 tags, on dtube i cant see that error so weird

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You don't realise how hard it is to follow you!
Im literally rummaging through the fridge to look for even just a piece of chocolate after looking at the pictures of the desserts you post!!!!!
so the chocolate napoleon cake had me looking through fridge to find nothing so im actually sitting and eating chocolate cookies after dinner with a cup of green tea !

your videos are great. i've seen a couple of them and am still getting accustomed to steemit but somehow I feel like im either doing something wrong or have hit a wall of some sort! will keep at it though. thanks for your videos... i know what you mean by 'actually put in the effort' when i see the effort you've put into creating the templates and the format for just these advice videos of yours.

Again, thanks for the advice Alla! :) I'm quite new here, but have already noticed the spammers. Definitely gonna stay away from that!

Cool. Hey, are there a lot of other music-themed channels on DTube? I'm doing these Online Open Mics, and I'd love to find a few to connect with.

@allasyummyfood . Thank you for the post. It is great advice. I'm fairly new on here and yes you get the ones asking for you to upvote and follow and nothing else. I agree with you we are a nice community and only getting bigger. Congrats on the 6 month anniversary.

yeah for sure )) thanks so much! glad you enjoy it! and welcome!

I like this series of dtube back to school - very helpful! Thanks for all the good info @allasyummyfood :D

im really glad you like it :)) enjoy!

That's an awesome message! Thank you very much for sharing :) I've just found your page and I'm so glad I did. I post healthful recipes on Steemit too, because my passion is to help people achieve their healthiest themselves ever, as well as preventing or reversing diseases. I'm very new to this platform yet, I've started 3 weeks ago. I'm sure I can learn a lot from you. Thank you very much again :)

People will follow others with an higher reputation. I see idiotic posts from whales getting 200-300$ in minutes just because of the reputation. That's ridiculous. No upvotes will come from me though.

yeah i know that is a problem on steemit! but then its ultimately hard to control!

Yes, it's like rich people getting richer everyday and others getting poorer.

How to get noticed on Steemit - be a hot girl with nice hair lol

Thank you for your valuable advice. Being a Food & Travel vlogger, I wanted someone who is doing the same to give me such advice. Just one question if I may ask. Can you please tell me if there are any useful bots that can help me on this platform ? I make good quality content but not satisfied with the results. Thank you in advance!!

Hello Alla, you have some good advise here. On the topic of persistance, it reminds me of a quote by Calvin Coolidge:

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

Let us keep pressing forward to make the Steemit community great! Cheers!

This is really helpful for new steemers. We often make mistakes just because we think that's the way it's done. And like steemit being so new, it's hard to know what to do as a new member. Thanks for the advice <3

LOOL Food Porn Thank You So Much For The Information I Honestly Did Not Know What To Do But Now Thanks TO You Video I Will Spend More Time Communicating

I liked your video, Alla! Indeed, Steemit it is about the people and the relationships you build here. Hugs :)