Forget The Negativism! - BILLIONAIRE Tony Tan Caktiong - The Billion Dollar Secret

in dtube •  5 years ago 

Tony Tan Caktiong is the World Entrepreneur of the Year 2004. His Jollibee Foods, that made him a billionaire consists of over 4,500 restaurants in 12 restaurant chains. I visited Tony Tan in his headquarters in Manila, in the Philippines and interviewed him for my book "The Billion Dollar Secret". We spent a day talking about his success secrets. I this video I talk about three of the things that he shared with me and that made Tony Tan Caktiong so extremely successful in business.

Tony Tan Caktiong on Forbes List of Billionaires:

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Hi! Today I will tell you about the 3 things that I've learned from the Filipino billionaire Tony Tan Caktiong.

Tony became the World Entrepreneur of the Year 2004. So, the best entrepreneur in that year. See you in the next part.


Hi! My name is Rafael Badziag. I am standing in front of Jollibee Plaza. This is the headquarters of Jollibee Foods, Asia's largest food service company.

They have 2,800 restaurants in Asia. I will be interviewing Tony Tan Caktiong tomorrow. He is the Word's Entrepreneur of the Year 2004.

And his headquarters, his office is here. In this building on 10th floor I will be talking to him tomorrow.

You will see the interview, you will read about it in my book.

The recording that you have just seen I took when visiting Tony in Manila some time ago and I spent a day talking to him, interviewing him for my book

The Billion Dollar Secret

About his success secrets, about his approach to business, to life, to problems, his worldview, his attitude, his habbits and his skills.

So, today I will tell you the 3 things that I've learned from him. Of course, I learned many things but today I want to share with you just these 3 things.

Let's start!

The first one may sound like a cliche but this is really important in building big things, in building great companies and becoming a billionaire

This is positive mindsert. Tony is one of the most positive people I have met in my life. He doesn't spend time on negativity at all.

And he is extreme in this to the point that he doesn't even remember bad or painful things that happened to him.

And he told me a quote "I always look at the positive side of things".

So, this is the famous "Is the glass half full or empty". So, for him the glass is always half full.

He always looks at the positive aspects of every situation and what is the good about it. And he told me many examples of that

You have to know Jollibee. Right now they have over 4,500 restaurants accross many countries.

This is the number one food corporation / restaurant corporation in Asia and I guess they are in top 10 in the world, already.

And they started just recently conquering Europe. I've seen the first Jollibees in London.

But Jollibee is not just Jollibee. This is like 9 or I guess 12 brands already.

If you have been to the Phillippines, if you have been to Manila, actually at every crossing there are 2 or 3 restaurants from his corporation

Like Inasal, Chowking, there are several. Red Ribbon is also a brand owned by them.

And when Tony was building his company in many instances many times people were telling him

"Oh, it can't be done. It won't work. It will never happen". But Tony was always positive and optimistic that it somehow will work out

And he was just trying. And for example they tried to go abroad when they became number one in the Phillippines.

You have to realize that this is actually the only company that has won with McDonalds in the fastfood market.

Jollibee is actually bigger and has more growth and more profitability than McDonalds in the Phillippines.

So, they were trying to expand overseas and they went to Malaysia, they failed. They went to Singapore, they failed. Then to HongKong, they failed.

But Tony was always optimistic that at some point they will be successful with that. So, with every failure they looked what they did wrong

hat went wrong and what they can improve. And the other thing is... When you have this positive mindset, you consider yourself to be lucky

To have luck. So, you just forget about the bad things, about the unlucky, strikes or faith in your life. You focus on the lucky things that happened to you.

And you consider yourself to be lucky and Tony told me the following. I will read it for you.

I think I am born with luck, so everything I do will be ok. It will turn out ok. And then we do things.

And even if it's not okay, we just keep on tweaking along the way.

So, this attitude just assume it will work. We will just try. If it doesn't work, let's just improve. Let's just tweak a little and make it work.

So, this was the first thing that I wanted to share with you.

The other thing is the abundance mindset and this is something that I was talking about in another video, I guess about investing.

The difference between the abundance and the scarcity mindset. I will connect it here and here below the video, in the description.

So you can check this out and learn what actually abundance mindset is and why is it better than scarcity mindset in investing.

And what I notice is that Tony and many other billionaires represent that abundance mindset.

And Tony told me the story when at the beginnings of Jollibee, of his business, one of his firneds who was also in fastfood business

He had a fast food company. He told him why is he compensating his employees so good. Why do they earn so good.

Because he told him "Everything you can save with your employees, it goes one to one to your bottom line". And guess what!

The company of this friend doesn't exist anymore. They went bankrupt. Because people just weren't happy with that

Employees apparently didn't want to work for him. They preferred to work for better companies that compensate better

That knowledge, the performence of the people better and that's one of the reasons why Tony was so successful and other people

Other companies who had the mindset of scarcity, they didn't become as successful as him.

At some point at the interview I asked Tony about the message he would like to share with the world audience, with my community

With the people who will read the book and he told me "Let's try to share, because things are in abundance.

We can share and the more we share the more we get back in other things.

And Tony is somebody who share a lot. Actually every billionaire in my book,

Every self-made billionaire in the book The Billion Dollar Secret is also a great pihlanthropist.

And as an example Tony created the school feeding program and this is where his company spends money on feeding elementary school students.

And they have fed 180,000 students for years on a daily basis. Can you imagine that?

180,000 people they actually give food or feed 180,000 people mostly in the Phillippines. So, that the students don't have to worry about surviving

About not having to eat anything and they can focus on their studies, on their school, so build their future.

So, this is what the mindset of abundance can do for the world. This was the seond thing that I wanted to share with you.

And the last but not least thing that I want to share with you today that I learned from the best entrepreneur of the year 2004 in the world is the following

Never stop learning and use every opportunity to learn. Can you imagine that after becoming successful in business.

Maybe he wasn't a billionaire at that time yet. He was a multi millionaire, he had hundreds of restaurants in the Phillipines already

But he decided to go to the university again. He had one degree but he wanted to study management

Because he realized this is what he needed at that level in the developement of his company.

So, he went to AIM - this is one of the best, if not the best university in that field in the Phillipines to study, to get a degree there

To get most of all the knowledge. Not the degree, degree is secondary, he doesn't really need degrees. What he needs is the knowledge.

So, he went there to study and this is not all. Even after becoming a billionaire, even after becoming The World Entrepreneur of the Year 2004

So, the best entrepreneur in the world. Even after that he still has the impression and the consciousness that he needs to learn

And he goes every year for one week course at the Harvard business school to learn a little bit more, to study and of course he reads a lot of business books

And other books. So, this is how he keeps studying, keeps learning, keeps improving in his life. Keeps developing himself.

And he told me the following:

I think one of the best ways to learn is to keep an open mind, listen and ask the right questions and I think everybody is a teacher

Every moment is a opportunity. Even simply talking to your customer or to your employees.

So, if you keep an open mind that's when you learn and people will give you good feedback.

So, use every opportunity, every moment as a teaching opportunity. Every conversation, every meeting you have with everybody.

This is also an opportunity to learn something and to learn from that person. That's what I wanted to share with you today.

Of course, I learned many other valuable things, maybe even more important things about success on the highest level, on the billionaire level in business

From Tony. So, all of them I've included in the book The Billion Dollar Secret. I invite you to leave comments.

What is your attitude to positive thinking? What is your attitude to abundance mindset. Do you have any examples from your life?

Your thoughts, your perspective about these topics. What about the never ending learning? What do you do in your life to develop yourself?

To always learn and always become better in your field, in what you do.

Leave a comment, share this video with your loved ones, with your friends. One day they will thank you for that.

I talk here a lot about how the best entrepreneur in the world, how the self-made billionaires of our times think and act.

How you should think and act in order to become extremely successful in business. I talk also about money, about cryptocurrencies.

And also about doing impossible, doing outrageously big things in life and in business.

So, if you liked this video, you will certainly like my other videos. I invite you to watch them. That's it for today. I wish you a fantastic day.

Let's do something extraordinary today!

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